Intercultural communication in the language classroom
Classroom management
Planning for mixed-ability classes
Mustaqil o’zlashtiriladigan mavzular bo’yicha talabalar uyga vazifalarni bajarish, qo’shimcha darslik va adabiyotlardan yangi bilimlarni mustaqil o’rganish, kerakli ma’lumotlarni izlash va ularni toppish yo’llarini aniqlash, internet tarmoqlaridan foydalanib ma’lumotlar to’plash va ilmiy izlanishlar olib borish, ilmiy to’garak doirasida yoki mustaqil ravishda ilmiy manbalardan foydalanib ilmiy maqola va ma’ruzalar tayyorlash kabilar talabalarning darsda olgan bilimlarini chuqurlashtiradi, ularning mustaqil fikrlash va ijodiy qobiliyatini rivojlantiradi. Mustaqil ta’lim natijalari reyting tizimi asosida baholanadi.
GLOSSARY Accuracy- freedom from mistake or error in speech
Affective-relating to the emotion or to the someone’s moods
Affirmative-- a sign that you are agree with something
Alteration – modification
Ambience- the character of a place or the feeling that you have about it
Appealing- attractive or interesting
Appropriate-suitable or right for a particular situation
Arguments - discussion or debate between people with different views
Assessment- the process of making the judgment
Assessing– to carefully consider a situation, person or problem
Assign –put somebody in a group
Authentic-real not false or copied
Audience – group of people gathered to see or hear
Authentic – real not false
Awesome- very impressive and sometimes a little frightening
Balance – to create a good or correct balance between different features or aspects
Basic – fundamental
Behavior- the way a living creature acts
Brainstorming- encourages learners to produce the idea of solving practical and scientific problems individually or in groups.
Brief- lasting only for a short time
Challenge- something that needs a lot of skill, energy
Cognition-the process by which you recognizing and understanding things
Coherence-the state of being coherent
Cohesion- parts of a piece of writing that is shown by particular words or phrases