Ministry of higher and secondary special education of the republic of uzbekistan

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153. Jo\'rayev Sherali Zokir o\'g\'li

____________________ FACULTY
____________________ DEPARTMENT
_______________________________from science
I recommend for protection
Dean of the faculty
____ ____ ______
SUBJECT: Blended learning -new stage in the foreign language teaching

Student:___- course ___ - group student

Research advisor:___________________
Recommended for protection
______________________ department
Headmaster ________________________
____ _____ ________



1. Blended learning

2. Blended Learning Models

3. How to start blended learning of foreign languages

4. The Main Stages To Teach Foreign Languages


Relevance of the topic. During recent years, education and its development has become one of major political priorities of the European Union. Modern information and communication techniques have made possible great changes in education. New methods and teaching forms are being sought and are occurring to transfer the huge amount of information. Currently, e -learning is being used at many universities and in a great part of secondary schools. It has been very often used within a combined form of teaching. Most often it is used as a component of blended learning as a linkage between e-learning and contact teaching. There is no fixed and single-minded notion of eLearning. A short definition of the term is given by Baresova:“Elearning is a teaching process using information and communication technologies.” (2003, s. 27). It is worth Peer-review under responsibility of Academic World Education and Research Center. mentioning that in her - perhaps even too abrupt definition – the e -learning is not categorised as a medium of instruction but as a teaching process. Shortly afterwards the Tavangarian ́s definition has been broadened in our country by means of Internet: „We will call e -learning all forms of electronic supported learning and teaching, which are procedural in character and ai m to effect the construction of knowledge with reference to individual experience, practice and knowledge of the learner.” (Tavangarian, 2004). The definition continues on and it reads as follows: Information and communication systems, whether networked or not, serve as specific media (specific in the sense elaborated previously) to implement the learning process.” This addition is of particular importance for its single-minded categorisation of e-learning as a process. The forms of this process are discus sed in the definition itself. The purpose of the form has been given. There has been a lot of talk about knowledge, skills are not mentioned. The form is devised for an individual („for a learner“). The facts taken into account are: his experience,
practice and (achieved) knowledge. Therefore, an individual in question is an older, at least an adult person. Of basic importance in our country of that time was the definition formulated by Kopecky. He characterizes eLearning not only as an educational process, but he identifies that e-learning ́s role lies in supporting of a teaching process. It is a „multimedia support of teaching process by means of modern information and communication technologies. Its purpose is to heighten the effectiveness of education“. (Kopecky, 2006). It should be noted that the reference to the pace h ad moved away from the emphasis on the increase of the teaching process effectiveness. The reference concerning any possible forms of eLearning were contained by the emphasis of e-learning and its supportive function of a teaching process. In that way, the definition given by Kopecky had finished the short and transitional period of discussion about the possibility of taking e-learning as a substitution of early forms of education. Also the Khan ́s definition has a special interest for us. It concentrates on learning environment made available just by e-learning to everyone and realized whenever and wherever. The underlining of those possibilities had become the main items in the survey of advantages concerning the use of e-learning. Paraphrased shortly, the definition introduces the possibility of taking eLearning as an innovated approach towards making of a good learning and teaching environment oriented towards a learner. That environment is easily accessible to anyone, anytime and anyplace. It uses the resources of various digital technologies and other forms of material suitable for an open, flexible and distributed teaching environment. (Khan, 2006). From that time, khan had returned to the issue of eLearning several times. His efforts had resulted in making an eLearning model of teaching. That model might be segmented into three sections: into pedagogical one, technological and managerial ones. The first section is of the greatest importance forms. The point to note here is that it concerns not the teaching process itself, it brings a substantial basis to all eLearning course designers. (The author of this article – belonging among them – highly appreciates just that set of Khan ́s views.) His framework
may be seen as a benchmark for designers also in our country until today. In the 21st century era, technology has become an integral part in humankind everyday lives. Though some of us might try staying away from it, none of us can deny this fact that it has brought a change to this world, and to our education system. From writing on those to chalk-boards, then to whiteboards, and now the, even more, better ‘smart boards,’ technology has become our main source of knowledge, information, and teaching. A typical example of blended learning is a combination of classroom teaching with interactive possibilities of Learning Management Systems (LMS) for communication, knowledge monitoring, and publishing of materials. Integration of traditional classroom teaching with online activities called as blended learning (Graham, 2006). Many researchers noted that blended learning methods are effective in online learning process with the existence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) providing opportunity to present blended learning in a more efficient way (Singh, 2010; Kabassi et al., 2016). The palette of pedagogical methods within Blended Learning is multifarious and often depends on specific course subject area. For example, a lecturer can start course of Literature with a well-structured introductory lesson in the classroom and then continue it by posting new materials and assignments for students. A teacher can build the English language course so that all audio exercises including listening, speaking, dialogues are performed in class, but work with texts reading, writing essays, etc. will be organized via LMS as homework. In the chemistry course students can explore theoretical material in virtual format, but laboratory work will be organized as face-toface exercises in classroom (Chen, 2022). Mastering the material can be realized via students’ individual approaches. Information technologies of distance learning allow conducting classes in a foreign language in a videoconference mode and provide controlled students independent work. Foreign language learner remotely has the opportunity to communicate with various communicants, and this process is not limited to any time or spatial framework, is not set specifically curricula. The reality of communication entails the desire of the learner to communicate more in a foreign language. The mechanism of such communication is an information learning environment based on hypermedia technology, with access to the global Internet. Blended learning has been described in order to distinguish between this teaching and learning style and conventional or online learning.

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