Student:Munisa Akhmatova
Group :2005 mt
Climate Change and TESOL: Language, Literacies, and the Creation of Eco-Ethical
By Jason Goulah
This article challenges the field of TESOL to respond to our planet's growing climate and
environmental crisis by conceptualizing climate change beyond a standards-based language
and content curriculum. This article was created by Goulah and is based on a
cultural-educational perspective, which believes that the ultimate goal of education is to
create environmental moral awareness through value creation.
According to this framework,
achieving this goal requires the promotion and integration of virtue, beauty, self-interest, and
social moral values in education.Language teaching can help the learners "become informed
about as many issues as possible that intrinsically affect their lives" because its content can
address a wide range of topics (Brown,1991, p.4). It is also motivated by the "call to TESOL
community to respond to the growing climatic and ecological crisis"
The author wrote a critical instrumental case study that used ethnographic and discourse
analytic methods to examine the impact of a standards-based climate change unit among
adolescent religious refugee English language learners (ELLs) from the former Soviet Union
(FSU). After all, studying them is not only about learning and teaching languages, but also
about creating awareness about the environment, strengthening the relationship between
people and habitats, as well as a comprehensive understanding of more than just the human
world.It provides a window into the important pedagogical advantages of the approach.What
this means is that ESP/EAP students are often displaced in their environments, reconnecting
them to a place helps them re-engage with a sense of connection to nature.