4. Who do you think should pay for cleaning up pollution?
I think that the government should make the factories and large companies that polluted pay
a lot of money to repair the damage they have caused. They should be fined heavily. I also think
that we could fix a tax on plastic and paper, for companies to limit the use of useless wrapping.
The other day, I bought a box of cookies, and every single biscuit was wrapped in a plastic film. It
was such a waste
In addition, the government should also allocate a lot of money to clean up the
air and the rivers, because it should be a national priority.
5. Compare your attitude towards the environment with that of your parents and
Okay, I think that actually there isn't so much of a difference between my attitude and my
because they taught me I shouldn't litter or waste anything. At home, we always save
paper, boxes, and plastic bags to reuse them later. That's the way we were educated. But I guess
that my grandparents save plastic bags to save money, and I, on the other hand,
try not to use them because I know they will end up in a river, or burnt in the atmosphere. You
know, nowadays we hear so much about pollution and global warming that the younger generation
must be more conscious of
aware of) and sensitive to these problems than older people.
these environmental issues?
I sure hope so
I hope they will very soon, but every country will have to make some
( =
sacrifices) because the decisions they make will definitely have an impact on
national economies. For example, if we ban the production of plastic bags, or if we forbid people
from using their cars, many companies will lose money, and many people will become
unemployed. I hope that more jobs can be created to actually protect the environment, and that we
can think of new ideas on how to improve this critical situation. I really believe that some drastic
extreme) measures will have to be taken sooner or later. In English, you say "better late than
never", as long as it's not too late to reverse the mistakes that have been made in the last century.