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Table 1 Mathematical model for drying mulberry fruit

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Abhijit Tarawade, Doston Samandarov, Jasur Safarov, Shakhnoza Sultanova (3)

Table 1
Mathematical model for drying mulberry fruit

Model name

Model equations




Modified Page


Henderson and Pebis






Double exponential

Note: The models in the table are from [4, 5].
The value of the coefficient of determination (R2 ) indicates the correlation between the experimental and predicted values and is the main factor in the selection of the drying model equations. In addition to the coefficient of determination, the chi-square value (χ2) and the sum of squares of errors (SEM) can also be used to describe the degree of fit. For the best fit of the drying model, the closer R2 to 1 and the lower the values of χ2 and RMS, the better the fit. These statistical parameters were calculated according to equations (8) to (10).
In equations (8), (9) and (10) is means the dry-base moisture content measured at the first sampling point is means the moisture content of the dry basis at the first prediction point; is number of sampling times; is number of model constants.
Method for determination of physico-chemical parameters. The colour and gloss of the dried product were measured with a CR-5 table-top colorimeter. The value is the luminance index; the value is red-green index; value is yellow-blue index; value is the colour difference; the lower the ΔE value of the dried product, the better the colour quality of the dried product. The formula to calculate is shown in equation (11).
where , , - are colour values for fresh mulberry fruit; L, a, b are colour values for dried samples.

Retention of anthocyanin was determined by weighing 1 g of mulberry powder in a 25 ml tube and extracting 20 ml of ethanol acidified by 80% by volume for 24 h at 27 °C, while the supernatant was passed through a 0.5 µm filter (Duran model). To determine anthocyanin in solution the spectrophotometric method of pH difference determination was used [6].

Rehydration Ratio (RR). Dried mulberry fruit samples were weighed and placed in a beaker with 100 ml distilled water, incubated in a water bath at a constant temperature of 72 °C for 10 min, extracted and drained, surface water removed with absorbent paper and weighed. The formula has been calculated as shown below.
where is weight before rehydration (g); is mass after rehydration (g).
Hardness and brittleness. The determination was made with a TA-XT2i/50 physical property meter, the operation was repeated 12 times and averaged after analysis. During the measurement, the force measurement mode is set at downward pressure, followed by
- the probe type is selected as P50;
- the downward pressure distance is 5 mm;
- the probe speed is 1 mm/s before the test;
- speed of 0.1 mm/s during the test;
- speed of 1 mm/s after the test.
The voltage curve over time is automatically displayed by the instrument computer. The embrittlement of the product is expressed by the number of embrittlement peaks during the test, in 'pieces'. The higher the number of peaks, the higher the embrittlement of the product. Hardness is expressed as the maximum force required to break the specimen in "n". The higher the hardness value, the harder the object being measured.
Statistical analysis. The drying test data were entered into Excel 2019 for calculation; the mathematical drying model was fitted and constructed using Comsol Multiphysics 6.5 software. The data were analysed with the analytical software AnyLogic.

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