Recycling Technologies, Colouring and Finishing Methods | Le
Expansion and improvement of polyester recycling operations, owing to its large share in
global fibre production and consumption in textiles.
Short to Long-term
Continued support in the development
of fibre-to-fibre cotton, cellulosic, and polycotton
recycling technologies
Short to Medium-term
Development of separation and recycling of
fibres blends, or processes that can incorporate
blends i.e. nylon/elastane, cotton/elastane etc.
Medium to Long-term
Evaluation of how hazardous chemicals can be eliminated in textile processing operations,
and where emerging methods or materials can be scaled up and implemented (enzymes, bio-
based precursors etc.).
Medium to Long-term
Traceability of chemicals used in textile processing, understanding of impacts during usage
exposure, washing/drying), and characterization in how they may interfere with
recycling processes. The monitoring of environmental impacts
and efficiencies of new
recycling technologies adopted is also necessary.
Long term
Textile Recycling Technologies, Colouring and Finishing Methods | Le
products made from fabrics, designed to be worn (i.e. clothing, shoes, accessories).
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