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3. Types of networks and their topology

717-22 G’ulomov Jahongir

Task 1. Prepare a PPT presentation using the given material or other sources.

  • Topology is derived from two Greek words topo and logy, where topo means 'place' and logy means 'study'. In computer networks, a topology is used to explain how a network is physically connected and the logical flow of information in the network. A topology mainly describes how devices are connected and interact with each other using communication links.
  • In computer networks, there are mainly two types of topologies, they are:
  • Physical Topology: A physical topology describes the way in which the computers or nodes are connected with each other in a computer network. It is the arrangement of various elements(link, nodes, etc.), including the device location and code installation of a computer network. In other words, we can say that it is the physical layout of nodes, workstations, and cables in the network.
  • Logical Topology: A logical topology describes the way, data flow from one computer to another. It is bound to a network protocol and defines how data is moved throughout the network and which path it takes. In other words, it is the way in which the devices communicate internally.
  • Network topology defines the layout, virtual shape, or structure of the network, not only physically but also logically. A network can have one physical topology and multiple logical topologies at the same time.

In this blog, we will mainly concentrate on physical topologies. We'll learn about different types of physical topologies, their advantages, and disadvantages.

  • In this blog, we will mainly concentrate on physical topologies. We'll learn about different types of physical topologies, their advantages, and disadvantages.
  • In a computer network, there are mainly six types of physical topology, they are:
  • Bus Topology
  • Ring Topology
  • Star Topology
  • Mesh Topology
  • Tree Topology
  • Hybrid Topology
  • Bus Topology
  • Bus topology is the simplest kind of topology in which a common bus or channel is used for communication in the network. The bus is connected to various taps and droplines. Taps are the connectors, while droplines are the cables connecting the bus with the computer. In other words, there is only a single transmission line for all nodes.
  • When a sender sends a message, all other computers can hear it, but only the receiver accepts it(verifying the mac address attached with the data frame) and others reject it. Bus technology is mainly suited for small networks like LAN, etc.
  • In this topology, the bus acts as the backbone of the network, which joins every computer and peripherals in the network. Both ends of the shared channel have line terminators. The data is sent only in one direction and as soon as it reaches the end, the terminator removes the data from the communication line(to prevent signal bounce and data flow disruption). In a bus topology, each computer communicates to another computer on the network independently. Every computer can share the network's total bus capabilities. The devices share the responsibility for the flow of data from one point to the other in the network. For Example Ethernet cable, etc. Ring Topology
  • Ring topology is a topology in which each computer is connected to exactly two other computers to form the ring.

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