New English File: ✅ To Increase To make something bigger

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New English File: ✅

To Increase - To make something bigger

To Reduce - To make something smaller.

To Promote - To help something to happen or develop.

To Encourage - Influence somebody in a positive way.
To Protect - 1) To defend somebody or something.

2) Keep them safe.

To Ban - To say something is not allowed, often by law.
Frantic - 1) Emotionally out of control; 2) Uncontrolled; Crazy;
Contestant - 1) One that participates in a contest. 2) Participant; Player.
To Pretend - Raise a claim (for quality or something else).
Branch - A shop or office which is part of a larger organization.
Staff - Employee, (or employees).
Crew - 1) All the people who help to make a film. 2) Team.
Sequel - A film that continues the story from an earlier film.
To friendly - Kind; Pleasant; Amicable;
Poverty - 1) Poor; 2) Poverty is about not having enough money to meet basic needs including food, clothing and shelter.

An approach -

1) The act of moving or becoming near or nearer to someone or something
2) A way of dealing with a situation or problem.
Cast - All the actors in a film, (or all the people who act in a film).
Desperate - 1) Hopeless; 2) To feel that it is impossible to cope.
Questionnaire - 1) Form; 2) A questionnaire is a research instrument that consists of a set of questions or other types of prompts that aims to collect information from a respondent.
Vague - Uncertain; Indefinite; Unclear.
Dice - A small cube which has between one and six spots or numbers on its sides, and which is used in games to provide random numbers.
Brutal - Cruel; Oppressive; Vicious; Merciless; Relentless; Grim.
To Value - 1) (opposite: Worthless; Unnecessary)
2) Cost; 3) The regard that something is held to deserve; 4) The importance of something.
Inhabitant -1) Person or animal that lives in a particular place; 2) Resident; Dweller; Population.
To Confess -1)(opposite: to Deny; to Conceal). 2) Admit; Concede. 3) To admit that he has committed a crime or done something wrong.
To Pass away - 1) (opposite: to Breathe; Live). 2) This word is used to avoid saying ‘die’ when you think this might upset someone. 3) to Die; Pass on.
To Looking forward to - To wait with pleasure for something to happen.
CV -
1) A brief account of one's previous career and qualifications;
2) As relevant to a job application.

Handbook 1: ✅

BMT-nin ali orqanı -the principal organs of the UN
Baş Assambleya -the general assembly
Təhlükəsizlik şurası - security council
İqtisadi və sosial şura-the economic and social council
Qəyyumluq üzrə şura-trusteeship council
Ali Məhkəmə-the international court of justice

BMT katibliyi-The UN secretariat

köməkçi orqanlar-subsidary organs
BMT-nin daimi üzvləri-permanent numbers of the secretary council
BMT-nin ilk uzvleri-the original numbers of the UN
BMT tərkibində daimi nümayəndəlik-permanent mission to the UN
BMT-nin xüsusiləşdirilmiş idarələri-the UN specialized agencies
BMT-nin prinsip və meqsedleri-the purposes and principles of the UN
Baş katib adından-on behalf of the Secretary General
Nazirlər səviyyəsində-at the ministerial level
Sefirler səviyyəsində-at the ambassadorial level
A non-career diplomat-qeyri-professional diplomat
The proposed envoy-teklif olumuş dövlət elçisi
Unless there is express objection by any of the receiving states-qebul edən dövlətlər tərəfindən etiraz olmadığı halda
To accord ill treatment to smb-kimlese pis rəftar etmək
To accredit an ambassador to another government-basqa dövlətə səfir təyin etmək
To announce an appointment-teyin olunma haqqında məlumat vermək
To approve the appointee-namizede razılıq vermək
To give reasons for a refusal of agreement-aqremana rədd etməyin motivlərini xəbər vermək
To give due notification to the receiving state-uygun olaraq getdiyi dövləti xəbərdar etmək
To make a formal application for agreement -suretde aqreman tələb etmək
To make a nomination -kimise vezifeye təyin etmək
To make a speech critical of the receiving state -getdiyi ölkənin ünvanına tənqidlə çıxış etmək
A verbal note -şifahi nota

An exchange of notes -nota mübadiləsi

The substance of a note -notanin maddəsi
A requesting visas note -teleb olunan vizalar notası
To present a note -nota təqdim etmək
A business visa -viza xidməti
An entry visitor visa -daxil olmaq üçün viza
An exit visa - terk etmek üçün viza
A multiple visa -çox defeli viza
A transit visa -tranzit vizası
A valid visa - həqiqi viza
To apply for a visa -viza tələb etmək

To cancel a visa -vizani ləğv etmək

To deny a visa -vizani ləğv etmək

To extend a validation of a visa -vizanin etibarlılıq müddətini artirma

To grant a visa -viza vermək

Presentation of credentials -etimadnamenin verilməsi

Credible-etimada layiq


Credentials committee-mandat komissiyası

Political creed -siyasi baxışlar

A letter of credence-zemanet məktubu

A man of credit-yaxsi ad çıxarmış şəxs

To do smb credit-kimese seref bilmək

To present ones credentials-etimadnameleri təqdim etmək

To give credence -kimese etimad göstermek

To refuse credence-etimadini rədd etmək

To lose credit-etimadini itirmək

Head of a consular post-konsul idarənin başçısı

A document in the form of a commission or similar instrument-patent yaxud ona oxşar akt formasında sənəd

A document made out for each appointment-her teyinatda tərtib edilmiş sənəd

A document certyfing one's capacity-kiminse vəzifəsini təsdiqləyən sənəd

The appointment of a consular representative-konsullugun nümayəndəsinin təyin edilməsi

The official recognition of a consul-konsulun resmi tanınması

An authorization from receiving state -daxil olduğu ölkə tərəfindən icazə

To be admitted to the exercise of one's-oz funksiyalarının yerinə yetirilməsinə icaze verən sənəd

To grant an exequatur-ekzekvatura vermək

To discharge one's functions-oz vəzifəsini yerinə yetirmək

To transmit through the diplomatic or other appropriate channel-diplomatik yaxud başqa müvafiq yolla göndərmək

To enter on one's duties-oz vəzifələrinin yerinə yetirilməsinə başlamaq

To prolong the validity of the visa - Vizanın etibarlılığını uzatmaq.

Your excellency - Zati-aliləri. Very truly yours - Son dərəcə səmimiyyətlə.

A non-career diplomat - Qeyri-professional Diplomat.
The proposed envoy - Təklif olunan elçi.
To make a nomination - Kimisə vəzifəyə təyin etmək, namizədliyini irəli sürmək.
To approve the appointy - Hər hansı vəzifəyə, namizədə razılıq vermək.
To discharge ones functions - Öz vəzifələrini, funksiyalarını yerinə yetirmək.
Authorizations from the receiving states - Daxil olduğu ölkə tərəfindən icazə.
The official recognition of a counsul - Konsulun rəsmi tanınması
Presentitation of the credentials - Etimadnaməni təqdim etmək
Credentials committee - Etimadnamə komitəsi. Political creed - Siyasi etiqad.
A letter of credence - Zəmanət məktubu. A man of credit - Yaxşı ad çıxarmış şəxs.
To lose credit - Etimadını itirmək.
Handbook 2
ACCEPTANCE: agreement to the act or offer of another so that the parties become legally bound.
ACCESSION: the act by which a nation becomes a party to treaty (convention, etc.) already in force
ACCREDITATION: giving official authorization to or approval
ACCORD: a formal treaty or agreement of, sending out a diplomatic envoy with credentials to official or government of the receiving state
ACTE FINAL: a formal summary or statement of the proceedings of a conference or congress, enumerations; also final act
AD INTERIM: temporary, in the meantime
AD REFERENDUM: subject to the approval of the government
AGENDA: a list of items to be discussed or business to be transacted, as at a meeting, etc. or during the negotiations
AGREATION: the process of determining whether the proposed diplomatic envoy is acceptable to the receiving state
AGREEMENT: the approval of an ambassador or a minister by the government of the receiving state
AIDE-MEMOIRE: an informal summary of a diplomatic interview or conservation which serves merely as an aid to memory; use. left at the foreign office by the ambassador or minister concerned (or his representative), or handed to the ambassador or minister concerned (or his representative) at the foreign office
ALTERNAT: a special rule followed during the conclusion of a multilateral treaty, entitling each state party to precedence in the original text retained by it
AMBASSADOR: a top-ranking diplomat accredited to a foreis government or to the head of state as a resident representative; see: ambassador extraordinary and
AMBASSADOR, APPOINTED: a top-ranking diplomat who hus been received by a secretary of state or minister for foreign affairs prior to presenting his credentials to the head of state
AMBASSADOR-AT-LARGE: a diplomatic agent accredited to no particular country
AMBASSADOR-DESIGNATE: a diplomatic agent who has been appointed to office, approved by the head of the receiving state, but has not presented his credentials
AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY: a nonaccredited personal representative of the head of state on a special diplomatic mission
AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY: a personal representative of the head of one state accredited to the head of another state, head of the mission
APPEL: the salutation in a letter or note indicating the official title of the addressee
ASYLUM: protection from arrest and extradition given by a state to political refugees
ATTACHY: 1. the lowest ranking official of the diplomatic service,2.a senior diplomatic official attached to a mission for specialized services, e.g.: a military (naval, air or commercial)
BELLIGERENCY: the state of being at war or in conflict with another nation
CAREER DIPLOMAT: a professional diplomat
CASUS BELLI: an act or situation justifying or precipitating war
CHANCELLERY: the office or staff of an embassy or a consulate
CHARGY DIAFFAIRES: a diplomatic representative inferior in rank to an ambassador or minister who is sent to another country and accredited to the minister for foreign affairs)
CHARGY DIAFFAIRES AD INTERIM: the counsellor or secretary of an embassy or legation who automatically assumes charge of a diplomatic mission in the temporary as absence of an ambassador or minister to submit a dispute to arbitration
COMPROMISE DIARBITRAGE: a compact defining the course of procedure to be followed when the two countries agree
CONCORDAT: a treaty between the Pope and a sovereign or
CONSENSUS: a general agreement (or opinion, testimony, etc.);
CONSUL: an official appointed by a government to reside in a foreign country to look after the interests of citizens of the government of another state unanimity appointing country
CONSULAR COMMISSION: a formal document certifying the consul's capacity and showing his full name, category and class, his consular district and the seat of the consular post;
CONSULATE: the residence, office or jurisdiction of a consul
CONSUL GENERAL: a senior diplomatic consul stationed in an important place or having jurisdiction in several places or over several consuls
COUNSELOR: a senior secretary at an embassy who, in the absence of the head of the mission, acts as “Chargy d'Affaires"
COURTOISIE: a complimentary close in a letter or note varying according to the nature of the correspondence
COVENANT: an agreement of solemn nature
CREDENTIALS: a formal paper from the head of one state to the head of another accrediting an ambassador, minister or other diplomatic agent as one authorized to act for his government or head of state
CURRICULUM VITAE: a brief account of one's previous career and qualifications, esp, as relevant to a job application
DYMARCHE: a diplomatic move or proceeding, esp. one initiating a change of policy
DENUNCIATION: notification by a state of its intention to terminate a treaty (armistice, etc.)
DYTENTE: a relaxation of international tension
DIPLOMACY: 1. the art and practice of conducting international relations; 2. skill and fact in handling affairs
DIPLOMAT: 1. one engaged in diplomacy, esp. accredited to a seat of government in the receiving state;
DIPLOMATIC AGENT: head of the mission or a member of the diplomatic staff of the mission
DIPLOMATIC BAG: (a bag containing) diplomatic mail
DIPLOMATIC CORPS: the collective heads of foreign diplomatic missions and their staffs in the capital of a country
DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY: the exemption from local laws and taxation accorded to a diplomatic staff abroad
DIPLOMATIC POUCH: see diplomatic bag
DIPLOMATIC SERVICE: a branch of public service concerned with the representation of a country abroad
DISPATCH: a written communication to the secretary of state or minister for foreign affairs from a diplomatic or consular officer abroad
DOYEN: a senior officer of the diplomatic corps
EMBASSY: (the residence of) a diplomatic body headed by an ambassador
EN CLAIR: (used in telegrams, official dispatches, etc.) drawn up and sent in ordinary language, as opposed to a secret code or cipher
ENVOY: a diplomatic agent, esp. one who ranks immediately below an ambassador
ENVOY EXTRAORDINARY: a diplomatic agent
ENVOY EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY: a diplomatic agent ranking between an ambassador and a minister and accredited to the head of state; head of the mission (2nd class)
ESPRIS DE CORPUS: a group spirit; a sense of pride, honour, etc. in common activities, as of those in the same profession
EXEQUATOR: 1. an official recognition of a consul by the head of the receiving state; 2. a formal instrument evidencing such recognition and authorizing the consul to discharge in functions of his office
EXTRADITION: the surrender of a foreign criminal or accused person to another state having the jurisdiction to try the
FAIT ACCOMPLI: a thing already done, so that an opposition or
FORCE MAJEURE: an unforeseeable course of events excusing charge argument is useless state issued to a negotiator at a congress or conference,from the fulfillment of a contract
FULL POWERS: a special written authorization from the head of entitling him to conduct negotiations or concluded and sign a treaty on the part of the state concerned
GOOD OFFICES: mediatory services by a third party intended to promote agreement or arbitration between the two parties
INTERNUNCIO: a papal representative ranking below a nuncio
LAISSER-PASSER: a document allowing the holder to pass;permit
LEGATE: an envoy or minister, esp. one officially representing the Pope
LEGATION: a legate and his staff collectively, representing their government (or the Pope) in a foreign country and ranking just below an embassy
LETTERS OF CREDENCE: see credentials
LETTERS OF RECALL: a formal paper from the head of one state to the head of another recalling an ambassador,minister, or other diplomatic agent
MYMOIRE: see aide-mymoire
MINISTER-DESIGNATE: a diplomatic agent who has been appointed to office, approved by the head of government to which he has been accredited, but has not presented his credentials
MINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY: a nonaccredited diplomatic agent representing his government
MINISTER RESIDENT: a diplomatic agent
MISSION: a general term for a commission, delegation, embassy,or legation
MODUS VIVENDI: an interim agreement in a dispute pending a final settlement
NE VARIETUR: not subject to change form of diplomatic communications most frequently used)
NOTE VERBALE (VERBAL NOTE): a third-person note (the
NUNCIO: a papal permanent diplomatic representative in another country
PERSONA NON GRATA: one (esp. a diplomat) who is not acceptable
PLENIPOTENTIARY: a diplomatic agent invested with full powers
POURPARLER: an informal discussion preliminary to the negotiations
PROCYS-VERBAL: 1. a formal record of the proceeding of a conference or congress; 2. a record of certain understandings reached between the parties
PRO-MEMORIA: see aide-mym
RAISON D'YTAT: a diplomatic and political theory under which the interests of the State take precedence over all private morality

RAISON D'KTRE: anything that accounts for, justifies or originally caused a things existence

RAPPORTEUR: one who prepares an account of the proceedings of a committee for a higher body

RAPPROCHEMENT: the re-establishment or recommencement of harmonious relations, esp. between states

RATIFICATION: approval of a treaty (convention, ect.) by a formal confirmation, signature, etc.

RYCLAME: the full name, title and address of the addressee placed either at the top or bottom of the first page of the communication depending upon its nature

RİGLEMENTS INTERNATIONAUX: "international instruments”, the rules agreed upon as the result of conferences or the deliberations of international organizations called together for the purpose of laying down some detailed

SANCTIONS: penalties inflicted for a breach of law or of the procedure or requirements a treaty covenant

SIGNATORY: a party or state that has signed (convention, etc.)

STATUS QUO: the existing state of affairs the addressee

TRAITEMENT: a title of address, i.e. the courtesy title given to

ULTIMATUM: a final proposal or a statement of terms, the rejection of which by the other party (or parties) may lead to a rapture of diplomatic relations or a state of war

VICE-CONSUL: a diplomatic officer next in rank to, orto act in place of, a consul

VIS-A-VIS: in a position facing one another; opposite to; in relation to qualified oire

PROTOCOL: 1. an instrument subsidiary to a convention; 2. an international compact less formal than a treaty or convention; 3. a record of certain understandings arrived at, more often called a Procis-verbal; 4. a code of etiquette and precedence to be observed in the ceremonies of a state
RAISON D'YTAT: a diplomatic and political theory under which the interests of the State take precedence over all private morality
RAISON D'KTRE: anything that accounts for, justifies or originally caused a things existence
RAPPORTEUR: one who prepares an account of the proceedings of a committee for a higher body
RAPPROCHEMENT: the re-establishment or recommencement of harmonious relations, esp. between states
RATIFICATION: approval of a treaty (convention, ect.) by a formal confirmation, signature, etc.
RYCLAME: the full name, title and address of the addressee placed either at the top or bottom of the first page of the communication depending upon its nature
RİGLEMENTS INTERNATIONAUX: "international instruments”, the rules agreed upon as the result of conferences or the deliberations of international organizations called together for the purpose of laying down some detailed
SANCTIONS: penalties inflicted for a breach of law or of the procedure or requirements a treaty covenant
SIGNATORY: a party or state that has signed (convention, etc.)
STATUS QUO: the existing state of affairs the addressee
TRAITEMENT: a title of address, i.e. the courtesy title given to
ULTIMATUM: a final proposal or a statement of terms, the rejection of which by the other party (or parties) may lead to a rapture of diplomatic relations or a state of war
VICE-CONSUL: a diplomatic officer next in rank to, orto act in place of, a consul
VIS-A-VIS: in a position facing one another; opposite to; in relation to qualified

New English File: ✅

To Increase - To make something bigger.
To Reduce - To make something smaller.
To Promote - To help something to happen or develop.
To Encourage - Influence somebody in a positive way.
To Protect - 1) To defend somebody or something. 2) Keep them safe.
To Ban - To say something is not allowed, often by law.
Frantic - 1) Emotionally out of control; 2) Uncontrolled; Crazy;
Contestant - 1) One that participates in a contest. 2) Participant; Player.
To Pretend - Raise a claim (for quality or something else).
Branch - A shop or office which is part of a larger organization.
Staff - Employee, (or employees).
Crew - 1) All the people who help to make a film. 2) Team.
Sequel - A film that continues the story from an earlier film.
To friendly - Kind; Pleasant; Amicable;
Poverty - 1) Poor; 2) Poverty is about not having enough money to meet basic needs including food, clothing and shelter.
An approach -1) The act of moving or becoming near or nearer to someone or something
2) A way of dealing with a situation or problem.
Cast - All the actors in a film, (or all the people who act in a film).
Desperate -1) Hopeless; 2) To feel that it is impossible to cope.
Questionnaire -1) Form; 2) A questionnaire is a research instrument that consists of a set of questions or other types of prompts that aims to collect information from a respondent.
Vague - Uncertain; Indefinite; Unclear.
Dice - A small cube which has between one and six spots or numbers on its sides, and which is used in games to provide random numbers.
Brutal - Cruel; Oppressive; Vicious; Merciless; Relentless; Grim.
To Value - 1) (opposite: Worthless; Unnecessary). 2) Cost; 3) The regard that something is held to deserve; 4) The importance of something.
Inhabitant - 1) Person or animal that lives in a particular place; 2) Resident; Dweller; Population.
To Confess -1)(opposite: to Deny; to Conceal). 2) Admit; Concede 3) To admit that he has committed a crime or done something wrong.
To Pass away -1) (opposite: to Breathe; Live)
2) This word is used to avoid saying ‘die’ when you think this might upset someone.
3) to Die; Pass on.
To Looking forward to - To wait with pleasure for something to happen.
CV -1) A brief account of one's previous career and qualifications;
2) As relevant to a job application.
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