a C U te [ekjurt] adj.
When a
bad thing is acute, it is very severe and intense.
When she fell out of the tree, the girl felt an acute pain in her arm.
lagrejan] n.
Aggression is behavior that is mean or violent to others.
The problem was only made worse by Mark’s aggression.
[b^nkwit] n.
A banquet is a grand formal dinner.
Both families brought a lot of food for the wedding banquet.
[baiagrafi] n.
A biography is an account of someone’s life that is written by someone else.
We read a biography about Charles Darwin in science class.
[burst] v.
To boost something means to increase or improve it.
-* Lowering prices boosts customers’ interest in shopping.
[klaep] v.
To clap means to hit one’s hands together to express pleasure or get attention.
After the speech, everyone in the crowd clapped their hands for the speaker.
[kampel] v.
To compel someone to do something means to force them to do it.
Traffic signs compel drivers to drive safely.
[damanans] n.
The dominance of a person is their state of being more powerful than others.
Large gorillas hit their chests to express their dominance over others.
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