expenditure on goods, expenditure on accommodation and food and beverage serving services, and all other travel expenditure. This alternative disaggregation,
included in the memorandum items to EBOPS, will
allow the allocation of expenditure on services to mode
2 supply of services. The separate identification of
expenditure on accommodation and food services will
facilitate more general analysis of travel expenditure.
3.86. All goods and services (except international
passenger fares) acquired by travellers from the
economies in which they are travelling for their own use
are recorded under travel. These goods and services may
be paid for by the traveller, paid for on his or her behalf
or provided to him or her without a quid pro quo. The
most common goods and services entered under travel are lodging, food, beverages, entertainment and
transportation within the economy visited (all of which
are consumed in the supplying economy), and gifts,
souvenirs and other articles purchased for travellers’
own uses and which may be taken out of the economies