8-m odule. C O M PE T IT IV E ST R A T E G IE S ........................................................................147 8.1. The concept and essence o f competition..............................................................147 8.2. Types and forms o f competition.......................................................................... 153 8.3. Competitive advantage and competitiveness...................................................... 162 8.4. Competitive advantage strategy............................................................................. 166 9-m odule. C O M M O D IT Y PO L IC Y .................................................................................... 174 9.1. The essence o f the concepts o f goods and services........................................ 174 9.2. Consumer characteristics o f goods and services, requirements for their adaptation to the needs o f the population............................................................ 180 9.3. Branding and service.................................................................................................183 9.4. Goods and services competitiveness assessment m ethods........................... 195 9.5. Life cycle o f goods and services and their main stages...................................201 10-m odule. P R IC E P O L IC Y ...................................................................................................... 210 10.1. The concept and essence o f the price................................................................... 210 10.2. Types o f prices in marketing and features o f their u se.................................... 214 10.3. The essence, goals and objectives o f pricing policy in marketing................219 10.4. Developm ent and implementation o f pricing p olicy........................................223