The IFRC has a statutory mandate to coordinate.
Since the creation of the IFRC in 1919,
that effective coordination among its members
to achieve an efficient humanitarian response
alongside our Fundamental Principles has been
guiding our actions.
The IFRC has a constitutional mandate to ‘organize,
coordinate and direct international
relief actions
in accordance with the ‘Principles and Rules
for Red Cross and
Red Crescent humanitarian
Assistance’, acting through or in agreement with
the National Society. The general aim of the IFRC
is to inspire, encourage, facilitate and promote
at all times all forms of humanitarian activities,
with the objectives of ensuring the coordination
of our international activities, the development
and implementation of common standards and
policies, organizational development, capacity
building and effective
international disaster
management, and of having an international
presence and recognition as a global partner in
humanitarian assistance.
Our approach
Coordination brings
together major actors
to determine a common purpose,
approaches and to guide action. It avoids incon-
sistency in strategic delivery that can undermine
the effectiveness of our work.
Achieving robust coordination creates spaces
of trustful engagement and solidarity, working
together to explore challenges and to identify
potential solutions.
Coordination provides opportunities for dis-
cussion and alignment
on issues including
scaling up our collective humanitarian responses,
increasing our collective humanitarian impact,
humanitarian diplomacy activities, ensuring
our financial resources, investing in building our
human capital, effectively managing risks, and
agreeing integrity protocols.
The IFRC’s coordination involves co-creation in
assessing the humanitarian context and needs;
common priorities; co-developing
strategies to address issues such as obtaining
greater humanitarian access, acceptance and
space; mobilizing funding and other resources;
creating consistent public messaging; and mon-
itoring progress.
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