Medical firmware the diagnostic complex for determining the changes the electrophysical reactions of the man

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The possibilities of conducting the analysis before the program are very great. It is possible to limit only down the formulation of probable diagnosis, while it is possible to trace in addition to this the prospect for the development of disease, the level of compensation and much other.
FIRST level - VISUAL. The control points will be tested during a study on the model of organ. Their state is evaluated according to the six-scale-number scale, where the specific level of the disturbance of structure and power engineering corresponds to each level. For the convenience each level is designated by the mark of the specific form and color. Interpretation of marks is given with the printout of the results of a study.
1 (white hexagon) - low functional activity;

2 (yellow hexagon) - optimum regulation;

3 (orange triangle by apex upward) - the stress of regulator systems;

4 (red triangle by apex downward) - the asthenization of regulator mechanisms;

5 (brown rhomb) - the compensated disturbances of adaptation;

  6 (black square) - the decompensation of adaptation, the expressed changes.

This explanation is somewhat cumbersome. To explain marks down patient is possible as follows:   

    1 lower boundary of standard;

    it is 2nd the standard

    3- upper boundary of standard (transient state, functional changes);

    4 change in the light degree (preclinical stages of disease);

    it is 5th change in the average degree (clinical stage of disease);

    6 expressed changes.
IT IS VERY IMPORTANT!!! Since the method of nonlinear analysis relates down the energy-information procedures, the visual estimation of the damage of organ relates down the state of its POWER ENGINEERING! Before the majority of the cases energy damages correspond to somatical, but are encountered the cases, when energy breakdowns precede the development of somatical pathology. In these cases the state of organ can be noted even as far as black squares. With the analysis of such situations smallest [KSS] most frequently it occurs in the organic preparation (i.e., in healthy organ).

Example: Patient [Kh]. [Zhalob] no. [Astenik]. Kidneys with the entropy marks of predominantly black color. With the analysis of the state of the organs of urino-genital system on the upper line of the list of standards stands the organic preparation of healthy kidney with [KSS] 0, 474. On the second line - [nefroptoz] with [KSS] 0, 531. It is revealed with the interrogation, that [nefroptoz] was determined year ago on THE UZIS. Before the analyzes of urine there are no deviations. The state of kidneys is estimated as the state of energy starvation, diagnosis [NEFROPTOZ].

* fairly often are encountered the cases, when in patient, who does not present no complaints and having organic pathology, during a study almost on all organs are determined the entropy marks of dark color (4-6). This picture occurs with the state of the general energy starvation of organism, which is encountered with the prolongedly existing stress reactions, the state of convalescence after infectious diseases or before the period of the heavy aggravation of chronic pathology, before the state of intoxication (alcoholic, bacterial, etc). To this patient it is desirable to conduct a study repeatedly, when the consequences of energy starvation leave.

NB - if with the repeated inspection with a good health of patient and the absence of heavy chronic pathology dark marks on the majority of organs again are revealed, one should think about the possibility of the forming of malignant pathology.
*[Drugoy] the case - when the mass of complaints and significant quantity of somatical pathology is present, the majority of organs has entropy marks 1-4. Such states frequently are in people, which conduct any health-improvement program (including with the aid of [BADov]), in people, which are in a sharp stress state (with the chronic stress marks predominantly dark), and also in people, which accepted before the inspection any stimulators (coffee, alcohol and other).
*[Tretiy] version - on the organ marks are arranged “for the sake of mosaic”, i.e., bright marks are mixed with the dark. This speaks about the predominance before the organ against the moment of investigating the functional disturbances. If “mosaic” is predominantly dark, then it is more than data at the point of the fact that “functional storm” occurs against the background organic pathology.

  * is encountered the version “of mosaic”, when before the figure many 1 and 4. this version is considered as the disruption of compensation, which precedes the appearance of clinical pathology.

SECOND level, for many operators of basic - formulation of diagnosis on the list of standards on the decrease of spectral similarity and analysis [KSS]. [KSS] is determined with the analysis of the relationships of the graphs of patient and standard. If correspondence ideal, graphs completely coincide - [KSS] = 0. the less [KSS], the more reliable the diagnosis. By absolutely reliable are considered diagnoses [KSS] less than 0, 425 (authenticity 90-95%). High authenticity possess diagnoses with [KSS] to 0, 8-0, 9. (approximately 60-70%).

      NB - for [onkopatologii] the zone of authenticity is enlarged to [KSS] 1, 2-1, 5.

Example: Patient of 47 years. Complaints besides the inflation of stomach, abdominal pain, reduction in the appetite and intolerance of fatty food. Most “residue” with the analysis of the state of gastrointestinal tract proved to be studies of thick bowels. These studies before the list were isolated for the sake of brown color (on the pictures of organs they are present marks 6). We separate before the list of experiments “the wall of thick bowels”. We press ANALYSIS. We examine picture, on it in essence marks - 4, 5 and 6, i.e., figure shows unfavorable power engineering of organ. We press key THE TEST above the window ORGAN. The window OF DIAGNOSTICS and TESTING is opened. Before the list of groups we separate organic preparations, pathomorphology and nosologic forms. Before the window THE LIST OF STANDARDS appears the list of diagnoses. The more similar the graphs of patient and the graphs of standard process, the less the value [KSS]. Are most reliable diagnoses with [KSS] less than 0, 425. These diagnoses before the list of standards stand they are on top and separated as far as red color. In our case these are diagnoses DYSBACTERIOSIS OF BOWELS with [KSS] 0, 048; ENTEROCOLITIS with [KSS] 0, 205 DYSKINESIA of Tolstoy OF BOWELS with [KSS] 0, 285. They are most reliable, it is possible to introduce them beside the epicrisis.

In the elderly and weakened patients frequently the list of standards on the spectral similarity can begin based on the diagnoses, [KSS] of which > 0, 5. this speaks about the combination of several pathologic states and impossibility to exarticulate basic. We in that case take beside the analysis diagnoses with [KSS] to 1, 0-1, 2.

To the analysis of the state of patient on [KSS] can be attributed and analysis of the coefficient of optimum distribution. The greater this coefficient, the higher the level of the decompensation of organ (standard coefficient 1, 3-1, 8).

Against the second level of diagnostics it is possible to work not only with one diagnosis, but also with the combinations of several processes. For this there is a regime of the creation OF ABSOLUTE MODEL. It adapts, when it is necessary to determine, there do have themselves the patient a combination of any diagnoses, a combination before the pathogenesis of the inflammatory process of the action of several microorganisms. It is possible to use a virtual model, also, for determining the synergistic or antagonistic combination of several medicines. Virtual model can be created, after taking after the basis standard with smallest [KSS], i.e., most reliable. For this it is necessary to harvest key ABSOLUTE MODEL. Opposite the significant processes appear the red points and the numbers, which reflect “the portion of the participation” of this process before the general state of organ.

THIRD level - FINE ADJUSTMENT. If we look down the graphs of standards, then it is possible to note that they are located before the table beyond different levels. Dyskinesia, hypothyroidism, obesity are arranged before the lower part of the table, against level 2-3 on the vertical line; the majority of chronic processes - against level 3-4; benign tumors - against level 5-6. These levels can be conditionally correlated with the levels of the energy power of the represented processes.
Example. LIVER. Let us look, which occurs with the graphs and [KSS] with the fine adjustment. Let us isolate by working line DYSKINESIA OF GALL BLADDER. By Tolstoy by lines table depicts the graphs of standard, i.e., dyskinesia. If we accumulate the dark-blue and red graphs of standard and to draw their contour line, then it will be arranged before the lower part of the table, against level 2. before the middle part of the table thin lines designated the graphs of patient. The contour line of graphs was arranged against level 3-4. We press key FINE ADJUSTMENT. The graphs of the process of patient descended down the level of the graphs of standard (dyskinesia of gall bladder).          

    Is repeated the same operation with the diagnosis CHRONIC CHOLECYSTITIS. The graphs of patient and the graphs of the standard of chronic cholecystitis are arranged against one and the same average level of table. Their interrelations change insignificantly after fine adjustment.              

Let us note diagnosis [PECHENOCHNOKLETOCHNAYA] ADENOMA. We press key FINE ADJUSTMENT. The graph of patient rose upward, to the graph of hepatic- cellular adenoma.

Now let us focus attention, as it changes FOR THE SAKE OF [KSS] of the selected standards after fine adjustment. It either does not change or down the different degree it decreases. The position of the chosen and tuned standard before the list of standards in certain cases changes - it can rise down one or several lines upward. Before our example value [KSS] and position of diagnosis CHRONIC CHOLECYSTITIS before the list of standards practically did not change. Diagnosis DYSKINESIA OF GALL BLADDER also remained on the first line, where it was to the fine adjustment, but [KSS] of it decreased with 0, 484 to 0, 123. Most substantially changed [KSS] position before the list of the standards of diagnosis [PECHENOCHNOKLETOCHNAYA] ADENOMA. Based on the lower lines of the list of standards it moved beside the middle, and [KSS] changed with 3, 074 to 1, 044.

Thus, we determined, that the fine adjustment equalizes the levels of the graphs of patients with the levels of the graphs of the standards of pathologic [protsesssov]. In this case the processes with the small energy power (located before the lower part tables) seemingly are included in the process, available in patient. I.e., less powerful before power engineering processes are absorbed as far as more powerful. The development of pathology occurs from the less powerful processes down the more powerful. Producing fine adjustment, we reveal the initial processes, which served after base for the development of today's state of organ in patient, for example, dyskinesia of gall bladder it serves after base for the development of chronic cholecystitis, [giperuraturiya] - for the development of chronic pyelonephritis, obesity (this term with the analysis of the state of glandular organs it is necessary to treat considerably wider than is simple an increase in the mass of the human body, and as the fatty regeneration of the cells of organs) - for the large number of diverse pathology of the glands of organism. Hypotonia, hypothyroidism can be included as variant states in more powerful before power engineering hypertonic disease and thyrotoxicosis (for example, in hyper-tonicOV they occur the periods of the reduced relative to their standard arterial pressure). On the difference between the coefficients of the spectral similarity before and after of fine adjustment we can define how far left the existing in patient pathologic process from the initial states low power engineering and, which has very important significance, what prospect for development in the patient of graver conditions, which are located beyond the higher energy level. They, in the first place, include [onkoprotsessy].

Summing up that state aboved, it is possible to say that the list of diagnoses to the fine adjustment gives to us idea about the state of patient today, and fine adjustment makes it possible to reveal the initial pathologic processes, on base of which developed today's state of patient, and also trend in the development of processes.
THE FOURTH level - ENTROPY ANALYSIS is the determination of the step of the development of this process and degree of its activity. This is important for determining of presence or absence of the process, when [KSS] has boundary values - 0,6 - 0,9. Conducting entropy analysis is inexpedient, when [KSS] are less than 0, it is 5th 0, 6 or are more than 1, 0 (there are exceptions).
   Example. LIVER. Diagnosis is DYSKINESIA OF GALL BLADDER. Let us enter beside the window of entropy analysis. We see the figure, beyond which is depicted as if stairs with the steps from 0 to 6. on each step there is number - coefficient, to each step corresponds graph. If we examine each graph individually, then let us see, that on the zero step is arranged the graph, which corresponds to the graph of the healthy organ, which we investigate, i.e., the graph of the organic preparation of gall bladder. Beyond 6 step is located the graph of the standard, relative to which is conducted entropy analysis, i.e., DYSKINESIA OF GALL BLADDER. Between them, on steps 1 is 5th a number of intermediate [protsesssov], which reflect the forming of pathology. In the classical case step 0 reflects the absence of pathology; 1 3- preclinical phases; 4, is 5th the clinical phases of sharp process (or the aggravation of chronic), 6 formed process. Steps before the figure are duplicated up in the form the buttons, located in the upper right-hand corner.

Entropy analysis should be carried out to the fine adjustment and after it - only in this case the obtained information will be complete.

There are several versions [KSS] and [KEA] before and after of fine adjustment.

VERSION 1. is most simple. To the fine adjustment [KSS] of small (to 0, 8). Step - 6. after fine adjustment [KSS] decreases, as a rule, falling beside the zone of the authenticity (less than 0, 425). Step - 6. this distribution of coefficient and step confirms diagnosis.

Example: LIVER.


To the fine adjustment

[KSS] - 0, 784

Step -6

After the fine adjustment

[KSS] - 0,323

Step -6

VERSION 2. to the fine adjustment [KSS] 0, 6-1, 0. [KEA] 5-6 step. Slightly it decreases after fine adjustment [KSS], but it does not enter into the zone of authenticity. Step - 6.

Situation more frequently is encountered with the prolonged chronic processes for the sake of the very small compensating possibilities. Diagnosis with such indices can be carried beside the epicrisis.


To the fine adjustment

[KSS] - 0, 674

Step -6

After the fine adjustment

[KSS] - 0, 671

Step 6

VERSION 3. to the fine adjustment [KSS] from 0, 6 to 1, 0. [KEA] less, step 0. after fine adjustment [KSS] insignificantly decreases, and [KEA] insignificantly increases. Step 0 -2. This version is characteristic for the processes, which began forming. Before the final diagnosis they more frequently are not indicated.



To the fine adjustment

[KSS] - 0, 795

Step -0

After the fine adjustment

[KSS] - 0, 615

Step -0

VERSION 4. to the fine adjustment [KSS] of large (is more than 0, 8). [KEA] against 0-2 steps. After fine adjustment [KSS] considerably decreases (frequently less than 0, 6), [KEA] increases to 5-6. Diagnosis in this case is considered as the expressed tendency before the forming of this state. Situation is characteristic for the processes with the low energy power.



To the fine adjustment

[KSS] - 0, 890

Step -1

After the fine adjustment

[KSS] - 0, 530

Step -6

THE VERSION 5. [KSS] of large (is more than 1, 5). [KEA]-0. It can decrease after fine adjustment [KSS], remaining above or equal to 1, 0. [KEA] against 0-2 steps. Situation is typical for the processes with the large energy power. Diagnosis is uncertain.



To the fine adjustment

[KSS] - 1, 979

Step - 0

After the fine adjustment

[KSS] - 1, 148

Step - 0

VERSION 6. adapts, mainly, for diagnostics of myoma of womb and adenoma of prostate gland. To the fine adjustment [KSS] of large (are frequently more than 1, 0-1, 3). [KEA], as a rule, is substantially less (0, 5-0, 8), it is arranged more frequently on the lower steps (0 or 1-2). Substantially it decreases after fine adjustment [KSS], but nevertheless remain more than 0, 6-0, 8. [KEA] in this case increases, most frequently become more than 0, 8-0, 9. at the same time step can become 5 or 6. myoma of womb or the adenoma of prostate gland is considered established, if to the fine adjustment diagnosis is located not lower than against 3 steps, while after fine adjustment it passed down 5. all the remaining versions they are considered as the more or less expressed tendencies before the forming of process. It is desirable to also conduct NLS- analysis.


Diagnosis: MYOMA OF WOMB.

To the fine adjustment

[KSS] - 1, 425

Step -2

After the fine adjustment

[KSS] - 0, 976

Step -5

VERSION 7. to the fine adjustment [KSS] 0, 5-0, 9. [KEA] - 5-6. After fine adjustment [KSS] it decreases to 0, 3-0, 6. step in this case becomes lower per 1-2 units. This state is typical for the chronic processes before the state of the disruption of compensation or aggravation. It testifies about the low compensating possibilities of organ. Diagnosis is reliable.



To the fine adjustment

[KSS] - 0, 579

Step -6

After the fine adjustment

[KSS] - 0, 396

Step 4


Use of a [vegeto]- test gives the possibility to determine the degree of the development of process about Selye. Each pathologic process before its development is conducted 4 stages: two compensating, or physiological phases, in response to the stimulus increase the characteristics, which were in patient to the load. The third phase - equalizing, down the stimulus there is no reaction or it is very small, and the fourth phase - paradoxical, compensation is exhausted and initial characteristics deteriorate in response to the stimulus.


first stage according to Selye - strengthening compensation down 15- 35%;

the second stage is strengthening compensation by 35-55% (that more highly we do not look);

the third stage- from the weakening down 15% before the strengthening down 15% (i.e. it varies about 0);

the fourth stage weakening reaction is more than down 15%.


    After the fine adjustment:



the diffuse goiter


against 6 steps;

against 6 steps;

against 0 step;

against 0 step.

We carry out [vegeto]- test, loading initial pathologic process consecutively for the sake of hypothyroidism, by obesity, by diffuse goiter, by thyrotoxicosis and by the healthy thyroid gland. Results of the [vegeto]- test:

the hypothyroidism


the diffuse goiter


the healthy gland

- weakening compensatory reactions down 33%;

- strengthening compensatory reactions down 3%

- strengthening compensatory reactions down 8%

- strengthening compensatory reactions down 20%

- strengthening compensatory reactions down 19%.

Hypothyroidism gave worsening in the indices, paradoxical phase, i.e. process does not have compensatory reserves and we, thus, confirm the diagnosis presented.

Obesity and diffuse goiter did not give the expressed changes, i.e., there is a equalizing phase. This means that the processes are developed, are located before the initial or before the stage of remission.

Thyrotoxicosis gave improvement moderated, i.e. patient is found before the first physiological phase and means with respect to this illness, this process the patient does not have. For the comparison - load by the means of the healthy thyroid gland gave improvement in 19%.

In cases when we is investigated the weakened patient with “the bouquet” of chronic diseases or organ before the state of weakening compensatory reactions, it may happen that maximum worsening in the indices gives load by the healthy organ (i.e., conducting [vegeto]- test with the organic preparation it gives the maximum weakening of compensatory reactions). This is additional test down the compensating possibilities of organ and organism as a whole.

[Vegeto]- test is used for differential diagnostics and affirming of presence or absence of this process in patient with the [sochetannoy] pathology.

Example: REAR WALL OF STOMACH. For affirming the presence of stomach ulcer we make [vegeto]- test. Result - weakening compensation at the point of 26%, i.e. we confirm the presence of ulcer.

The worse the results of [vegeto]- test, the more probable the diagnosis, for the sake of which we load initial pathologic process.
 STANDARD- OBJECT. This is the program of the preventive maintenance of the chosen diseases.

We separate any standard based on the list and we make for the sake of its starting point relative to other illnesses, i.e., it after the pressure of key STANDARD- OBJECT will have [KSS] 0, 000.

The illness, which will be arranged nearest of all to the standard- object, can be considered the predecessor of the chosen disease.
In certain cases with a study of organ on the picture against the background 3 and 4 is revealed section with 5 and 6. this section can be analyzed separately, since pathologic process in this section can be different, than as a whole on the organ. The isolation of centers desirable to produce immediately after the end of conducting a study in connection with the fact that after conducting of analysis this possibility is shut.

How to isolate center? After the end of a study we find before STUDIES that organ, where it is necessary to isolate center. We separate by working line, we press key LOCALIZATION. Is applied cursor to the necessary section, we click by left key, by cursor we encircle center, press key ESTIMATION.

Plotting of energy-information curves based on the chosen center occurs. Before the window the graphs based on the center will appear. the analysis of center is produced just as organ.

- or multifactor analysis, is intended for the work with [onkozabolevaniyami]. It adapts also for precise diagnostics of myoma of womb and adenoma of prostate gland.

Work with the NLS- analysis is produced analogously for the sake of work with the entropy analysis. Difference before the fact that significant are only 1 step - absence of trends in the development of [onko]- process, and 7 step - formed process. Remaining steps show the manifestation of trends in the development, and their dynamics before and after of fine adjustment - activity of process.

Diagnostics of microorganisms and helminths is conducted predominantly on [KSS] to the fine adjustment, i.e. against the moment of a study. After fine adjustment we carry out the analysis only of those microorganisms, for development of which is required the provocation.

As the reliably existing are considered those microorganisms and helminths, whose [KSS] are less than 0, 425. The same, which fall beside the corridor of values from 0, 425 to 0, 8, must be taken before the attention. They either are sown inconstantly or they are present in the form antigens. Furthermore, for this diagnostics is recommended the use of a [vegeto]- test.

Example. WALL OF TOLSTOY OF BOWELS. Dysbacteriosis. By red color before the list of standards with [KSS] 0, 236 was isolated Candida for the sake of albicans, i.e., this microorganism reliably is present before the bowels. Escherichia has [KSS] 0, 622. Ascarids have [KSS] 1, 316, i.e., there is no helminthiasis in this case.

Let us be turned down the [vegeto]- test:

Candida albicans is


Bacterium of [laktis]


- weakening compensatory reactions down 40%

- weakening compensatory reactions down 8%

- strengthening compensatory reactions down 33%

- strengthening compensatory reactions down 19%.

Results speak, that the Candida causes the fourth phase of adaptive reaction, and it means it has the highest degree of pathogenicity. Proteus and Escherichia have third phase, respectively low pathogenicity, significant participation before the forming pathology does not assume. The bacterium of [laktis], probably, before the small scarcity, and ascarid about all indices in patient is absent.

Recently considerable attention is paid to the helminthic invasions and we can determine, eat they in patient. Sometimes this is difficult to make, since the [tsistnaya] form of helminths does not give reliable indices on [KSS]. When to helminths correspond TO [KSS] more than 1, 00, we can use how by reserve, by diagnostics ex of juvantibus.

For this it is necessary to include allopathy in analysis, possibly [nutritsevtiki]. If on the upper lines before the list of standards prove to be [protivogelmintnye] preparations, and their graphs will sufficiently accurately correspond to the graphs of the process of patient, this testifies in favor that helminthic invasion this patient has himself, but in the form cyst or beside some to inactive form.

Example. LONGITUDINAL SHEAR OF WOMB. We carry out the analysis of microflora of sheath. Before the zone of conditional authenticity ([KSS] to 0, 8) falls only the Candida with [KSS] 0, 566. [Pseudomonas] following above it has [KSS] 0, 909, remaining microorganisms has even larger [KSS]. In spite of unconvincing results, let us try [vegeto]- test.

Results of the [vegeto]- test:


Pseudomonas and other


- worsening in the compensatory reactions down 17%

- an improvement in the compensatory reactions down 26-31%

- an improvement in the compensatory reactions down 55%.

Such results confirm the participation of Candida before the forming of changes before the mucosa of sheath. [Pseudomonas] and other microorganisms, which gave about the results of [vegeto]- test an improvement in the compensatory reactions by approximately 30%, confirmed to these their nonparticipation before the forming of [endotservitsita]. [Ureaplazma] with the improvement down 55% corresponds to the forming of the second step of physiological phase. This organism can periodically be revealed before the smears. In a similar complex case it is possible to use also an standard- object in order to be certified, what microorganisms play basic role before the forming of pathology. Let us take as an example it [endotservitsit], before the list of groups for conducting the analysis let us add “microorganisms and helminths”. Let us look, which of the microorganisms will prove to be nearer to the selected standard- object. Before the upper line Candida, the secondly, [ureaplazma].

Conclusion: in patient is revealed the Candida, periodically - [ureaplazma]. [Pseudomonas] and bacterium of [laktis] are found within the permissible limits. Indices testify about reduction in the shielding forces of mucosa of sheath.

The estimation of biochemical indices is done through the NLS- analysis. This division needs modification (authenticity 40-60%).

 [KSS] for the work with the biochemical indices a value do not have. The main thing - where stands the coefficient of NLS- analysis to the fine adjustment and afterward. Norma are distributed between 2 (lower boundary) and 6 steps (upper boundary of standard). If coefficient costs on 1 step, then the index lower than standard, if down 7 above standards. If to the fine adjustment NLS- analysis 3, and after -1, this speaks about the tendency down to a decrease. It is necessary to remember that these indices are dynamic; therefore their determination - complex problem.

   It is carried out, if it is necessary, at first on the picture of complete chromosomal collection, and then on the groups of chromosomes individually. After a study we select the chromosomes, where there are by 5 or 6. basis of analysis it is the determination of pathologic locus, is used key TEXT and text prompt. Is applied cursor to the small cross opposite the locus with 5 or 6 and we look commentary.
The formulation of diagnosis does not require the application of all levels of analysis immediately. It is in certain cases sufficient first level, before some - the first and the second. Entropy analysis adapts, usually, when [KSS] is located above level 0, 6-0, 8.

 [Vegeto]- test is necessary for the development of microorganisms and helminths, and also differential diagnostics, when several diagnoses are probable.

After the determination of diagnosis and microflora we approach the designations. I.e., to testing of preparations. It is possible to use several groups of means. The principle of the selection of preparations the same - as the most suitable are considered those, whose [KSS] are less than 0, 425.

Since one preparation does not, as a rule, overlap entire spectrum of the existing problems, it is possible to use a virtual model for selecting the complex of preparations, although in practice this they use rarely.

[Vegeto]- test is most popular during the selection. If with the work with [KSS] we determine, what preparations can be used at the point of this pathology as a whole, then with the aid of the [vegeto]- test it is possible to individualize the selection of preparations. The preparations, which give strengthening compensatory reactions down 20-30%, will be most effective and those deprived of side-line actions. If preparation does not give strengthening compensatory reactions or is caused their weakening, then, possibly, should be first unloaded the gastrointestinal tract or the liver, after which preparation will begin to act effectively. The absence of strengthening compensatory reactions can be connected with the fact that improvement it will go through the aggravation.
In apparatus “VECTOR” there are two regimes of correction. These are Meta- correction and [REPRINTER] (production of bioresonance [reprintnogo] preparation).
META- CORRECTION is the action, when to patient “are introduced” the inverted with respect to the pathologic process electromagnetic vibrations. The result of this action is tracked beyond the screen of monitor and possesses the effect of neuro- visual programming, it bears positive information about the anatomically and functionally active normal cloth. These pictures treat.

For the Meta- correction it is necessary to select before the list of experiments organ or the shear, down to which will be directed the action. From the window CARD INDEX we press ANALYSIS, then to key CORRECTION. Window with the command about the start of Meta- correction is opened. We press key LAUNCHING. Against the figure appears the concentric wave, on way of which occurs a change in the color of entropy marks. The results of session are evaluated through the comparative analysis. These results can be used as an additional method of diagnostics. If strengthening compensatory reactions occurs slowly and down 10-20% at the point of one girder, this indicates that the process is chronic, damage organic. If strengthening compensatory reactions is more than 20%, then it is probable that the process is functional or sharp organic. Observing the dynamics of a change in the color of marks it is possible to reveal the sections of the most serious changes.

One should carry out 2-3 sessions with the functional and sharp pathology, 3-5 sessions with the chronic pathology. We simultaneously conduct correction not more than on 3 organs. More prolonged sessions can lead down worsening in the health or aggravation of pathology. Patient during the session sits just as with diagnostics.
[REPRINTER] - creation of bioresonance preparations.

1 preparation from THE ORGANIC PREPARATION. For this we include group ORGANIC PREPARATIONS, we select necessary, we press [REPRINTER], we select matrix, we press button START. Inversion we do not make. Before the cup ([reprinter]) we preliminarily set capacity with the carrier (grist, water or water-alcohol mixture (by liqueur), the cream or the ointment, the ampoule preparation). The preparation is ready after 9 passages. Down one carrier it is possible to write to 8 preparations.

 2 if are required to create the [reprintnuyu] copy of preparation from the base of data of program, we make inversion.

  3 if it is necessary to create the [nozodnyy] preparation of the most pathologic process, we also make inversion.

Water for the record is used with the sharp processes. Preparation on the water is effective 2-3 weeks. With the chronic processes it is used alcoholic solutions, their effectiveness of 4-6 months. Let us examine ANALYSIS (special clinical aspects), that are the table and graphs before this table. The value of noise before the decibels is put aside across the vertical axis of table - from 0 to 266, 6. value 266, 6 decibel is the critical level of noise before the system, after exceeding of which the system ceases to be functional, i.e., noise completely drives in control channels besides system. Our organism, all cells and molecules of which are before the infinite fluctuating motion, also produces noise. Its level can indicate of the disturbance of the functioning of organism and its systems. The level of noise before the decibels is represented on the vertical scale to the right, to the left there is the scale, which helps to standardize the level of the disturbance of noise. The level of oxidation-reduction disturbances serves after the conditional equivalent of noise.

   Before the lower part of the table, (level 2-3) are located dyskinesia, the hypotonia, hypothyroidism, hypoplasias, obesity, the initial stages of the sharp inflammatory processes (very rarely, before majority its they is rapidly caused the different degree of manifestation oxidation-reduction disturbances) there can be arranged.

   Before the middle part, (level 3-4) are located basic pathologic states.

   Before the upper part of the table the benign tumors, which have the very high level of oxidation-reduction disturbances, are located.


Hypoplasia of kidney - level 2;

chronic pyelonephritis - level 3-4;

[fibromatoz] of the medullary layer of kidney, [limfangioma] - level 5-6.

With the high level of oxidation-reduction disturbances, and consequently also the critical level of the disturbances of noise, which follows the destruction of system, the drawings, which reflect the interrelations of anabolic and catabolic processes before the organism disperse, above remains the red line, which reflects the processes of catabolism, and dark-blue (anabolic) it departs downward. Such graphs are characteristic for oncology.

    Beyond the horizontal axis are postponed the frequencies, resonance to different tissues of human organism. The higher the frequency, the higher the level of the organization of cloth. In healthy organs the highest amplitude of graphs corresponds to most active tissue of this organ. On the graph of the organic preparation of the pancreas, for example, the highest amplitude of the graphs at frequencies 4, 2 and 5, 8, which correspond to the ferrous cloth of the pancreas and its secretory function.

  Distribution of cloths before the frequencies:


  bone and rough connective tissue;


- friable connective tissue, large arteries and vein (to the capillaries), erythrocytes;


skeletal muscles and muscle of heart, the surface part of the mucous membrane of the gastro

the intestinal tract and urino-genital system;


the gland of mucosas of the gastro intestinal tract and urino-genital system, pancreas and ovaries.


- the liver and kidney with the ducts, myometrium, the smooth musculature of the gastro intestinal tract, urino-genital system, trachea and bronchi.


the secretion of the pancreas, ovaries, nerves and the epithelium of nasopharynx;


the secretion of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands; vegetative regulation; peripheral nervous system, cerebrospinal rootlets; the epithelium of trachea and bronchi, lymphoid cloth;


the secretion of hypophysis, hypothalamus; spinal cord, reticular formation and other divisions “old brain”, the alveolus

8,2 -

cerebral cortex.

What do indicate the dark-blue and red line on the graphs?

   DARK-BLUE line - reflects the processes of anabolism, trophicity, accumulation; this predominantly (+) processes. The special cases: with the inflammation - these are the initial, edematic stages of process; for the hollow organs and the vessels - this is hypo-tone; for the vegetative nervous system (frequency 6, 6) - the predominance of parasympathetic innervation.

   Red line - reflects the processes of catabolism, atrophy and the dystrophias, which frequently take place with the destruction or with the decrease of the volume of cloth. The special cases: with the inflammations - final stages of process; for the hollow organs and the vessels - spasm; for the vegetative nervous system - predominance of sympathetic innervation.

   From the standard DARK-BLUE and red line goes in parallel to each other, since before the healthy organ the processes of anabolism and catabolism are balanced; dark-blue line insignificantly predominates above the red. With the pathology occurs the dissociation (divergence) turn blue and red line. Sharp organic processes and expressed functional disturbances are accompanied by significant dissociations. The high-amplitude the graphs, the greater it is necessary to pay attention down this study.

  EXAMPLE: On the graph “progressive diabetes mellitus” the expressed dissociation against frequency 5, 8, which corresponds to the secretory function of the gland (predominance of the red line above turn blue in this case he speaks about the predominance of the disturbances of carbohydrate metabolism). Before the ideal it is necessary to give the characteristic of the state of organ for all frequencies, analyzing damages to connective tissue also of vessels, the epithelium and the muscular part of the organ, the type of vegetative innervation and so forth in reality before the overwhelming majority of the cases to sufficient correctly interpret the state of organ for [KSS] and [EA]. In proportion to gaining of experience it is possible to use a frequency response analysis of graphs, to focus attention on woven damages.

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