O’zbekiston respublikasi xalq ta’limi vazirligi

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Namangan viloyati XTB
Namangan shahar xalq ta’limi
bo’limiga qarashli 12-umumiy o’rta ta’lim maktabining ingliz tili o’qituvchisi
Rizayeva Ominaxon
1-sinflar uchun yozgan 1 soatlik


1 Theme of the lesson: Fairy world. I’ve got a magic wand
2 The aim of the lesson:to use K-1,K-2,K-4 and K-6; to develop speech habits,to teach pupils to respect each other:
a) educational aim: to learn how to say the things one can do:
b) developing aim: to enable pupils to speak about different themes saying connected sentences:
c) Socio-cultural: toraise awareness
of oriental foeiry tales and theer
positive and negaativ characacters,
to raise awareness of fhe pronun-
ciation of the sounds.
3 The methods:playing game ,speaking
4 The aids: textbook,the DVD of the
book, a stick,flashcards,
fruits,domestic animals
and wild animals
Learning outcomes: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
-talk about colourrs,toys,animals,fruit and vegetables:
-perform the command:
-say about the thing they can do:
-pronounce the sounds
The technological map of the lesson
1.Organizational moment-5minute
2.Asking previous lesson-10minute
3 New theme- 15 minute
4 Consolidation- 10-minute
5 Marks-3 minute
6 Homework-2 minute
The beginning of a lesson
1 Organizational moment:Greeting
-Good Morning!
-Good Morning to you,
Good Morning to you.
Good Morning, dear teacher
Good Morning to you!
-How are you?
-How old are you?
-Where do you live?
-What is this?
-What colour is this?
-What season is it now?
-Is it summer?
-Is it hot?
-Is it spring?
-Is it cool?
-Is it warm?
-Is it cold?
2 Asking previous lesson
Genie is good
Pari is good
Dev is bad
Then all the girls repeat in chorus:
-I’m a pari.I’m good.And all the boys repeat :I am a genie.I am good.
At first ,ask the children to recollect the commands they performed during the previous units and lessons.If necessary,you can revise them with the help of flashcards.Then paris and genies take a magic wand, wave it and give different commands in turns.
Ski !Skate! Play hokkey! Play snowballs! Go! Jump! Run! Swim! Sleep! Climb! Fly! Dance! Stand up! Sit down!
3.New theme
Explain that the pupils will learn about the fairy tale ‘‘Magic Watermelon’’Ask the pupils to look at the picture of a rich man and say:- This is a baby.His name is Palvan.Further ask the children to look attentively at the picture in the book and answer the question:what has Palvon got?The children say everythingthat they see in the picture.For example,He is got apples.He is got a horse.Devide the class into two groups.The first group ask instead of pari and the second group answer for the rich man.For example:Pari:Have you got a cow . Rich man :Yes,Ihave got 50cows. Pari: Have you got sheep ……….
Pupils ask and answer questions as much as they can .Explain that the rich man is not greedy but also boastful,and he does not hide how much things he has.He thinks that the beautiful pari will also give him a magic watermelon.Ask the children whether she will give him the watermelon.

Sum up :Yes,Pari gives him a watermelon.But what kind of watermelon Magic or not Here ask the children to look at last picture describing the opened watermelon.From it huge bees are talking off.The rich man is escaping.Near a fence there is Ali on his donkey.Ask the children: What is occurring in the picture Was the watermelon magic Why were there malicious bees instead of gold in the magic watermelon Then ask the children to help you choose sentences for the rich man and Ali as follows:He is good.He is bad.
4.Consolidation new theme.
Ask the pupils to look at the magic box on the right hand page.Explain that different things are hidden there.The task for the pupils is to find them and put tickt next to the pictures above the magic box.Then devide the class into 5teams and title each team with a category.During the game each team collect cards of their category.You will take out the flashcards one by one and call them out.The team of this category say aloud:It is a toy.It is a vegetables.It is a fruit.It is a domestic animal.It is a wild animal.If the team say the word of their category correctly,they receive the flashcard.The game proceeds until all the cards will be handed in.
Dear pupils,if new theme is clear,I shall give you coloured stars and enthusiasm.Have you got question for me So, our lesson is over.
Explain to the PP that at home they should colour five pictures from the tale on the right hand page.But first they should put them in order and write the correct numbers to the pictures.They can also draw a magic wand.The PP should speak about each picture. I say to my pupils:
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