ISSN: 2456-8104 Impact Factor: 4.928 (SJIF)
Vol. 5 | Issue 26 | July 2021
A Theme Based-Syllabus to Teach an ESP Course to Tourism Workers
Edwin and Rebeca
JRSP-ELT (ISSN: 2456-8104)
A Theme Based-Syllabus to Teach an ESP Course to Tourism Workers
Edwin Daniel Córdova Montaño (
San Daniel Comboni School, Esmeraldas, Ecuador
Rebeca Naranjo Corría (
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Esmeraldas
With the purpose to design a theme-based syllabus for teaching English for tourism purposes to improve the lack of
knowledge on the language, a qualitative research was carried out with the use of methods such as analysis,
synthesis and hermeneutics, and documentary review to teach English for Tourism Purposes (ETP) join with
previous research by the author including touristic workers from “Playa Almendro” resort in Tonsupa Esmeraldas
in a previous exploration to develop a supporting material for teaching English, which is a great disadvantage in
the hospitality and tourism field. To collect the data, the instrument designed was a guide for the documentary
review and the booklet for the teaching of ETP from Cordova (2018). The data obtained from the application of the
documentary review was tabulated manually. The facts were taken to figures and tables using the Microsoft Excel
program. The results obtained that the tourist workers did not have knowledge of the vocabulary, specific phrases,
and communicative functions that it is caused by the lack of resources, therefore the creation of a booklet and
syllabus developed for the tourist workers in order to achieve the English process at their jobs. It is concluded that
the creation of a theme- based syllabus on training themes related to the area will improve the process to develop
future research that can be applied in a formal course.
Syllabus Design, English for Touristic Purpose, English for Specific Purposes
The English language is the second more spoken language around the world. The necessity to learn this
English is essential in this century for many reasons. One of them is to get a new job, an evidence of this
is that it has an important contribution in many areas: Business, Tourism, and Education. English in
Tourism is part of the curriculum, but it is taught with Academic Purposes, however, this language is
necessary for tourism workers to know the specific vocabulary and be able to have good communication
with the clients. Ecuador has many programs to help students with this problem of lack of English
knowledge; one of them is ESPT (Ecuadorian Service of Professional Training) which offers a program
and a course on several areas of work, helping in the quality of service and products. As a result, the
Ministry of Tourism in Ecuador (MINTUR) join with ESTP to solve this, by a way of helping students
and workers to accomplish their role in the society and help their families for increasing the economy and
train good professionals for the future on the country. In addition , Esmeraldas bets on the education of
professionals that put into practice all the new information in real life, besides that they become good
workers who will be able to apply in many jobs and industry areas such as Tourism that needs a profile of
tourist employee to be as competent as possible in other countries, but many hotel’s managers do not pay
attention about this problem in fact to teaching the English language to workers who need to acquire it
for communication with foreign people and let the country be discovered in other way. For that reason,
they must need it for Specific Purposes; this means that they need to be familiar with the specific
vocabulary that involved and also practice to improve the level of services in Hospitality and Tourism in
terms of ESP knowledge.
The Tourism system of Ecuador teaches General English for their tourist employee inside the curriculum
because English for Specific Purposes is not included in the curriculum. In addition, there are not program
courses to help them in issue like: marketing, restaurant services, food products, tourist guide.
Furthermore, there are many touristic hotels and resources where it is required to know how to
ISSN: 2456-8104 Impact Factor: 4.928 (SJIF)
Vol. 5 | Issue 26 | July 2021
A Theme Based-Syllabus to Teach an ESP Course to Tourism Workers
Edwin and Rebeca
JRSP-ELT (ISSN: 2456-8104)
communicate with people from different parts of the world and also to describe touristic facilities for
these people. Improving the quality of services is vital regarding learning EL and it show the management
of the touristic services. That’s why the main problem of this investigation is: What theme-based syllabus
contributes an ESP course to improve English language learning to tourist workers?
To answer the main question of this investigative article, the main objective was to design a theme-based
syllabus an ESP course to teach English to tourist workers in Esmeraldas. This conducted to specific
objectives which were: to determine the theme and contents to be taught about ESP in Esmeraldas; to
identify the adequate teaching methodology an ESP, course to tourist workers in Esmeraldas; to organize
the syllabus according to the demanded requirements about ESP for tourism.
Syllabus Design
A syllabus is a tool between teacher and student because both have complete information about a course
or subject such as objectives, content, method, etc. Nunan (1988) pointed out “Syllabus design is seen as
being concerned essentially with the selection and grading of content” (p14). This describes the process
of what is to be to learn in order to bring the student a guide for full content that the students need to
increase. The main purpose of this is to build a syllabus for achieve totally the result in relation of the
learning process that students need. According to Cowling (2007) stated that “a good syllabus gives the
student a general idea of how the course will go and how much work it will take” this point of view is
focus of the necessity of the student learning process.
This is an important contribution to develop a course-syllabus for the reason to plan the content that
students must acquire and communicate the information about the subject and defined the goals of it.
Theme Based Syllabus Design
Theme based syllabus is an approach that helps the teaching-learning process; it is a way of teaching
systematically where many areas of the curriculum are connected each other integrated with the theme.
Besides, the theme helps the design which brings the teacher in the structure to contain our line of the
study. According to the study of Richards and Rodger (2014) stated that: “Each language teacher is free
to implement the approach according to the needs of particular classes” (p.112); this point of view
focuses on supporting the idea of Fiorito (2005) who stated “learning by doing” indicating that whole the
structure of ESP classes will develop about the necessity of learner wishes in relation to the field of
learning. Furthermore, in the education system some student is familiarized with this approach of learning
through the syllabus for the reason that thematic units are very common for them since pre-scholar to
university. It also helps teachers to facilitate the ways of learning for each student planning the
curriculum, academic skills, critical thinking, etc.
Topic-Based Syllabus Design
This type of syllabus is a specific mode of learning that is organized around themes. This syllabus selects
whole language skills, grammatical function, vocabulary, etc. The topics are selected by the author with
sense of importance that topic has been in front of learners. In additional this brings relevance to the
acquisition of language based on the main goals is to teach specific information according to the learners’
Based on the investigation of Huddleston (1991) who describes four principles connected by language
learning inside topic based approach:
1) In different stages of cognitive development, young learners are in the 'concrete operations'. This
means that learning through experience has more benefits for children. The important point is that
children need to be active rather than passive in language classes. This means that they need to be
ISSN: 2456-8104 Impact Factor: 4.928 (SJIF)
Vol. 5 | Issue 26 | July 2021
A Theme Based-Syllabus to Teach an ESP Course to Tourism Workers
Edwin and Rebeca
JRSP-ELT (ISSN: 2456-8104)
engaged in activities of which language is a part. The meaningful tasks and using language to accomplish
these tasks offer the main goal for children.
2) The level of knowing or learning in a group is different, because someone in the group may know the
language more than others. So learning could happen through a relation among those groups, the ones
who know less learn from those who know more. So the interaction process among the learners is a vital
point, and the interaction among the teacher and learners is very important. This provides a challenge for
them in order to improve their levels. This kind of contextual support is known as scaffolding.
3) Figuring out how languages work is one of the duties of the learner. Therefore, the acquisition is a
discovery process. Learners have to figure out how the language works. ‘In terms of the classroom
context, an implication is that learners need opportunities to use and to experiment the new languages’
(Hudelson, 1991). Errors happening during the learning process among the children are quite common.
When they commit errors, and when they recognize their errors, they can improve and restructure their
language system.
4) Social interaction results in the acquisition of the different elements of the language. In addition,
exchanges of messages and talks among the learners could make "meaning". Therefore, in order to
convey the meaning, they should talk with each other.
When a teacher organizes the topic as a tool of learning process such as teaching, the learning materials,
and classroom activities in relation to specific theme as a main goal is student acquirement of the
language competences.
Task Based Instruction in ESP Course
This type of instruction includes activities to involve language learning in significant, it is also oriented
for the communicative approach to solve problems that emerge during the task goals. Since the task is
important for the advance in second language acquisition. According to Pica, T (2008), she points out
“the language used to carry out a task need not be prespecified, a task can be designed so that attaining its
goal depends on linguistic and communicative precision” (p.74). This instruction has been used for the
development of the course syllabus and being focus on the content that learners may practice and produce
accurate and extra developmental advance output.
English for Specific Purposes
English for specific purpose (ESP) being a new approach of Linguistics, based on the definition of Simion
(2012) points out “The term "specific" in ESP refers to the specific purpose for learning English” (p.253).
It is taking progress in the English learning process for professional´s future. According to the
investigations of Munir (2017), this approach is defined as “a way of teaching/learning English for
specialized subjects with some specific vocational and educational purposes in mind” (p.98). This
approach helps students who find out the way to learn English in relation of necessity at the moment to
develop any field, and also knowing the full expression and vocabulary that learner wants in order to the
field. Besides Hutchinson and Waters (1987) stated that ESP is “an approach to language teaching in
which all decisions as to content and method are based on the learner’s reason for learning” (p. 19). This
idea brings relevant because now student may choose according to the necessity that their want and help
them in future life.
English for Occupational Purposes
English for occupation purpose is a subdivision of ESP (English for specific purposes) that involves all
the situations which learners are studying English for a job. According to Anthony (1997) English for
Occupational Purposes is “The portion of the curriculum which prepares students for gainful employment
in occupations ranging from low-skilled to sophisticated jobs in technical fields” (p, 1). EOP refers to the
ISSN: 2456-8104 Impact Factor: 4.928 (SJIF)
Vol. 5 | Issue 26 | July 2021
A Theme Based-Syllabus to Teach an ESP Course to Tourism Workers
Edwin and Rebeca
JRSP-ELT (ISSN: 2456-8104)
type of English that is used for students in their respective professions. And also this approach may focus
on communicative needs which involves the job and may focus on the more general aspect of a specific
field and industry.
English for Tourism Purpose
English has become essential in the tourism field. That is why the needs of learning have increased too.
Based on that, ESP courses directed to this field have been developed by specialists. Brand research in
2007 determined that there are specific competences to be developed in this course. These are discourse
competences, inter-cultural linguistic competences, and generic competences. Those referred to the way
in which the client should be treated and anticipate their answers based on their behavior. The
competences suggested remain the capability of catch the attention of the tourist to buy and consume the
stuffs promoted by the learners. That is why, practice during the teaching -learning process is essential for
them. That is what they have to deal in real-life situations. In the discourse competence, learners must
know some strategies to convince clients and empathize with them. This type of course must satisfy the
needs of the students, this refers to several circumstances in which the student must know how to react
and use the language in order to solve the problematic. As it was mentioned before, the level of English of
this student must be intermediate in order to learn specific terms and expressions to be used in their job
ESP Course Design
According to the investigation of Hutchinson and Water (1987), “course design is the process by which
the raw data about the leaning need is interpreted in order to produce and integrate series of teaching-
learning experience” This kind of course focuses on the application of information for the process to
carry out the ESP course join on English knowledge and planning the activities systematically by meet
the needs at the moment to integrate the language. With the process of NA (needs analysis) already
obtained all the information that should take into consideration while design the ESP course.
Consequently, the teachers make the course focus on the learners´ need and how it will be done.
Syllabus Design for ESP
An ESP syllabus is an instrument of a plan to focus all the content that contains the course and help the
English-learning process in relative of an ESP-course and it is transmitted knowledge of specific content
need. Richards (1987) points out “In ESP syllabus, the teaching content is geared to the special language
'repertoire' pertaining to the specialized aims that are required of the learners”. These aims support the
idea of build an ESP-course methodically with the purpose of the student get whole content that Students’
will need to training for jobs.
Needs Analysis
Needs analysis has an important role to increase the development of any course design, additionally, this
kind of analysis is vital for the design didactically an ESP syllabus because it collects all the essential
information that learner need for the field including into the course. According to Dudley & St. John
(1998) this term consists of “the use of methodical means to define the specific sets of skills, texts,
linguistic forms, and communicative practices that a specific group of learners must obtain is the center of
ESP” (p.380). In this occasion it has the purpose of the important to know that it is needed discover for
students’ necessities at the similar time when they get ESP-course.
Authentic Material for ESP
Since this process of English for Specific purpose is constantly adapting in the social mission and need
for the learner knowledge for some field that they will obtain. The use of authentic has grown into
English learning process acquisition, Khaniya, T. (2006) points out “people tend to accept the language
ISSN: 2456-8104 Impact Factor: 4.928 (SJIF)
Vol. 5 | Issue 26 | July 2021
A Theme Based-Syllabus to Teach an ESP Course to Tourism Workers
Edwin and Rebeca
JRSP-ELT (ISSN: 2456-8104)
naturally occurring as communication in native-speaker contexts of use, or rather those selected contexts
where standard English” (p.20), it means that some teachers are starting to accepted a good material
which it can be used to advance task and conceptual content relative for learner’s goals and also provide
good feedback.
While in ESP approach, Cañado and Esteban (2015) stated that “the evaluation of teaching materials is
an important part of a teacher’s work”(p.37), teacher of ESP approach has a crucial mission on the
selection of the authentic material in relation that student feel familiarize with the content and it has
concordance with the field.
Córdova (2019), Muñoz (2019) and Murillo (2017) were the designers of authentic material more exactly
book and booklet based of different branch of ESP such as business purpose (EBP), medical purpose
(EMP) and tourist purpose (ETP). For this reason, these authors gave materials to help ESP students may
be improving the English language acquisition in relative of different fields of work previously
In the tourism industry, there are some studies that assist the training of professionals and workers in this
field applying ESP approach and solve the necessity to learn English in this way and also increasing their
previous knowledge had studies to support it, such as the followings:
Fukuda (2017) did an interesting study about English education for pharmacy student in the Japanese
university: focus on the first year first semester in this study the author made and implement lesson in a
course with the purpose of student were able to practice the communicative competence as a successfully
way with many foreign people in Japan, it helped with the approach of an ESP- course.
Fortune, Spielman & Pangelinam (2011) published an investigation about “the effect of online network
versus face-to-face learning in tourism issues”. This investigation explores the impact of online learning
in contrast of traditional learning that show an analysis that student increase their knowledge at the similar
mode, but it is not affected for the environment because student may choose the area by studying the
process that they prefer and feel comfortable. Moreover, the students were able to develop the acquisition
of language knowledge and be creative while learning.
Ortega (2015) who design an ESP-course to manage librarian workers for 4 different universities from
Quito, this investigation with the applied of a ESP-course help librarians to bring a good service for
English readers and these readers update information that they want, likewise, the main intention of
librarians were at the same level as global because the librarians also need to connect with other foreign
librarians and used the English language as a principal language to communicate among them.
Muñoz (2019) designed a book for teaching Business English for students of business administration
career at Puce-Esmeraldas, in this study the author presented a good didactic material which involved the
whole components that it required on an ESP book for the training of good professionals that provides an
equal service among client, colleagues, and C.O of the company, since it is vital for the curriculum of
these students.
Córdova (2019) published an investigation called booklet design for English language teaching to tourist
employed from “Playa Almendro resources” where made a booklet as a didactic tool for teaching tourist
workers to achieve English knowledge acquisition, and also solve the problem that they presented about
lack of English knowledge that tourist workers had been demonstrated. As a result, workers may improve
the English level join with the communicative competence that they need now to interact with foreign
tourists and the quality of service among foreign clients.
ISSN: 2456-8104 Impact Factor: 4.928 (SJIF)
Vol. 5 | Issue 26 | July 2021
A Theme Based-Syllabus to Teach an ESP Course to Tourism Workers
Edwin and Rebeca
JRSP-ELT (ISSN: 2456-8104)
This investigation followed the mixed methodology: qualitative-qualitative, with the method of Analysis
and Synthesis and Hermeneutics. The analytical method allowed the researcher to evaluate the structure
in terms of syllabus design and content in relation of tourism words and expressions that are included on a
booklet designed by Córdova (2018) with name of “Booklet Design for English Language Teaching to
Tourist Workers from Playa Almendro” Resorts in Tonsupa. Besides, it will be helpful for tourist workers
to solve the problem, lack of English knowledge because it was used to analyze the research results and
synthesize the most relevant information from the previous investigation.
This documentary analysis was made to design a theme-based syllabus an ESP course to teach English to
tourist workers in Esmeraldas, and collect all information about the real necessity they have had for the
syllabus and help to improve the lack of English knowledge. The correspondent hypothesis is the use of
an ESP course that may help tourist workers in the acquisition of the English language.
In this study through the documented review of the previous material were used as a basis for the
development of the syllabus. The research called “Booklet Design for English Language Teaching to
Tourist Workers from Playa Almendro by Cordova (2019) was very useful for the creation of the results.
And also, it was significant to establish every theme and content needed to be trained and play a relevant
part in the plan for each lesson contained in this syllabus on the development of each unit for tourist
workers’ staff. For instance, the vocabulary related to the unit to the specific terms determined by the site
of working. As can be observed at figure 5:
Figure 5: Places of Work
Source: Survey applied to tourist workers from Playa Almendro Resort by Cordova (2018)
This figure shows the areas where tourist staff work and interact with the customer directly. The
improvement of each area is a necessity. (APPENDIX B)
Following the specific objectives to this proposal is to develop a syllabus organized and preserving the
demands requirement by an ESP course already present on top in Figure 5. However, one of the skills
desired for this program is to interact with customer who speaks in English and be an essential part on
their work. As can be appreciated at figure 4:
ISSN: 2456-8104 Impact Factor: 4.928 (SJIF)
Vol. 5 | Issue 26 | July 2021
A Theme Based-Syllabus to Teach an ESP Course to Tourism Workers
Edwin and Rebeca
JRSP-ELT (ISSN: 2456-8104)
Figure 4: The need to speak English in their jobs
Source: Survey applied to tourist workers from Playa Almendro Resort by Cordova (2018)
For this particular course to teach ESP to tourist workers in Esmeraldas was determined from this
previous investigation which permits to choose the same method to teach them and educating, the
communicative functions needed to have the task based learning and some important strategies needed for
the ESP program in relation on the communicative competences. As can be seen from Figure below:
Figure 7: Ways to learn English.
Source: Survey applied to tourist workers from Playa Almendro Resort by Cordova (2018)
In this figure support the creation of a new module and classified in 4 weeks for instruction was
completed. (APPENDIX B)
The methodology identified to form this syllable was communicative language teaching to organize the
syllabus according to the demanding requirements regarding the organization of theme- based syllabus.
Nowadays to train tourist employees and professionals who work in this field is vital, it is not only for the
academic curriculum, but also to have well prepared as international standard demanded. This is
ISSN: 2456-8104 Impact Factor: 4.928 (SJIF)
Vol. 5 | Issue 26 | July 2021
A Theme Based-Syllabus to Teach an ESP Course to Tourism Workers
Edwin and Rebeca
JRSP-ELT (ISSN: 2456-8104)
especially important considering learning English in a specific purpose is not a general alternative
considering that inside a school learns it as general form. For that reason, help student workers with a
program based of task and also promote a good interaction with the language to achieve oral activities and
bring opportunities to practice in pairs in order to be ready to work with foreign people.
The purpose of this research was to design a syllabus based on the theme to tourist worker learners in the
development of the communicative function to contact with customer who speak in English during the
traveling process inside a hotel of resort located in Tonsupa-Esmeraldas.
The investigation of this Article found out the idea of Fukuda (2017) who exposed the necessity of the
pharmacy student from a university in Japanese to have lesson inside in a courses with aims to student
practice in order to ESP lesson and also they would able to communicate successfully with many Foreign
people to arrive in Japan, since the country is quite touristic and it expands their Professional capacity on
the profession. In this case implement a course in relation of the necessity of the learners help them to
increase their English knowledge. This investigation has a similar idea of ESP approach to develop step
by step a design of a course to support student with English communicative capacity that they do not have
in the pharmacy area.
Furthermore, the result of this research coincided with some others investigations carried out by Fortune,
Spellman and Pangilinan (2010); they put out an investigation may be comparison of online versus face to
face learning processes about touristic issues in which the research explored the impact of each one of
processes and demonstrated an analysis to show students do not affect the mode of the learning process
environment that they have chosen because they were able to acquire ESP knowledge. Their study
showed similarities for the acquisition of ESP information and also presented strategies to develop an
ESP course in any particular form to improve in this case the communicative skills for learners.
Also, this research coincided with an investigation of Ortega (2015) she designed an ESP course to
manage librarian workers learner from different universities in Quito-Ecuador. This material helps them
brought a meaningful service for English readers with the purpose of helping librarians get the level of
global librarian community. Beside share each other information and used the English language as a
communicative language. This investigation funding the idea of an ESP course and it valid the creation of
syllabus to applied in any particular lesson.
In addition, this research contains similarities with the study of Muñoz (2019) who presented a book for
helping students from business administration carrier at PUCESE with main purpose to bring them an
effective ESP material as a component of training good professional which provides an equal service
among clients, co-workers and others since this is part of the curriculum for the learners, like Cordova,
(2019) who published a booklet as a supporting material for Touristic staff of Playa Almendro resort to
increase the lack of English knowledge to build as ESP Authentic material for Learners especially link
with the communicative skills. Regarding the creation of a syllabus based of theme should know the
necessary issues to taken into account the implement of the syllabus material necessary methodology
enclosed with teach also adapting with the communicative skills for learners need to obtain. It is always
good to remember that the syllabus designed will always turn around the results analysed according the
needs of student for ESP course.
The results of this investigation points out the important need to design a theme-based syllabus as an ESP
course to teach English to tourist workers staff from hotels in Esmeraldas. The staff demonstrated desire
to learn English to bring good services and being a good worker.
ISSN: 2456-8104 Impact Factor: 4.928 (SJIF)
Vol. 5 | Issue 26 | July 2021
A Theme Based-Syllabus to Teach an ESP Course to Tourism Workers
Edwin and Rebeca
JRSP-ELT (ISSN: 2456-8104)
The theme and content that tourist workers need to learn was determined by a previous Research which
presented 4 units: At hotel, At restaurant, On the trip and Road trip. Besides the content was related
to the worker´s need.
The communicative function and task based learning is an adequate teaching method for an ESP course to
tourist workers in Esmeraldas, because it helps from the lack of English knowledge already presented in a
previous investigation.
The syllabus was organized around all content that the staff needs to learn, as well is the method of task
based learning and communicative approach to teach English language.
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ISSN: 2456-8104 Impact Factor: 4.928 (SJIF)
Vol. 5 | Issue 26 | July 2021
A Theme Based-Syllabus to Teach an ESP Course to Tourism Workers
Edwin and Rebeca
JRSP-ELT (ISSN: 2456-8104)
Nunan, D., Candlin, C. N., & Widdowson, H. G. (1988). Syllabus design (Vol. 55). Oxford: Oxford University
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About Authors:
Edwin Daniel Córdova Montaño (MA) is a teacher of English at San Daniel Comboni School,
Esmeraldas, Ecuador. Her research interests deal with the English for Specific Purposes.
Rebeca Naranjo Corría (MA) is a teacher and researcher at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del
Ecuador Sede Esmeraldas. Her research interests are related to the Didactics of English, English for
Specific Purposes, Error correction on the development of the English-speaking skill and Teaching
English to slow learners, and Teaching English to rural students.
PERIOD : 4 Week
This course is to improve the level of English that requires a tourist employed, and likewise focus on the
skills such as speaking and listening, because these are the skills that are most important when dealing with clients.
But you will also have a chance to improve other skills such as reading and writing in some lessons. There are also
lots of vocabulary about the tourism industry and exercise. Some role plays are “communicative activities “, where
each person looks at a different activity. It is important to use English all the time when you are working with people
from other countries who speaks in the English language, cause the only way to improve your spoken the English is
by knowing the language!
To improve Tourist workers English knowledge for the interaction among customer from difference countries who
uses English as a communicative language.
ISSN: 2456-8104 Impact Factor: 4.928 (SJIF)
Vol. 5 | Issue 26 | July 2021
A Theme Based-Syllabus to Teach an ESP Course to Tourism Workers
Edwin and Rebeca
JRSP-ELT (ISSN: 2456-8104)
At the end of the course, the student participates effectively in communicative situations related to tourism,
using the English language with an intermediate level of fluency and accuracy, and demonstrating tourist culture.
Content: Exercises to provide an explanation for students when customers arrive at the hotel. Vocabulario
relate to the unit
into the
tudent read a dialog
and practice it, also
find the most relevant
expression related to
your jobs
tudent ask and answer
question information
about hotel services
air Work
roup work
tudent practice the
expression with a partner or
tudents look a
photograph, then
discuss some question
about it.
tudent write some
sentences about
activities that
customer do at hotel
ill in the blank the
sentences and
complete the sense
air Work
roup work
tudent share idea in front of
ractice with new expression
Content: Exercises to provide an explanation for students when customers arrive at the restaurant. Vocabulary
related to the unit
Arriving at
tudenst read a dialog
and practice with
ead aloud to practice
pronunciation and
intonation with
teacher support.
abel the question
according with the
correct photo numbers
ill in the blank the
sentences using words
inside a chart
air Work
roup work
racticing the new
Identify the new
Identify new vocabulary
ISSN: 2456-8104 Impact Factor: 4.928 (SJIF)
Vol. 5 | Issue 26 | July 2021
A Theme Based-Syllabus to Teach an ESP Course to Tourism Workers
Edwin and Rebeca
JRSP-ELT (ISSN: 2456-8104)
omplete with vowels
the activities to make
new words in related
of Food and things
inside a restaurant.
ractice expression in
Glossary activities
Content: Exercises to provide an explanation for students when interact with customers to give a tourist guide
entertainment. Vocabulary relate to the unit.
Tour guide
ead a dialog about a
guide tourist worker
interact with a tourist
ractice the same
dialog with a friend or
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