8th I nternational M ultidisciplinary S cientific C onference on I nnovative T echnology Hosted online from Manchester, UK May, 25th 2021 conferencepublication.com 10
gave much efforts to the publications but it also did not go even as he expected to go.
After four years, Prof. Dilmurod Kuronov gave the great contribution to the publication
of the novel in 2016. Besides that, many researchers and doctors of Philology did
investigations and establishments. This novel was also widely analyzed in comparative
literature field, especially with the book “Bygone days” by Abdulla Qodiriy. One great
comparison is in the article by Zamira Kasimova published in June 2006 [ assistant
doctor of Philology]. In this article, two near but totally different periods were observed
and compared. In first and early period, people are more religious, close to God and
afraid of doing sinful things. In Cho`lpon`s period people changed, they are not afraid of
harming someone and became far from God.
As I have stated above, this book is available not only in original version but also in
translated versions into Russian and English. This gave the chance to many foreigners to
know more about Central Asia during Russian colonialism. Fort Christopher [Phd in
Slavic languages] translated this novel into English. His translation was published in
November 2020. Many copies are sold in online, offline stores, there are some
comments written by foreign readers on this novel. According to the feedback, this only
novel could take the person from Europe to Central Asia better than anything else.
Many name Cho`lpon as a shining star in the darkness of the thick night. Like he was
giving efforts to wake sleeping Uzbeks up. The novel Night and Day is famous for its
share to awaken the Uzbek nation who was only sleeping with open eyes during the
long-lasted night. By embodying the cruel fates of the main characters Zebi [main
character, a young Uzbek girl], Razzoq so`fi [Zebi`s father] and Akbarali [Zebi`s husband],
the author describes the whole story beyond their lives. He portrays the politics in that
period, lives of poor and rich people, resistance of poor villagers towards the rich, not
respected role of the women in families and in society, harshness of giving her husband
to another women, jealousy and crime done out of jealousy. He depicted even small but
reasonable details to the wider view. For example: When Akbarali ordered his men to
call volunteer men from the village to join his body guards the below conversation is
Bekorchi bu qishloqda, bekorchi dedi mingboshi
Yo`q xo`jayin, men gaplashib ko`rdim hammasi chorikor bolalar.
Jonimizdan to`ydik bola-chaqamiz och deydi.
[p. 216-217, Sharq Toshkent 2000]
Lazy in this village, lazy said mingboshi
No, my lord, I talked with them they all are shepherd boys
They said: we are fed up with our lives, our children are hungry
[translation is ours D.A]
Akbarali gets more volunteers to join his men than expected. He blames them for their
unemployment but his servant delivers different message that they work hard from
dawn till dusk but get very less. They are even ready to go to First World War rather
than staying in this dishonest society where four or five rich people take lands and water
of poor villagers with force. These three lines speak about many things behind it. One
more example: When Miryoqub meets a young jadid man on the train to Moscow, the
young man tells him the facts that Miryoqub has never heard of. [p.186,187] Young
man`s words make Miryoqub think:
We followed the way of living of our ancestors like
every typical Uzbek without thinking of another possible ways of living. [from the dialog