Science and Education in Karakalpakstan. 2023 №2/1 ISSN 2181-9203 316
abandoned, and sleepless. Those who have caused harm to the world have fueled their unbridled
desires, and their uncontrollable rage has caused chaos to the innocent. Therefore, the poetry sings,
“The world is upside down, and there is no reason in humans.”
The creation of nuclear weapons and the military’s material and technological base are the
ideas behind the lyrical outbreak in the opening lines. If it’s about modernity, strength is dependent
on nuclear weapons, which can obliterate nations.
Some countries have created their sovereignty without oppressing others. The fields have
stars-full of open skies in the righteous lands.
Under one blue dome, everyone is given the same rights. Life is a divine gift given to
humans by the creator who nourishes it. The endless forest, the open sky, and the expansive world
are the valuable treasures that have led to humans’ survival. Poetry perceives the harsh reality and
the cruel actions taken to prevent it. This poetry is about deep philosophy, truthful insight, and it
urges us to embrace the brotherhood of mankind and friends, regardless of their ethnicity and
cultural orientations.
References: 1.
Yusupov I. «Seven periods», N.: 1962. – p. 21.
Yusupov I.
Everyone has his time. N.: Karakalpakstan, 2004. – p. 113.
Aleuov O. My opinion. Nokis: Karakalpakstan, 2018. – p. 134.
Aleuov O. My feelings. – Nokis: Karakalpakstan, 2019. – p.146.
Aleuov O. Mazlumkhansuluw. – Nokis: Bilim, 2017. – p. 130.
Mambetniyazov T. The lyrics of karakalpak. N.: «Karakalpakstan», 1980. – p. 339.
Sorokin V.I. The theory of literature. N: «Uchpedgiz», 1990. – p. 232.
Rezyume: Ushbu maqolada lirik publitsistika, uning turlari va mavzulari muhokama qilinadi. Lirik publitsistika she’riyat va publitsistikani o‘zida mujassam etgan, real hayotni tarannum etuvchi janrdir. Lirik publitsistikani ijtimoiy-siyosiy, ekologik, tinchlik, do‘stlik va boshqa turlarga bo‘lish mumkin. Ayniqsa, ijtimoiy-siyosiy lirik publitsistika tobora ommalashib bormoqda. Bunda har bir muallifning o'z uslubi kurinadi. Bu maqolada U.Alewovning lirik publitsistikasi ilmiy talqin va tahlil qilinadi. Резюме: В данной статье рассматривается лирическая публицистика, ее виды и тематика. Лирическая публицистика — жанр, сочетающий в себе поэзию и публицистику и воспевающий реальную жизнь. Лирическую журналистику можно разделить на общественно-политическую, экологическую, мирную, дружескую и другие виды. Особенно все большую популярность приобретает общественно-политическая лирическая публицистика. У каждого автора свой стиль. В данной статье представлен научный анализ на основе лирического произведения У.Алеуова.