5. Conclusion The perception voiced by the student teacher regarding their teaching practice experience indicated that the
program has some deficiencies that make the experience stressful. Issues related to inadequacy of budget
allocated for the students during the Teaching Practice, assessment problems, inadequate support and secondary
school students’ disciplinary problems emerged as themes from student teachers response. It is clear that student
practical experience is vital to the preparation of qualified teachers. The effectiveness of the Teaching Practice
program is highly linked to its quality components. Therefore, it is imperative that the concerned bodies must
ensure the quality of the teaching practice so that the students can find it educative and supportive. However, to
the contrary the finding revealed that the program has deficiencies that put question marks on the quality of
school based practical experience of student teachers. The insightful response of student teachers about their
practicum experiences are very much important and must be acted up on to make the experience fulfilling and
satisfying. Another important issue voiced repeatedly by student teachers was the steps that must be taken by the
university to make school based practical experience adequate and fulfilling so that the student teachers were
easily acclimatized to the teaching profession.
The suggestions emerged from the study regarding what the university should do were provision of
adequate fund, continuous follow-up of the program, building strong partnership with the school and provision
of effective supervisors. The teaching practice is emphasized than needed and create a negative impact on other
relative courses. The BSc with education curriculum content gives equal emphasis on both knowledge of the
subject matter and method of teaching is more preferable by most of the student teachers. Lack of sufficient
facilities is the most serious problem influencing Teaching Practice implementation. Lack of financial and
material support and inadequate supervision are the major challenges of teaching practice. Nearly equal percent
of the student teachers interviewed planned and did not plan to be teachers but they do love their profession