510: Improving humanitarian action with data and digital Hosted by The Netherlands Red Cross 510.global
The 510 initiative aims to improve the speed,
quality and cost-effectiveness of humanitar-
ian aid. In 2022, 510 supported 57 National
Societies by providing data and digital services
for anticipatory action, cash aid, digital trans-
formation and emergency support through the
methodologies of human-centred design, digital
community engagement and accountability, and
data and digital responsibility.
A Typhoon Trigger Model was developed that
triggered the anticipatory action funds of the
Red Cross and Red Crescent and other organi-
zations in the Philippines. In 2022, the IBF Portal
for floods became fully operational in Zambia
and a drought model was developed with the
Zimbabwe Red Cross (read more
The 121 cash Information Management platform
continued to support National Societies to scale
up their cash programmes. The platform was
launched in 2021 to support undocumented
migrants in the Netherlands and in 2022 began
to be scaled up internationally.
The Helpful Information web app provides infor-
mation as an aid to both affected people and aid
workers. In March 2022, the Netherlands Red
Cross started supporting refugees from Ukraine.
So far, the app has been visited more than 7,000
times by aid workers (read more
The first version of the Data Playbook was
launched in May 2022. The social learning con-
tent is designed to assist National Societies in
their data journey (read more
Facilitated by the IFRC, the Hellenic Red Cross
and 510 developed an innovative Health Case
Management System. This is a digital tool to eas-
ily monitor the health of people in Greece (read
Read more about what 510 does
Red Cross Red Crescent Reference Centres