Each module consists of a matrix of 3 mm thick scintillator t iles sandwiched
between 4 mm thick steel plates arranged perpendicular to the beam pipe. The
scintillator tiles are arranged in 11 rows and vary in size.
As a high energy hadron passes
through the tile modules, it interacts with the
atomic nuclei of the steel absorber, to produce a shower of lower energy particles.
These interact with the scintillator tiles which absorb energy from the incoming
particles and fluoresce to emit light.
The scintillation light is collected by wavelength shifting (WLS)
optical fibers
coupled along two of the exposed tile edges. Currently, Y11 fibers obtained from
Kuraray are employed. The fibers are arran ged in plastic profiles to ensure
contact with individual tiles.
Tiles are grouped into readout cells and the fibers of these are bundled together
in Lucite tubes. The cells are segmented
into three longitudinal layers, (A, BC
and D) which are approximately 1.4, 4.0 and 1.8 interaction lengths thick
respectively at
𝜂 = 0
. The cells are numbered according to the pseudorapidity
that it covers, with A and BC cells numbered in pseudorapid ity intervals
of 0.1 and D cells in intervals of 0.2 [8]. The cell segmentation for the LB and
EB modules is shown in Figure 2-5.
An LB module contains 337 scintillator tiles per row, leading to a total of 3377
tiles. An EB module contains 1591 scintillating tiles.
The fiber bundles are
coupled to photomultiplier tubes (PMT), and light detected by the PMT’s
generate a signal. Tiles are wrapped in Tyvek paper and fibers are aluminized on
the ends which are not coupled to the PMT’s, in order to maximise the amount of
light collected.
Each cell is read out by two PMT’s, which detect the light from each side of the
module. This is done for redundancy and to ensure special uniformity. The signal
generated by the PMT’s is then processed with readout electronics housed in the
same steel girder as the PMT’s. These then digitize the data which can be
analysed thereafter [9]. Figure 2-4 shows a schematic of a TileCal barrel module.