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Independent work

Buffering layer in qgis
Buffers are proximity functions. When you use this geoprocessing tool, it creates a polygon at a set distance surrounding the features.For example, a buffer is a polygon or collection of cells that are within a specified proximity of a set of features.The buffer tool can have fixed and variable distances. Also, they can be set to geodesic which accounts for the curvature of the Earth.

For doing this, enter vector menu, then select geoprocessing tools, then buffer

Find difference between two layers
Firstly, we add two layers we want to use. Enter vector menu, then select geoprocessing tools, then difference

Dissolving layer
The dissolve tool unifies boundaries based on common attribute values. In other words, dissolve merges neighboring boundaries if the neighbors have the same attributes.
For example, if you want to remove the borders of countries to form a continent, the dissolve tool is the tool to use. But you would need an attribute for each country and the continent it belongs to.

While doing this independent work, I learned about the term of vector tools in qgis for editing layers. They are like clip, difference, dissolve and buffer tools.

  1. https://gisgeography.com/geoprocessing-tools/

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5B8q8lKSHo

  3. https://docs.qgis.org/2.14/en/docs/training_manual/processing/cutting_merging.html

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