Mechanisms of self-control of a teenage personality in stressful situations Termız State University Direction of Applied Psychology Student

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Mechanisms of self-control of a teenage personality in stressful situations
Termız State University
Direction of Applied Psychology
Student Ne'matullayeva Fayoza
Scientific leader: Sattorova M.D
Abstract: Self-control is becoming an increasingly popular topic in psychology. As self-management research progressed, its importance as a factor enhancing critical developmental outcomes such as mental and physical health in adolescence increased significantly. In addition, self-management research in developmental psychology is primarily focused on children, while self-regulation research in social psychology is primarily focused on young people. Consequently, self-regulation during adolescence is often overlooked, and it is important to regularly explore its role in developing relationships.
Keywords: parent-adolescent relationship,psychic stress,adaptation,emotional tension, feeling of self-control.

Self-management plays an important role in adolescent development, serving as a success-promoting factor in many areas, including school and social relationships.

Self-Government (lot. regulare regulation, entanglement) is the act of influencing the psyche of a previously consciously systemically organized individual in order to change its characteristics in the desired direction
The modern perception of self-control (about the composition and mechanism of this process, its formation and manifestation) is formed based on the general scientific principles of determinism and the development on the basis of a sub-functional approach in the study of mental phenomena (S.L.Rubinstein, M.A.Basov, A.N.Leontev, B.M.Teplov, A.A.Smirnov, B.G.Ananev).
Among the work of foreign researchers on self-government in relation to morality, F.It is worth mentioning the self-control model produced by Kenfer (1970). Within the framework of the theory of teaching, the author tried to explain the change in human behavior without external support. To this end, he introduces the concept of opposite communication and Self-application. Interest in the problem of mental self-control has increased considerably in the following decades.Mental self-control according to Bekhterev is the conscious influence of a person on the framework of small mental phenomena (mental processes, States, characteristics) in order to support or change the nature of their functioning. In a state of Stress, the individual has different ways of self-control, which help a person to adapt to this state by receiving it positively and overcoming it. One of the most important links in the study of the state of Stress is the process of reacting to extreme situations.
G.Sele lists the stages of the adaptation process in his research. These are:
- "the initial stage of arousal“anxiety) - occurs as a result of extreme exposure and manifests itself in a sudden drop in the level of resistance of the body;
- "the stage of resistance is explained by the realization of adaptive capabilities;
- "exhaustion-affects the decrease in the body's reserves.
When analyzing difficult life situations, the physiological interpretation of these stages begins to acquire psychological content. Overcoming the difficulties that arise is that “the process of responding to stress is explained by the uneven manifestation of emotional and cognitive states, and as a result of inadequate behavior, each of them can have negative consequences.
The resistance of a person to stressful situations of different manifestations will be primarily associated with the individual-psychological characteristics and motivational orientation of the individual. It should be noted that extreme effects do not always have a negative effect on the effectiveness of the activities carried out. Otherwise it would not be possible at all to overcome the difficulties that would arise as a result of the difficult conditions.
Negative events occurring in adolescent life (e.g., parents 'divorce or loss of employment, and close friends' emigration) have been shown to serve to exacerbate the symptoms of child and adolescent psychopathology (Grant et al., 2004). Similarly, large literature confirms the mixing of psychological processes between life phenomena and their harmful consequences. In particular, subjective assessments of life events as threatening or overly difficult mediate the detrimental effects of these events on outcomes (Cohen et al., 1988; Monroe, 2008) and negatively affect self-control in adolescents.the resistance of the Nson to stressful situations of different manifestations will be primarily associated with the individual-psychological characteristics and motivational orientation of the individual. It should be noted that extreme effects do not always have a negative effect on the effectiveness of the activities carried out. Otherwise it would not be possible at all to overcome the difficulties that would arise as a result of the difficult conditions.
1. Proper time planning
2. Self-control and positive attitude
3. Emotion management
4. Realistic approach
5. Proper nutrition and activity
6. Not to worry in advance
7. Positive inquiry
By showing ways to increase stress resistance, it is necessary to say that immunity should be formed in every adolescent with respect to stress. Negative stress reactions harm mental and physical health, so stress resistance is important for every adolescent.
Practicing stress psychologist Sharon Miller advises to eliminate distraction and chaos in thoughts by "participating in battles that deserve only time and effort." Stress is an inevitable "companion", from which one cannot get rid. Increasing stress resistance is the development of a positive attitude towards critical situations. This phrase belongs to sages: real life is not made up of real events, but of our attitude towards them. The process of emptying internal resources requires strength, and regardless of the situation, the result in the form of calmly carefully thought out decisions is worth it.
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