Appendix B
NCCAA Hall of Fame Nomination Form
Due November 15
The purpose of the Hall of Fame Award is to recognize individuals who have given outstanding leadership and/or service to the NCCAA. The criteria for selection are as follows:
An individual with at least five years of involvement with the NCCAA.
An individual that has had a significant contribution to the NCCAA.
An individual of high moral character and Christian integrity.
An individual presently making a positive contribution by serving the Lord and society.
An individual maintaining a continued interest in Christian higher education and intercollegiate athletics.
The selection committee is comprised of the Executive Director, Administration Committee of the Board of Directors.
Nomination forms shall be emailed to the membership on October 15 of each year. Nomination form, five letters of support and biographic sketch are to be returned to the National Office by November 15. The selection committee, comprised of the Executive Director and the Administration Committee, shall meet once annually to select the inductees. No more than three inductees shall be selected each year. Selectees shall be notified of their selection via telephone and letter. Those who are selected shall be inducted at the Annual Convention.
The nomination form, five letters of support and a biographical sketch of the nominee must be submitted by the nominator in one complete packet and mailed to the NCCAA National Office. The nomination packet should be received by November 15. Nominees shall be notified by December 31.
Please print or type
I wish to nominate _________________________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________ Telephone (_______)_______-______________
City ________________________________________________ State ______________ Zip ______________
Institution/Affiliation _______________________________________________________________________________
Enclosed are five letters of support and the biographical sketch.
Name of Nominator ________________________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________ Telephone (_______)_______-______________
City ________________________________________________ State ______________ Zip ______________
Signature ____________________________________________ Date _________/_________/_________
Appendix C
Heart of Courage Award
Due March 1
This award shall be given to a student-athlete fitting the following criteria:
A current player on an NCCAA team.
Has exemplary Christian character.
Has shown courage in the midst of difficult circumstances in such a way as to inspire others.
A National Sport Committee shall nominate a recipient on the above criteria. Nominations are due to the National Office by March 1. The Director of Membership & Compliance shall ratify the nomination.
A plaque shall be given to the recipient(s) at the Annual Convention.
The purpose of this award is to recognize a Christian athlete who has also shown courage in the midst of difficult circumstances, while at the same time inspiring others to live out their faith. God Himself puts a premium on perseverance and endurance. It is our desire to encourage those who are doing just that in unusual circumstances, and to say thank you for truly reminding us of our Living Hope.
The award itself was inspired by the courage of Kathy Stewart of Kentucky Christian College.
On May, 7, 1998, Kathy Stewart was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. This diagnosis was followed by six months of physical problems and fruitless efforts to find the cause. During the summer of 1998, Kathy underwent two surgeries to remove the tumor, a series of radiation treatments, and two months of recovery. She returned to school in mid-September, made up her class work and proceeded to play basketball her senior year. Physically, Kathy struggled, but spiritually she gave God praise for His mercy and support during her ordeal. Throughout Kathy’s illness, she constantly lifted others up with her positive outlook and her bubbling spirit. Though struggling herself, her greatest concern was for her family.
On February 18, 2000, Kathy lost her battle to cancer, but won the victory in Jesus for her eternity. She was a model student-athlete and an inspiration for all in the way she lived out her faith. All who knew Kathy were challenged to do the same.
Appendix D
NCCAA Presidential Award
The NCCAA is pleased to present an annual All-Sports Award to one Division I and one Division II member institution. Points are earned based upon a team’s finish in an NCCAA National Championship. At least 33% of the division’s membership must sponsor that sport in order for it to be eligible for the point system. Softball (w), Indoor Track & Field (m & w), Track & Field (m & w), Golf (m & w), Tennis (m & w) and Baseball (m) serve as “uni-division” championships in which either division is eligible for points. Currently, Division I sports include: Volleyball (w), Soccer (m & w), Cross Country (m & w), and Basketball (m & w) in addition to the “uni-division” championships. Division II sports include: Volleyball (w), Soccer (m & w), Cross Country (m & w), and Basketball (m & w) in addition to the “uni-division” championships. An award shall be presented at the Annual Convention to the institution with the most points in each division.
National Sport Chair _________________________________ Sport __________________________________
Division ___________________________________________ Date __________________________________
Division I – National Championship Placement Points Earned
1st ____________________________________ 12
2nd ____________________________________ 9
3rd ____________________________________ 8
4th ____________________________________ 6
5th ____________________________________ 5
6th ____________________________________ 4
7th ____________________________________ 3
8th ____________________________________ 1
Division II – National Championship Placement Points Earned
1st ____________________________________ 12
2nd ____________________________________ 9
3rd ____________________________________ 8
4th ____________________________________ 6
5th ____________________________________ 5
6th ____________________________________ 4
7th ____________________________________ 3
8th ____________________________________ 1
Appendix E
Game Plan 4 LIFE (GP4L)
Student-Athlete Character Award
Nomination Form
Due March 1
The purpose of the Game Plan 4 LIFE Student-Athlete Character Award is to recognize NCCAA student-athletes who epitomize the Christian character qualities of:
Love: demonstrating a caring and consistent love for others (I Corinthians 13)
Integrity: living out ethical principles in a clear and consistent manner (Job 27:5)
Faith: acknowledging a life of faith and sharing that faith with others (Hebrews 11)
Excellence: striving to do all things at the highest standard (Philippians 4:8)
1. A student-athlete who is junior, senior or graduate status and with at least two seasons of involvement within NCCAA athletics.
2. An individual who consistently demonstrates love, integrity, faith and excellence within college athletics, their campus, and their home/college community.
The selection committee is comprised of the NCCAA President, First Vice President and Executive Director.
The selection committee shall select one male and one female student-athlete annually.
Completed nomination forms and letters of support are due to the National Office by March 1 each year.
The following are required for a completed submission:
The completed nomination form must accompany a letter from the nominator which elaborates on reasons why the nominee is deserving of the award. This shall include the four aspects of the GP4L characteristics.
Four letters of support (including nominee’s Head Coach, Athletics Director, a Cabinet Member, and at least one opposing coach/player from the most recent season) must be included with the nomination.
A high resolution head shot photo in .jpg format is required.
Recipients shall be notified of their selection via e-mail, telephone and/or letter by March 15.
Recipients shall be honored during the Hall of Fame Banquet at the NCCAA Annual Convention. A subsidy of up to $250 towards travel shall be available to each of the winners.
Appendix E (continued)
Game Plan 4 LIFE (GP4L)
Student-Athlete Character Award
Nomination Form
Please see the previous page for all requirements for nomination and selection of candidates for the GP4L Student-Athlete Character Award.
(Please print or type all information.)
I wish to nominate:
Name _________________________________________ Sport(s) ______________________________________
Telephone _____________________________________ E-mail ________________________________________
Institution ______________________________________ Coach _______________________________________
Institution Address ________________________________________________________________________________
Class (Circle One): JR SR GRADUATE Major_____________________________________
Years involved in the sport at institution listed above (Circle One): 2 3 4
Leadership Positions _______________________________________________________________________________
Awards and Honors ________________________________________________________________________________
Sport Specific Statistics _____________________________________________________________________________
Name of Nominator ________________________________ Position _______________________________________
Telephone (_________)___________-_________________ E-mail ________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________________________________
Signature__________________________________________________________ Date________________________
Submit all information by March 1 to the National Christian College Athletic Association
302 W Washington St • Greenville, SC 29601• Fax: 864-250-1141• Phone: 864-250-1199
Jerry Malone, Director of Membership & Compliance •
Appendix F
NCCAA Game Plan 4 LIFE (GP4L)
Athletic Staff Character Award
Nomination Form
Due March 1
The purpose of the Game Plan 4 LIFE (GP4L) Athletic Staff Character Award is to recognize NCCAA athletic staff who epitomize the Christian character qualities of:
Love: demonstrating a caring and consistent love for others (I Corinthians 13)
Integrity: living out ethical principles in a clear and consistent manner (Job 27:5)
Faith: acknowledging a life of faith and sharing that faith with others (Hebrews 11)
Excellence: striving to do all things at the highest standard (Philippians 4:8)
Nominees must be employed in a coaching or athletic leadership role at an NCCAA member institution.
Nominees’ lives shall demonstrate a personal commitment to Christ in the athletic environment as well as in all other spheres of endeavor.
Nominees shall be individuals who consistently demonstrate the values of Love, Integrity, Faith, and Excellence, and also demonstrate commitment to the NCCAA at their institutions, as well as regionally and/or nationally.
The selection committee shall be comprised of the NCCAA President, First Vice President and Executive Director.
The selection committee shall select one male and one female athletic staff annually.
Completed nomination forms and letters of support are due to the National Office by March 1 each year.
The following are required for a completed submission:
The completed nomination form accompanied by a letter from the nominator which elaborates on reasons why the nominee is deserving of the award. This shall include the four aspects of the GP4L characteristics.
Individuals may be nominated by current or former student-athletes, fellow coaches, athletic administrators, or others associated with institutional leadership. Nominations shall be supported by at least four letters from persons in these groups.
A high resolution head shot photo in .jpg format.
Inductees shall be notified of their selection via e-mail, telephone, and/or letter by March 15.
Recipients shall be honored during the Hall of Fame Banquet at the NCCAA Annual Convention. A subsidy of up to $250 towards travel shall be available each of the winners.
Appendix F (continued)
NCCAA Game Plan 4 LIFE (GP4L)
Athletic Staff Character Award
Nomination Form
Please see the previous page for all requirements for nomination and selection of candidates for the GP4L Athletic Staff Character Award.
(Please print or type all information)
I wish to nominate:
Name __________________________________________ Sport __________________________________
Telephone _______________________________________ E-mail _________________________________
Institution _______________________________________ Years involved at institution _______________
Institution Address _________________________________________________________________________________
Leadership Positions _______________________________________________________________________________
Awards and Honors ________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Nominator _______________________________ Position _______________________________________
Institution ________________________________________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone (_________)__________ - _________________ Email _________________________________________
Signature of Nominator ___________________________________________________ Date ____________________
Submit all information by March 1 to the National Christian College Athletic Association
302 W Washington St • Greenville, SC 29601• Fax: 864-250-1141• Phone: 864-250-1199
Jerry Malone, Director of Membership & Compliance •
1991 Lynn Bargfeldt
Ron Bishop
Susan Bowman
Dr. Ray Bullock
Dr. Don Callan
David Diehl
Dr. Homer Drew
Nancy Durrwachter
Tom Fink
Bill Forlow
Bob Gustavson
Joe Harding
Jim Huckaby
Chet Kammerer
Doug Karnes
Elvin King
Larry Maddox
Dr. Howard F. Nourse
Wendy Parsons
Keith Phillips
Curt Richards
Dr. Ken Roden
Peg Roorbach
Dr. Byron Shenk
Terry Taggart
Susie Toomey
1992 Joe Brockinton
Dr. Ted Comden
Dr. Chris Davis
Kay Dunckel
Gene Fitzgerald
Greg Gaffney
Sherrie Holloway
Stephen Morley
Jean Penfound
Deborah Rupp
Jeff Sikes
Dr. Ken Sisson
Tami Smialek
Jack Souther
Dr. Ralph Swearngin
Karen Traut
1993 Steve Burke
Lee Erickson
Kirk Hanson
Dr. Craig Hayward
Jim Phillips
Charlie Temple
1994 Kristi Brodin
Jim Flint
Wayne Rasmussen
1995 Gary Baldwin
Tim Collins
Bruce Dixon
Dr. Mike Fratzke
Mel Hankinson
Jim Kessler
Orin Linde
1995 Bob Marsh
(cont.) Candace Moats
Martin Ozinga III
Ben Peterson
Dave Ribbens
Susie Toomey
Lauren Wartluft
John Wheeler
1996 Charles Canon
John Foss
Kirk Hanson
Tim Hills
Scott Laing
Dean Skinner
Dan Wood
1997 Dr. John Bratcher
Chris Coy
Dick Gilroy
Dave Grube
Joe Hakes
Willie Holley
Jim Huckaby
Ken Hyland
Dr. Marti MacCullough
Drew Peterson
Harold Williams
Don Wood
Kelly Wood
Sam Woolwine
1998 Mike Faro
Rick Fields
Lynn Hanson
Roger Jacobs
Mike Lightfoot
Dave Spilman
Dan Wood
Del Wubbena
1999 Sheldon Bassett
Bill Bockwitz
Dr. Jerry Boone
Byron Deel
Sherman Eberly
Roger Jacobs
Fred Johnson
Rick Johnson
Ray Kuhles
Dave Ribbens
Nancy Siddens
Bobby Temple
Del Wubbena
2000 Bruce Dixon
Willie Holley
Rocky Kent
Susan Kindley
Paul Kurtz
Dan Wielhouwer
2001 Dr. Chris David
Kathy Freese
Sherrie Holloway
2001 Robbie Jones
(cont.) Candace Moats
Rick Stephens
Evelyn Swearngin
Dave Walter
2002 Dr. Vickie Grooms-Denny
Gene Fitzgerald
Kirk Hanson
Joe Harding
Dr. Bob Jackson
Randy Kirk
Pat Milligan
Rich Ozinga
Dave Ribbens
Dr. Ralph Swearngin
2003 Lesley Burbridge-Bates
Brian Hamil
Kirk Hanson
Steve Hilbelink
Willie Holley
Darek Jarmola
C. Dan Joyner
Jay Martin
Brian Mogg
Claudette Stine
Deb Thompson
2004 David Baillie
Bill Bippes
Dr. Jerry Boone
Teresa Clark
Don Rekoske
Jerry Terrill
2005 Ron Arnett
Bill Bippes
Dr. Vickie Byler
Dr. Keith Conner
Freddie King
Jody Martinez
Lanny Nihart
Amy Strong
Brad Williams
2006 Kent Bottenfield
Jim Hunter
Chad Leach
Jonathan Meade
2007 Jim Aller
Dr. Kevin Crawford
Greg Hughes
Dr. Pamela Johnson
Richard Neal
Paul Swanson
2008 Jason Beck
Paul Berry
Lindsay Bickerstaff
Neal Butler
Paul Furey
Ritchie Richardson
2008 Charlotte Snowden
(cont.) Amy Strong
2009 Randy Douglas
Greg Hayton
Jerry Malone
Pete Morey
Jeff Santarsiero
Dennis Scott
2010 Duane Aagaard
Jeff Bolender
Dave Herron
Jeff Raymond
Will Shouse
Alan Sumner
Bob White
2011 Ryan Bowen
Shawn Condra
Joe Griffin
Tony Natali
Deb Thompson
Drew Watson
Chris Williams
Dr. Rick Wright
2012 Ben Belleman
Curt Bickley
Glenn Bridges
Clayton Morrison
Tom Price
Ryan Sommers
2013 Kyle Bloom
Dr. Jimmy Epting
Mark Goetsch
Chris Lahm
Mike Manes
Dr. Barry McKeown
Brian Patton
Justin Pollock
Darren Richie
Julia Reininga
Dave Spilman
Angie Taulborg
Mandy Wray
2014 Aimee Davison
Steve Evans
Tom Hancock
Dr. Matt Hill
Chuck Kandt
Merl McGinnis
Becky Pearl
2015 Shawn Condra
Mark DeMichael
Roy Mulholland
Larry Olson
Kenny Trapp
2016 Bob Brickman
Jason Covarrubias
Eddie Davis
Andria Harshman
2016 Mark Miller
(cont.) Lanny Nihart
Tom Price
James Whitaker
1991 John Wheeler
Harold Williams
1993 Sam Woolwine
1994 Dr. John Crandall
Alvin R. May
1995 Lois Tomlin
1998 Dave Schmidt
Kelly Wood
1999 Glen Rankin
2001 Lynn Bargfeldt
Charles Canon
Bud Schaeffer
2006 Glenn & Joyce Bridges
Cowart Awards
Greenville First Presbyterian Church
South Carolina Charities, Inc.
Norm Wilhelmi
2008 Tom & Linda Dodgen
Tom & Jill Hancock
John & Jody Wheeler
1990 Cedarville College
1991 Multnomah School of the Bible
1992 Bethel College
1993 Pillsbury College
1994 Northland Baptist Bible College
1995 North Central Bible College
1996 Asbury College
1997 Moody Bible Institute
1998 Houghton College
1999 St. Louis Christian College
Multnomah Bible College
2001 Indiana Wesleyan University
2002 Northwestern College
2003 The Master’s College
2004 Bethel College
2005 The Master’s College
2006 Northland Baptist Bible College
2007 Faith Baptist Bible College
2008 Southern Wesleyan University
2009 Central Christian College of Kansas
Central Bible College
2010 Clearwater Christian College
2011 The Master’s College
2012 Southeastern University
2013 Colorado Christian University
2014 Maranatha Baptist University
Indiana Wesleyan University
2015 Clearwater Christian College
2016 Grace College
1991 E.C. Haskell
Jim Huckaby
Norm Wilhelmi
1992 Dr. Don Callan
Dr. Ralph Swearngin
1993 Hank Burbridge
Elvin King
1994 Jim Kessler
Dick Patterson
1995 Ron Bishop
Kristi Brodin
Dr. Mike Fratzke
1996 Tom Fink
Dr. Ken Roden
1997 Dr. John Bratcher
Willie Holley
Larry Maddox
1998 Dr. Barry R. May
Harold Williams
1999 Dr. Ray Bullock
2000 Stephen H. Morley
David L. Ribbens
Hal Smith
2001 Mike Lightfoot
Del Wubbena
2002 John Wheeler
2003 Homer Drew
Kirk Hanson
Ken Sanders
2004 Dr. Marti MacCullough
Ben Peterson
Jerry Terrill
2005 Dr. Vickie Grooms-Denny
2006 Jean Penfound
Paul Swanson
2007 Dick Damron
Sam Riggleman
2008 Vern Howard
Dr. Pam Johnson
Bob White
2009 Dr. Chris Davis
Pete Reese
2010 Joe Harding
2011 Keith Champion
Marsha Jackson
Dr. Dee Morris
2012 Ron Arnett
2013 Jack Hazen
Jeff Santarsiero
2014 John Foss
Jody Martinez
Richard “Dick” Molenhouse
2015 Paul Berry
2016 Arlon Beadles
Patrick Gilliam
2005 Maureen Reimiller Trinity Bible College
2006 Sarah Wenger Philadelphia Biblical University
2009 Kim Kersey Lincoln Christian College
2014 Kaylee McBeth Colorado Christian University
2011 Greta King Northwestern College
Dayton Merrell Grace College
2012 Emma Kile Clearwater Christian College
Corey Burke Judson University
2013 Torey DeLozier Maranatha Baptist Bible College
Austin Muchow North Central University
2014 Leah Rutt Dallas Baptist University
Taylor Pill Maranatha Baptist University
2015 Melissa Loretto Trinity International University
Sutton Rehwaldt North Central University
2016 Tera Weyer North Central University
Daniel Anderson Maranatha Baptist University
2013 Dr. Vickie Denny Clearwater Christian College
Mike Faro Roberts Wesleyan College
2014 Cammie Petree McMurry University
Adam Preston Campbellsville University
2015 Kim Abbott Columbia International University
Martin Ward Providence University College
2016 Beth Wilmeth University of Northwestern
Hank Moore SW Assemblies of God Univ.
1974 Jim Woudstra Northwestern College
1975 Tod Habegger Summit Christian College
1976 Bob Eelman The King's College
1977 Danny Smith Tennessee Temple University
1978 Rick Cole Baptist Bible College, PA
1979 Don Hiebenthal Western Baptist College
1980 Scott Gregory Atlanta Christian College
1981 Dean Ropp Bryan College
1982 Brian Miller Northwestern College
1983 Jeff Stackhouse Grand Rapids/Bible & Music
1984 John Boal Grace College
1985 Charlie McMaham Cincinnati Bible College
1986 Perry Frank Indiana Wesleyan University
1987 Joe Graham Grace College
Not awarded after 1987
1984 Gary Anderson Cedarville College
Lori Shepard Taylor University
1985 Eric Joseph Biola University
Jane Romig Cedarville College
1986 Tom Welsh Baptist Bible College, PA
Jane Brooker Cedarville College
1987 Dave Getsinger Spring Arbor College
Jodie Williamson Taylor University
1988 Mike Yoder Taylor University
Teresa Luidhardt Indiana Wesleyan University
1989 David Luce Huntington College
Eileen Gable Roberts Wesleyan College
1990 Nate Phinney Taylor University
Jo Ellen Earhart Huntington College
1991 Don Rains Tabor College
Sarah Hurst Indiana Wesleyan University
1992 Chris Bombei Taylor University
Carrie Williamson Taylor University
1993 Brad Johnson Huntington College
Elizabeth Steinwachs Roberts Wesleyan College
1994 Matt Langdon Huntington College
Stephanie Sherman Cedarville College
1995 Chris Debacker Spring Arbor College
Jennifer Zenner Cedarville College
1996 Joe Cunningham Cedarville College
Julianne Pletcher Cedarville College
1997 Braden Black Indiana Wesleyan University
Kim Sturm Spring Arbor College
1998 Joe Cebulski Taylor University
Shannon Bult Olivet Nazarene University
1999 Darren Youngstron Taylor University
Stacey Wenger Malone College
2000 Suzi Jeren Malone College
Chrissie Jeren Malone College
2001 Jeff Boele Greenville College
Amy Ferrell Greenville College
2002 Tim Sprankle Grace College
Laura Norris Indiana Wesleyan University
2003 John Wachtmann Taylor University
Heidi Bock Spring Arbor University
2004 Beau Meredith Greenville College
Staci Weisser Bethel College
2005 Dave Gramlich Malone College
Meg Peters Spring Arbor University
2006 Kevin Hall Cedarville University
Erica Young Bethel College
2007 Geoff King Bethel College
Jamecia McCall Greenville College
2008 John Bowman Indiana Wesleyan University
Bethany Carr Olivet Nazarene University
2009 Josh Foss Indiana Wesleyan University
Kalie Hauenstein Malone University
2010 Brad Wilson Bethel College
Katie VanderArk Trinity Christian College
2011 Caleb Sutton Judson University
Julia Urbanski Geneva College
2012 Robby Burns Bethel College
Michaela Crew Spring Arbor University
2013 Kyle Anderson Spring Arbor University
Trisha Nelson Bethel College
2014 Jonathon Rex Grace College
Anastasia Pearse Trinity Western University
2015 Rachel Hust Roberts Wesleyan College
Aaron McGinnis Roberts Wesleyan College
2016 Destiny Garza SW Assemblies of God Univ.
Daniel Marinelli Bob Jones University
2015 Kelsey Bruce Dallas Baptist University
Donovan Graham Grace College
2016 Anna Grace Govero Mississippi College
Tommy Grant Bethel College
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