benefitted from the construction of an incinera-
tor for biomedical waste and sanitation facilities
were improved in three health facilities.
The Ecuadorian Red Cross completed a diagnosis
of Water Quality and
Sanitation in schools and
health centres in six provinces. The improve-
ment of water and sanitation services will be
carried out in alliance with the Water Regulation
and Control Agency.
When cholera emerged in Lebanon, the
Lebanese Red Cross focused on providing infor-
mation about cholera prevention measures and
symptoms. These visits
provided support to the
cholera vaccination campaign in highly affected
areas and helped identify and refer symptomatic
Humanitarian assistance and
protection for people on the move
Humanitarian assistance is being provided
through Humanitarian Service Points in
Democratic Republic of Congo, El Salvador,
Guatemala, and Honduras.
In Niger, displaced
people not housed in camps
were provided with humanitarian assistance and
protection, including free medical and psychoso-
cial care, food provision and
awareness sessions
for healthy behaviour.
In Guatemala, through the National Society’s
Humanitarian Service Points, people were
supported with pre-hospital care, psychosocial
support, restoring family links, medical care, psy-
chological first aid, and humanitarian assistance
(hygiene and primary health care kits).
Cash and voucher assistance
Cash distributions activities under the PPP
started in Burkina Faso, Eswatini, Honduras,
Niger, Somalia and South Sudan.
In Burkina Faso, cash and voucher assistance
was used for food assistance and
to repair dam-
age caused by floods.
The National Society in Honduras is piloting
other innovative cash mechanisms such as
gift cards for
people on the move, and is also
developing a Cash Plus support component for
school re-insertion, livelihoods protection, and
business training.
Risk communication, community
engagement and accountability
More than 1 million people were reached with
a perception survey that indicated that 74.9 per
cent of respondents think that the assistance
provided by the Burkinabe Red Cross Society
is very good and 98.9 per cent say they trust
the information provided by the Burkinabe Red
Cross Society.
In Palestine, the National
Society is collecting
community insights through satisfaction sur-
veys and continuous analysis of rumours and
Kyrgyzstan, community information is system-
atically collected, analyzed, including feedback,
rumours, and perceptions, to inform community
engagement approaches.
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