17. The
minimum educational level required for entry into the teacher training programme
1 is the ISCED level of the minimum prior learning required to gain access to a teacher
training programme, typically through successful completion of an education programme,
as defined in ISCED 2011:
a. The prior learning may be formally linked to a teacher training programme or
qualification, or may be non-formal, evidenced through a recognition of prior learning
b. In some cases, workplace experience may also be required, such as in vocational and
occupational settings, but this information is not considered in ISCED-T.
18. The theoretical duration of the teacher training programme 2
is the intended time to
complete the programme measured in full-time equivalents, which is the prescribed length
of time, usually calculated in years or parts of a year, taken by a full-time student to achieve
the specified learning outcomes of the teacher training programme:
1 At the time ISCED-T was developed, no teacher training programme that required a doctorate or equivalent degree for entry had been
2 The following ISCED ranges are used as guides for the FTE duration of teacher training programmes: ISCED level 2: duration typically varies
from 2 to 5 years; the most common duration is 3 years. ISCED level 3: duration typically varies from 2 to 5 years; the most common duration
is 3 years. ISCED level 4: duration typically varies from 6 months to 2 or 3 years. ISCED level 5: duration typically varies from 2 to 3 years. ISCED
level 6: the duration of Bachelor’s or equivalent level programmes typically varies from 3 to 4 or more years when directly following ISCED level
3, or 1 to 2 years when following another ISCED level 6 programme. ISCED level 7: the duration of Master’s or equivalent level programmes
typically varies from 1 to 4 years when following ISCED level 6, or from 5 to 7 years when directly following ISCED level 3. ISCED level 8:
duration is a minimum of 3 years.