Self-control questions: 1.What is the main unit of phonological level?
2.What functions do phonemes fulfill as the main unit of the
phonological level?
3.What is allophone?
4.Into how many types of phonemes is the subsystem of English vowels
5.Into how many groups are English vowels divided according to the
position of tongue?
6.Into how many groups are English vowels divided according to the
height of the raised part of the tongue?
7.How many consonant phonemes are there in English and native
The list of recommended literature: 1.
Abduazizov A. Theoretical phonetics of modern English. Tashkent,
Аракин В.Д. Сравнительная типология английского и русского
языков. Л., 1979.
Vasilyev V.A. English phonetics. A theoretical course. M. ,1970.
Leontyev S.A. Theoretical course of English phonetics. M., 1980.
Dikushina O.I. English phonetics. M., 1965.
Журавлев B. K. К понятию «силы» фонологической оппозиции.
В сб. Фонетика. Фонология. Грамматика. М., 1971.
7. TYPOLOGY OF GRAMMATICAL SYSTEMS IN THE ENGLISH AND NATIVE LANGUAGES Plan: 1. Synthetic and analytic structure of languages
2. Typology of grammatical categories in the English and native
3. Typology of some grammatical categories
Basic concepts of the subject: Synthetic structure of languages, analytic structure of languages, syntactic relations, grammatical means, inner flexion, outer flexion, affixation, nominative meaning, metalanguage, sems, animate and inanimate objects, main categories, comparative grammar, typological category of case, typological category of number, semantic character, masculine, feminine, neuter, morphological expression, formal expression, qualitative adjectives, relative adjectives, possessive adjectives, attributive constructions, attributive function, modify, morphological level of the language, syntactical level of the language, comparative degree