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Ilmiy-amaliy konferensiya to‘plami

gives 80% of the results. I will explain it now in simple language. When learning vocabulary, 
you should learn only the most frequently used words in the language. According to statistics, 
the 200 most used words in English account for half of all English correspondence. That is 
why when memorizing a dictionary, it is enough to memorize the most used words in the 
language. Then, it is enough to learn by adding words in the field you need. Here you can 
download a list of the most frequently used words in the foreign language you are learning. 
So, it is enough to determine the priority to learn the vocabulary and learn exactly what you 
need. Even then, try to write five sentences with each of the words from the list without 
memorizing the word in the vernacular. Every time you make a sentence with them, the 
words will technically start to be memorized and your vocabulary will grow. So, when 
speaking a foreign language, only about 1,000 frequently used words are used in 90 percent of 
cases, and the rest is enough for everyone to learn according to their field. For example, if a 
medical worker learns these 1000 words and about 1000 words related to the medical field, 
he can communicate freely in English in his field without any difficulties. 
Every language has its own pronunciation. According to linguists, there 
are more than 150 sounds in total, and each language uses an average of 30 sounds. As a 
result, there is a huge difference in the pronunciation of the languages. For example, French 
nasal sounds are completely absent in our language. Unlike Uzbek and French, there is no "o" 
sound in Russian. Usually, after learning to read a language, the easiest way to improve your 
pronunciation is to listen to the foreign language as much as possible. It is necessary to watch 
movies, listen to songs and various radio texts in this language. If you search in the Yandex 
system, you will find hundreds, if not thousands, of audio courses in English alone. Listening 
to them on your player or phone will make your understanding of the language easier and 
your pronunciation will continue to improve. When listening to a song in a foreign language, it 
can be used for another purpose. Find the lyrics of your favorite song in a foreign language 
and translate it into your language using a dictionary. As a result, you will not only fully 
understand the meaning of the song, but at the same time you will enrich your vocabulary
these words will be imprinted in your memory with your favorite song for a lifetime. Apart 
from these three things, one of the most important things in learning a language is immersion 
in the language environment. If you try to use as much foreign language material as possible, 
your language level will gradually improve. For example, from the programs of your simple 
phone to the operating system of your computer, put everything in a foreign language.

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