“TASDIQLAYMAN” Osiyo xalqaro universiteti rektori ___________S.S. Dexkanov “____”__________2022yil
Xorijiy til fanining
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Ta’lim sohasi:
200000 – San’at va gumanitar fanlar
220000- Gumanitar fanlar (Tillardan tashqari)
60220300 –Tarix (mamlakat va yo’nalishlar bo’yicha)
Fan/modul kodi XT 1107
O’quv yili 2022-2023
Semestr(lar) 1, 2
Kreditlar 2,5
Fan/modul turi majburiy
Ta`lim tili O‘zbek
Haftadagi dars soatlari 3,6
Fanning nomi
Auditoriya mashg’ulotlari (soat)
Mustaqil ta`lim (soat)
Jami yuklama (soat)
Xorijiy til
I.Fanning mazmuni Fanni o’qitishdan maqsad – talabalarga kasbiy yo’nalish doirasida tilning og'zaki shakllarini o'rgatish, ularning ijtimoiy-madaniy muloqot malakalarini rivojlantirish, xususan o'rganilayotgan chet tilining funktsional shakllari va uslublarini, til to’g’risidagi amaliy va nazariy bilimlarini takomillashtirish hamda egallangan bilim, ko’nikma, malakalarini ingliz tilida muloqotda erkin qo’llay olishlarini ta’minlashdir.
Fanning vazifasi – umume’tirof etilgan xalqaro me’yorlarga ko’ra talabalarning ingliz tilidagi bilim va muloqot darajasini rivojlantirish, bundan tashqari o’zining mutaxassiligiga doir terminlarni ingliz tilida bilisha va ularni bemalol amaliyotda qo’llay olishi va eng muhimi ingliz tilini kamida B1+, B2 darajada egallashlari uchun zaruriy bilimlarini integrallashgan tarzda o’rgatish va og’zaki muloqot malakalarini rivojlantirish.
II. Ma’ruza mashg’ulotlari bo’yicha ko’rsatma va tavsiyalar O’quv rejasiga ma’ruza mashg’ulotlari kiritilmagan.
III.Asosiy qism (amaliy mashg‘ulotlar) Fan tarkibiga quyidagi mavzular kiradi: Theme 1. People and Places. Gr. to be; positive.
Theme 2.Family ties. Gr. Possessive‘s.
Theme 3. Possessive adjectives.
Theme 4. To be – questions.
Theme 5. Working for a living. Gr. to be, negative
Theme 6. Routines.
Theme 7. Fun club.
Theme 8. Gr. Present Simple.
Theme 9. Very special job.
Theme 10. Gr. Present Simple-he, she, it, they.
Theme 11. Hell’s kitchen NYC.
Theme 12. Noun plurals.
Theme 13. Lunchtime Leisure.
Theme 14. Gr. Adverbs of frequency.
Theme 15. Can you do it? Gr. Can/can’t. can.
Theme 16. Phone fun. In this lesson students learn how to use different kinds of mobile phones in their life and how to take and leave phone messages.
Theme 17. Food .World of food. Gr. Countable and uncountable nouns: much/many/a lot of. This theme gives information about eating around the world.
Theme 18.Trash tales. Gr. a/an, some and any. This theme teaches people’s lives by looking at their rubbish.
Theme 19.Dream homes. Gr: There is/are. This lesson gives information about homes, apartments and luxury houses.
Theme 20.World class. Gr. Modifiers. This theme gives information about how to describe places they live using the modifiers very, quite, really.
Theme 21. City life. Changes .Gr. Past Simple. This theme teaches students how to describe places they live.
Theme 22.New citizens. Gr. This theme gives information about modern citizens.
Theme 23. Review
Theme 24. Finders keepers. Gr. Articles. The theme gives information about honest girls.
Theme 25. Special Days. Gr. Pronouns. This theme gives information about Japanese traditions.
Theme 26. Festivals around the world. Gr. Present Continuous Tense. This theme gives information about different kinds of festivals around the world.
Theme 27. You are what about you wear. Gr. Position of adjectives,
Theme 28. Changing weather. Gr. Present Simple and Present Continuous.
Theme 29. Culture. Making news. Gr. Comparison of adjectives.
Theme 30. Movie magic. Gr. Superlative adjectives.
Theme 31. Popular center. Gr. like, love, hate, prefer. This theme gives information about art and vandalism.
Theme 32. Journeys. Gr. -ing form as noun. This theme is about city profiles.
Theme 33. Adventures. Gr. Present Perfect. This theme gives information about people who Climbing Kilimanjaro, crossing the Sahara, rowing across the Atlantic.
Theme 34. Learning Rules of the Road. Gr. can/can’t, have to, don’t have to. This theme teaches the rules of driving.
Theme 35. Lifelong learning. This theme gives information about distance learning and Professional training.
Theme 36. Ambitions. Gr. be going to. This theme gives information about continents.
Theme 37. Revision.
Theme 38. Word order in questions. Gr.Present Simple. Where are you from? Charlotte’s choice. This lesson gives information about common verb phrases, spelling, numbers.
Theme 39. Mr. and Mrs. Clark and Percy. Gr. Present Continuous. Prepositions of place. This lesson gives information about ctothes, prepositions of place.
Theme 40. Right place, wrong person. Gr.Past Simple: regular and irregular verbs. This lesson gives information about vacations.
Theme 41. The story behind the photo. Gr.Past Continuous. Prepositions of time and place. This lesson gives information about prepositions of time and sentence stress place: at, in, on.
Theme 42. One dark October evening. Gr. Time sequencers and connectors. This lesson gives information about verb phrases word stress.
Theme 43. Review. This lesson gives information about airports, sentence stress and fast speech.
Theme 44. Plans and dreams. Gr.Be going to (plans and predictions) This lesson gives information about verbs + prepositions.
Theme 45. Let’s meet again (Gr.Present continues for future arrangements) This lesson gives information about verbs + prepositions.