O’zbekiston milliy universiteti iqtisodiyot fakulteti 5230100 – iqtisodiyot (tarmoqlar va sohalar bo’yicha) ta’lim yo’nalishi

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1. O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Shavkat Mirziyoevning Oliy Majlisga Murojaatnomasi. 24.01.2020
2. Sherov, A. (2015). Foreign experience in financing of higher educational system. Scientific enquiry in the contemporary world: theoretical basiсs and innovative approach [L 26], 1, 92-95.
3. Margherita Ebraico (2015). An Assessment of the Performance of the Italian Tax Debt Collection System. Italia.Taxation papers
4. Sherov, A. (2018). Legal basis and importance of state financing of education system. International Finance and Accounting, 2018(2), 92.
5. Martin Thomsen, Christop Watrin (2018). Tax avoidance over time: A comparison of European and U.S. firms. America. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation. P. 40-63. (www.sciencedirect.com)
6. А. Б. Шеров, & Х. А. Худайкулов (2021). Деятельность коммерческого банка на мировых финансовых рынках. Scientific progress, 2 (1), 1261-1265.
7. Vinokhodova I.G. (2019). Improving the practice of collecting debts of organizations for taxes and fees. Russia. Scientific article.
8. Ш. Кучкаров, & А. Б. Шеров (2022). Таълим муассасаларини молиялаштиришда натижага йўналтирилган бюджетлаштириш истиқболлари. Central Asian Academic Journal of Scientific Research, 2 (2), 62-67.
9. Niyazmetov I. (2008). Analysis of the impact of the tax burden on the financial activities of business entities and budget revenues. Uzbekistan. Candidate work. Abstract
10. Sherov, A. B. (2022). Current issues of financing higher education institutions in the condition of an innovative economy. Gospodarka i Innowacje., 21, 127-130.
11. G’iyosov A. Soliqlar va majburiy to‘lovlar bo‘yicha qarzdorliklarni kelib chiqishi tahlili. “Iqtisodiyot va innovatsion texnologiyalar” ilmiy elektron jurnali. № 2, martaprel, 2019 yil
12. Ibodov, A., & Sherov, A. (2015). Analysis of bank risks in Uzbekistan. Scientific enquiry in the contemporary world: theoretical basiсs and innovative approach [L 26], 1, 60-63.
13. Alikhin S.N., Levacheva D.A. (2018). Evolution of the mechanism for enforced collection of debt to the budget. Russia. Taxes
14. Алишер Бакберганович Шеров (2021). Олий таълим муассасаларини молиялаштиришнинг ақш тажрибаси. Scientific progress, 1 (6), 972-978.
15. Avezov, M. K. (2022). Raqamli bank xizmatlari va uning afzalliklari. Scientific progress, 3(2), 808-814.

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