Project Report of Electricity Billing System
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Security Testing of the Project
Testing is vital for the success of any software. no system design is ever perfect. Testing is also
carried in two phases. first phase is during the software engineering that is during the module
creation. second phase is after the completion of software. this is system testing which verifies
that the whole set of programs hanged together.
White Box Testing:
In this technique, the close examination of the logical parts through the software are tested by
cases that exercise species sets of conditions or loops. all logical parts of the software checked
once. errors that can be corrected using this technique are typographical errors, logical
expressions which should be executed once may be getting executed more than once and error
resulting by using wrong controls and loops. When the box testing tests all the independent part
within a module a logical decisions on their true and the false side are exercised , all loops and
bounds within their operational bounds were exercised and internal data structure to ensure
their validity were exercised once.
Black Box Testing:
This method enables the software engineer to device sets of input techniques that fully exercise
all functional requirements for a program. black box testing tests the input, the output and the
external data. it checks whether the input data is correct and whether we are getting the desired
Alpha Testing:
Acceptance testing is also sometimes called alpha testing. Be spoke systems are developed for
a single customer. The alpha testing proceeds until the system developer and the customer
agree that the provided system is an acceptable implementation of the system requirements.
Beta Testing:
On the other hand, when a system isto be marked as a software product, another process
called beta testing is often conducted. During beta testing, a system is delivered among a
number of potential users who agree to use it. The customers then report problems to the