Call on Francophone African Governments, Private Sector, Media, Civil Society, and International Organisations to: 1) Integrate and promote gender perspectives in the development of public policy through the integration of gender equality targets and key performance indicators into
strategies, policies, plans and budgets, with a specific focus on ensuring policy dialogue
at the grassroots level between public policy decision-makers, media and civil society,
particularly women and youth. This must entail synergies between all ministries and
government agencies, for effective gender mainstreaming.
2) Address the barriers women face in both access, use, and production of local content on the internet that impede gender equality online, and promote:
unlimited and unfettered access to affordable internet;
women’s safety and digital rights online, as well as the use of ICTs to ensure
women are involved in the fight against online harassment, trolling, and
bullying, violation of privacy, radicalisation and violent extremism;
digital equality, literacy and skills, and confidence, through the promotion of
multi-stakeholder and public-private partnerships to promote digital citizenship,
creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship;
availability of relevant and localised content, applications, and services
developed by and for women and girls;
mobilisation of and dialogue with communities working already on gender data-
driven initiatives, and work to minimise duplication of efforts while maximising
the scalability of interventions.
3) Support concrete multi-stakeholder cooperation, with a focus on the Francophone Africa region, through the development of tools and policies to support
local, national and international efforts; effective sharing of best practices and
methodologies to address the digital gender gap, as well as the development of
sustainable and scalable initiatives, working with grassroots and international
organisations of women and girls, public policy decision-makers, the private sector, and
innovators and entrepreneurs, to ensure the expansion and scaling of successful
initiatives and best practices. Consider the implementation of periodic convenings to
foster knowledge exchange and accountability of governments.