W hom does it train at the U niversity?
W hat does the students do during sum m er holidays?
E xercise 1
T ranslate these sentences into U zbek
1. I study at the T ashkent Pedagogical U niversity nam ed after N izam i.
2. D uring my study at school I interested in m athem atics and inform atics.
3. In the m orning 1 go to the U niversity at 9 o ’clock.
4. Every day w e have 3 or 4 pairs at lessons.
5. A fter the second pair w e have a big interval for dinner.
6. D uring the lesson w e read, w rite, listen and answ er to the teacher’s question.
7. The students have all good facilities for their studies.
8. E very faculty has its ow n residential hall.
9. O ur U niversity trains the teachers o f various subjects and educators.
10. D uring sum m er holidays students go to the m ountains, to the other tow ns o f
U zbekistan to have a rest.
11. M y future profession is a teacher at secondary school.
12. T he stu d en t’s life is very interesting in our country.
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