texnologiyalardan foydalanish soha-sidagi dolzarb muammolarni o‘z ichiga oladi.
Unda texnika oliy o‘quv - yurtlarida o‘qitiladigan fanlarning o‘ziga xos xususiyatlari,
ularni o‘qitish-da yuzaga keladigan murakkabliklar, talabalarda kimyoviy-texnologik
fikrlashni rivojlantirish masalalariga alohida e’tibor qaratilgan. Taklif
o‘qitish metodlari va vositalari talabalar o‘zlashtirish bosqichlariga mos ravishdagi
ketma-ketlikda yoritib berilgan. Har bir metodning tatbiqiga oid maxsus fanlarga
tegishli aniq misollar keltirilgan.
Kalit so‘zlar:
Texnologiya haqida tushuncha, metodologiya, o‘qitish
tamoyillari, mehnat tarbiyasi.
This method includes the general basics of technology and its
teaching methodology, an integrated approach in lessons, use of foreign educational
systems during training, as well as manual labor, working with paper and cardboard,
natural materials plasticine, working with gauze. practical-methodical
knowledge about technologies has been expressed. This article is about innovative
pedagogical technologies in teaching food technology
includes current problems
in the field of use. Special attention is paid to the special features of the subjects
taught in technical higher education institutions, the complications that arise in their
teaching, and the development of chemical-technological thinking in students. The
proposed teaching methods and tools are explained in a sequence corresponding to
the stages of student learning. Specific examples of the application of each method
are presented in specific disciplines
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