I accept the above
(students signature)
Warsaw, on 2023-07-18
INFORMATION ON THE ENTRY TO THE STUDENTS 'LIST I hereby inform you that on the grounds of art. 72 par. 1 of the Act of 20 July 2018 - Law on
Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2018 item 1668) Mr/Ms: Ms. Lala Huseynova
was entered into the list of students of the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw
in the academic year 2023/2024 for the I year of studies of the MA studies degree
on the course of Finance and Accounting in the full-time system.
(employee's signature)
Warsaw, on 2023-07-18
COPY ID: 115038-Z
INFORMATION ON THE ENTRY TO THE STUDENTS 'LIST I hereby inform you that on the grounds of art. 72 par. 1 of the Act of 20 July 2018 - Law on
Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2018 item 1668) Mr/Ms: Ms. Lala Huseynova
was entered into the list of students of the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw
in the academic year 2023/2024 for the I year of studies of the MA studies degree
on the course of Finance and Accounting in the full-time system.
(employee's signature)