2.6.1. Normal operations Fugitive emissions
Media Gas
Origin Valves, pump seals, flanges, open-ended valves, relief valves,
compressor seals, drains, sample connections.
Destination Diffuse in the atmosphere
Quantity Can be estimated with the Average Factor Method
Composition VOCs, Cl
Fugitive emissions are not negligible. They can be estimated thanks to the Average Factor
Method which is explained in part A.
Chlorine is involved in the process, consequently chlorine can be released in the atmosphere
with fugitive emissions.
Gas relieves
Media Gas
Origin Relief valves, reflux drum
Destination Flare and then atmosphere
Quantity ?
Composition CO
, VOCs, SOx, NOx, Cl
Chlorine is also emitted in case of gas relieves. This chlorine could be released in form of
dioxins (see specific paragraph later).
Flue gas from furnaces
Media Gas
Origin Fuel oil or fuel gas combustion in heaters
Destination Atmosphere
Quantity Can be known from process data
Composition CO
, SOx, NOx, PM, VOCs, metals - Calculated with Emission
These emissions are indirect emissions from the process. They come from the fuel
combustion in heaters. These emissions can be estimated thanks to Emission Factors. They
depend on the type of fuel burned, firing practice and postcombustion controls. The choice of
fuel oil or fuel gas burned in furnaces depends on the fuel available on-site.