1.Is it the responsibility of families to support old people? Yes
In China, we don’t send elderly people to nursing homes
Their children ask
their parents to come live with them when they get old. It's easier for the family to take care of the
parents. In addition, it's part of our responsibility as children: it's like a social custom. We are
expected to do this
In my country people who retire don't get a very high pension. Their income is
limited so they can't really afford to pay for a nurse to come home every day, or have a maid help
them with the housework. On top of this, senior citizens can also help take care of the
2. What part do older people play in family life in your country? Grandparents are very influential in Chinese family life. First of all, they are well-respected
by everyone, because of their age and experience. They are the heads of the family. In addition,
they often help take care of their grandkids. These days, both mothers and father usually have a
full-time job, so they frequently ask the grandparents to move in with them in order to look after
the baby until the child is old enough to go to school. It's very common for grandparents to live
with their children in China.
3. What part might older people play in families in the future? I guess that if people in my country manage to make more money than in the past, they will
be able to save more, and they won't need to live with their children when they get old. I hope that
when I retire, I will have enough money to enjoy life, to go traveling, to go out and have fun. I
think parents might place their children in day-care centers if they can afford it, in order to avoid
bothering their elderly parents
So grandparents might have more independence, and less influence
on their kids and grandchildren.