asosiy belgilari ikki sostavli gaplarga qanchalik taalluqli bo’lsa , bir
sostavli gaplar uchun ham shunchalik aloqadordir”(p.43). Further he
says that the categories of tense and mood expressed in the predication
are demonstrated both in two-member and one-member sentences. He
says that the categories of tense and mood are expressed by two parts
in two-member sentence predication , in one-member sentences these
categories are expressed by one part.
According to the purpose of utterance
and to the role in the
performance of communication,
due to modality expressed, the two-
member simple sentences in Uzbek are classified into 1. declarative, 2.
interrogative, 3. imperative, 4. exclamatory sentences.
Declarative two-member simple sentences in Uzbek
1) statement: Qosh qorayganda odamlar choyxonaga tomon kela
boshladi ( A.Qahhor); 2) dream and hope: Men yorug’likni, erkinlikni
istayman ( H.Olimjon); 3)
confidence, pride: Alisher Navoiy sehrli
qalami bilan bir turtib, qovoqdan ko’z yasaydi (Oybek); 4. advice and
joy: U keldi, ota ( A. Muxtor),
Sabr qil, qo’zichog’im (Oybek); 5.
astonishment and suspicion:Tovba, bunday ustomonni ko’rgan
emasman ( Oybek), Oq podshoning tagi puchga o’xshaydi (Oybek); 6)
regret, anxiety, concern: G’am ustiga g’am ko’rdim, boyvachcha aka
(Oybek); 7.displeasure, insult, irony: Samoviy muzalar biz uchun yotdir
(Yashin), Bu g’arib onangizdan tez-tez xabar olmaysiz (Oybek), Ey
Akramjon, nafasing muncha saraton ( Yashin).
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