Matching solutions to problems.
Dear students ! You are given problems in cities and
solutions to them. But they are mixed. So, you
should match them each other correctly.
These are solutions:
Build better infrastructure. Overcrowding can simply
be improved with better infrastructure. Increasing seating by
25% and running twice as frequently, virtually eliminating
queues in a stroke. For example Airports are constantly looking
for ways to improve passenger flow with new technologies.
2) People can create Pocket parks which are a
convenient way to incorporate public spaces in dense urban
areas where catching some green space can be difficult. Mini-
parks can provide spaces to relax, playgrounds for children, or
communal spaces to meet.
3) Eco friendly products do not contain harsh chemicals.
This helps in protecting the original paint on the wall. Chemical
removers contain a high amount of acetone or detergent too.
4) Alternate transportation infrastructure, such as bus
lanes, bike lanes, and sidewalks, can provide travel options
outside private vehicles. Investment in public transportation
can expand those options even further.
5) Using public transportation may be best option.Walk
and cycle more. Aside from the fact that walking and cycling
produce zero emission. Switching to a renewable energy plan.
6) Federal government must comprehensively assess
where grid requires reinforcements and strategically invest in
alternative energy sources such as biomass, hydroelectric,
geothermal, and solar. Solar can provide the consistency of
daily power as well as serve as an emergency backup energy
7) Use a reusable bottle/cup for beverages on-the-go,
Use reusable grocery bags, and not just for groceries, Purchase
used or recycled materials.Buy items that will last
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