Head First html and css

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Head First HTML and CSS ( PDFDrive )

you are here 
the language 
of the
Meet the style element
To add style, you add a new (say it with us) E-L-E-M-E-N-T 
to your page—the 


Starbuzz Coffee Beverages

House Blend, $1.49

A smooth, mild blend of coffees from Mexico, Bolivia and

Mocha Caffe Latte, $2.35

Espresso, steamed milk and chocolate syrup.

Cappuccino, $1.89

A mixture of espresso, steamed milk and milk foam.

Chai Tea, $1.85

A spicy drink made with black tea, spices, milk and honey.

Starbuzz Coffee Beverages

House Blend, $1.49

A smooth, mild blend of coffees from Mexico, Bolivia and

Mocha Caffe Latte, $2.35

Espresso, steamed milk and chocolate syrup.

Cappuccino, $1.89

A mixture of espresso, steamed milk and milk foam.

Chai Tea, $1.85

A spicy drink made with black tea, spices, milk and honey.

element. So 
when you set the font to sans-serif, you’re 
saying that the default font within the body of 
your page should be sans-serif. 
We’ll go into a lot more detail about how 
CSS works shortly, so keep reading. Soon, 
you’ll see that you can be a lot more specific 
about how you apply these rules, and by 
doing so, you can create some pretty cool 

you are here 
the language 
of the
Write the HTML for the “mission.html” page below, and then 
add the new CSS.
Update your “mission.html” file to include the new CSS. 
Once you’ve done that, reload “mission.html” in your browser. 
Make sure your mission page looks like ours at the end of the 
Now that you’ve put a little style in the Starbuzz “index.html” page, go ahead and 
update your “mission.html” page to have the same style.

Greetings, CSS; I’m glad you’re here because I’ve 
been wanting to clear up some confusion about us.
Really? What kind of confusion?
Lots of people think that my tags tell the browsers 
how to display the content. It’s just not true! I’m all 
about structure, not presentation.
Well, you can see how some people might get 
confused; after all, it’s possible to use HTML 
without CSS and still get a decent-looking page.
“Decent” might be overstating it a bit, don’t you 
think? I mean, the way most browsers display 
straight HTML looks kinda crappy. People need 
to learn how powerful CSS is and how easily I can 
give their web pages great style.

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