Международный научный журнал
№10(100), часть1
«Научный импульс»
Мая, 2023
Jumaboyev Javlonbek Sherqul o’g’li
Po’latov Doston Normurod o’g’li
Roziqov Abdug’ani Ilhomjon o’g’li
Hasanov Murodillo Azim o’g’li
Annotatsiya: Bu annotatsiya, routerga (simsiz tarmoq Wi-Fi) DoS hujumlariga doir
ma'lumotlarni taqdim etadi. DoS (Denial of Service) hujumlari, tarmoq qurilmalariga yo'l
qo'yilgan xavfsizlik bo'shliqini topish uchun ishlatiladigan bir turiy xavfni ifodalaydi.
Routerga qarshi DoS hujumlari, tarmoqda mavjud bo'lgan to'g'ri foydalanuvchilarga
xizmat ko'rsatish imkoniyatini cheklash maqsadida amalga oshiriladi. Bu hujumlar,
routerning qo'shimcha trafikni yo'qotish yoki bozish orqali amalga oshirilishi mumkin.
Simsiz tarmoq Wi-Fi DoS hujumlari, tarmoqdagi kabellangan uzatuvchilarning
yo'qolishi, SIM kartaning aktivlashtirilmagan qolishi, tarmoqni hujumlar uchun avtomatik
ravishda o'chirish uchun kamchiliklar bilan bog'liq bo'lishi mumkin. Bunday hujumlar orqali,
foydalanuvchilar tarmoqdagi xizmatdan yoksun qolishi mumkin.
Bu annotatsiya routerga DoS hujumlari va ularning simsiz tarmoq Wi-Fi orqali amalga
oshirilishini tushunish uchun umumiy ma'lumotlar beradi. Bu turlar xavfli hujumlar, tarmoq
xavfsizligi va xavfsizlikni ta'minlash bo'yicha muammo sifatida ko'rsatiladi.
Kalit so’zlar:Roter,Filtrlash,interfeys,protokol, monitor.
Abstract: This annotation provides information about router (wireless network Wi-Fi)
DoS attacks. DoS (Denial of Service) attacks represent a type of threat used to exploit
network devices to find a security loophole.
DoS attacks against a router are carried out in order to limit the ability to serve the
correct users on the network. These attacks can be done by causing the router to lose or
jam additional traffic.
A wireless network may be subject to Wi-Fi DoS attacks, the loss of wired transmitters
in the network, SIM card not being activated, flaws to automatically shut down the
network for attacks. Through such attacks, users can be deprived of service on the network.
This annotation provides general information to the router to understand DoS attacks
and their implementation over wireless network Wi-Fi. These types are shown as malicious
attacks, network security and security issues.