The International Seminar on Bioscience and Biological Education
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series
1241 (2019) 012020
IOP Publishing
PISA 2015 [5]. As stated in the PISA analysis, students in Indonesia have a low ability in: (1) linking
science to everyday life; (2)
interpret data; (3) analyze and solve problems; (4) conducting
investigations; (5) concluding based on logical reasons; and (6) understanding complex information [3].
It may not be easy to produce people with the aforementioned qualites and to make people aware of
the importance of them if practicioners in education are not clearly directed toward those goals. The
development of critical thinking skills does not appear to have been seriously
support in secondary
education throughout the country. This idea supported by Alfianti which states that learning in Indonesia
has not included the content of critical thinking. Teachers have not encouraged critical thinking skills in
learning, so students are not challenged to think critically [6]. Most teachers in Indonesia have not clearly
understood what critical thinking is and how to incorporate critical thinking into their teaching [7].
Aside form failing to encourage critical thinking, Indonesian school teacher still utilize traditional
teaching methods, for example, teachers read from textbook, dictate, or write on the whiteboard while
student listen and copy [8]. Education in Indonesia requires a new paradigm in the learning process,
including learning biology. Biology as a science is not just knowing and memorizing about biological
concepts, but the process of learning biology is expected to foster the skills of critical thinking, work,
and scientific attitude [9].
The result of the observations conducted in November 2017 on SMA Negeri 2 Sleman showed that
biology learning activities in the classroom mostly use expository method. The teacher explain and
demonstrates, then the students hear, take notes, and do the task according to what the teacher instructs.
Learning activity mostly oriented to remembering information contained in the textbooks without
connecting in to real life. Learning methods applied by the teacher do not get an active response from
students. This condition seen during the learning process, most students are less involved in learning
and choose to do other activities such as chatting with friends.
The topic in this research, immune system, is choosen because the charateristic of immune system
material required the student to think critically in order to understand the material. Immune system
contain complex physical and chemical mechanisms. Immune system also
has a causal mechanism and
physiological processes, so that in learning the material, students need critical thinking skill in order to
mastering abstract consept [10]. Learners in studying immune system need the ability to understand the
mechanism of physiology and link it causally to the phenomena of the immune system. Accurate
conception and critical thinking about the immune system are important for the development of
reasoning skills. Such material characteristics became a challenge for the student because it is hard to
understand the concept with memorization [11].
Suhartono states that problems related to immune system learning include learning strategies.
Teachers find difficulty to design learning strategies because of the short
time to teaching immune
system material, so that teachers tend to use the lecture method. Lecture learning strategies have the
potential to cause student’s low critical thinking skills [10]. One of the effective learning approach to
improving critical thinking skills is problem based learning. Problem based learning is a learning
approach that uses problem as a context for students to learn through critical thinking and problem
solving processes. Learners who learn to solve problem problems will make
them apply the knowledge
they have or try to know the knowledge they need. Learning can be more meaningful and expanded
when students are faced with situation where the concept is applied. Learners integrate knowledge and
skills well and continously, and can apply them in relevant contexts. Problem based learning can also
improve critical thinking skills, foster initiative in work, internal motivation to learn, and can develop
interpersonal relationship through working in group [12].
Several previous studies have proven that through problem based learning implementation, student’s
critical thinking skills can be developed. Problem based learning is used to improve critical thinking
skills by using human physiology cases into nursing learning [13]. The results of the Experimental
Biology workshop in Washington DC states that to improve critical thinking skills in learning
physiology, problem based learning is used by using real-life cases that
contain basic physiological
concepts [14]. Abraham states that learning physiology can be done by linking physiological research
to real life problems so it can produce enthusiasm and motivation to learn and to show the relevance of