Listen and re p e a t th e new w o rd s .
environment, to depend (on),
a process,
ecosystem, a balance
2 W o rk in p a irs . M atch th e w o rd s
and e xp la n a tio n s.
a) nature b) environment c)
LESSON 1 Mother Nature
1) It includes all living and non-living
things that are around us: air, water,
land, people, animals and plants.
All plants, animals and people
depend on each other. It shows how
living things
act with each other and
how they feel in their environment.
3) It is the physical or material world
or universe. It includes all the animals,
plants, humans, seas,
mountains in the
world and all the processes that happen
without people, such as the weather,
the birth of young animals and plants.
4 b W o rk in p a irs . C o m p le te th e ta b le
3 W o rk in p a irs.
Read and ch o o se th e
b e st an sw e r to th e q u e s tio n . Give
y o u r ow n an sw e r.
Why do we say “ Mother Nature”?
1) It is nature that has
created all of us and is
the source of our life.
2) We say “ Mother
because nature
is life-giving like a mo
ther who feeds and pro
tects us.
People must think of how they treat ani
mals, plants and resources as it is our Mother
Nature. So respect your Mother Nature, be
cause those who kill their mother kill themselves.
4 a Listen and re p e a t th e new w o rd s .
fossil fuel,
nuclear power, renewable,
run out, biofuel, w aste-to-energy (WtE),
to pollute
a b o u t th e so u rc e s o f e n e rg y.
fossil fu e l or
n o t re n e w a b le
re n e w a b le
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