which to explore the incredible universe of your life. These first six applications
are planets and your Mind Map is a spacecraft that will enable you to visit each
of the six landing points in turn. Once one of them has been explored or
completed – perhaps when you have achieved a goal or become a champion in
your field – Mind Mapping will help you travel on to discover new experiences
and meet new challenges.
You can use a Mind Map for every aspect of your life: business or leisure, study
or personal development. You could, for example, Mind Map the best
conversations you’ve ever had, or create a Mind Map for your dreams, then use
the Mind Map to turn those dreams into stories or poems.
The next pages explore each of the fundamental applications of Mind Maps –
home, work, education, creativity, wellbeing and memory – in each case
suggesting lots of great ways in which you can use Mind Mapping to achieve
your goals in those areas of life. I have included some sample Mind Maps to act
as inspiration and a possible starting point, but of course, as each person’s Mind
Maps are unique to them, your own Mind Maps will probably end up looking
quite different. More advanced usages of Mind Maps for each of their key
applications are suggested throughout
Chapter 5
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