Synchronization: Never follows it, and is therefore good for live broadcasting.
half duplex: two way, but one at a time. Think walkie talkie.
Full duplex: both can send messages and receive messages at the same time.
bit synchronization: it is like having a clock between the sender and receiver to control the flow of bits.
bit rate control: bits sent per second, a measuring unit. ie: 30 bits per second.
Scatter format: breaking up messages into smaller packets which travel at different rates.
Hyper visor
Virtualization layer: Duplicate servers running as backups. .imaginary layer, like virtual layer. Lets say we launch in 3 servers. If one crashes it will slide to the next server. aka VM, Hypervisor.
Cloud computing
Provides the look and feel of a desktop over a different server. Device which has a browser and an internet connection. You can use this OS on any device.
Internet based service
On-demand delivery of computer power, database and other it resources
pay per use basis.
Broad network access, you can access different options: tablet iphone notebook different devices.
Rapid elasticity: compute power grows and shrinks with needs.
Pay for what you use, not what you don’t use.
On demand self service. Whenever you need it, it is available to you.
resource pooling: Large scale it resources to serve multiple clients.
Cloud deployment models: or types of cloud
Public cloud: Made accessible to the general public such as a public github.
private cloud: Cloud services are fully dedicated towards a specific organization. If any employee does any work, it will be viewable to anyone in the organization.
hybrid cloud: combination of both public and private cloud.
community cloud: share between organizations that have similar requirements such as college campuses. Lets say there is the engineering branch, the medical branch. they do have similar requirements of a network and so they share similar infrastructure.
Peripheral devices are those devices that are linked either internally or externally to a computer. These devices are commonly used to transfer data. The most common processes that are carried out in a computer are entering data and displaying processed data. Several devices can be used to receive data and display processed data. The devices used to perform these functions are called peripherals or I/O devices.
Peripherals read information from or write in the memory unit on receiving a command from the CPU. They are considered to be a part of the total computer system. As they require a conversion of signal values, these devices can be referred to as electromechanical and electromagnetic devices. The most common peripherals are a printer, scanner, keyboard, mouse, tape device, microphone, and external modem that are externally connected to the computer.
The following are some of the commonly used peripherals −