Independent researcher of Tashkent State Law University
Abstract: the article analyzes the legal relations related to the franchise contract in Uzbekistan
based on national legislation and the opinions of scientists who have researched this contract,
and shows modern trends in this regard. The role of the franchising contract in the development
of the market economy is highlighted, and based on these analyses, the views on the complex
business license (franchising) are stated. Based on the analysis of the complex business license
(franchising) issues in Uzbekistan, conclusions and recommendations were put forward.
Keywords: complex business license (franchising), contract, licensor, licensee, civil-legal
relationship, civil-legal agreement, market, business, right to property.
The Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which entered into force on January 1, 1997, is
the first legal norm for franchising contracts in Uzbekistan. Chapter 50 of the Civil Code of the
Republic of Uzbekistan (Articles 862-874) is devoted to the legal regulation of the complex
business license agreement. In this chapter, the concepts related to the comprehensive business
license agreement, i.e., the procedure for drawing up and formalizing it, the restrictive conditions
of the agreement, the rights and obligations of the parties, the licensor's responsibility for the
requirements imposed on the licensee, and the grounds for invalidity of the agreement are
In the system of legal norms related to the complex business license (franchising) contract in the
Republic of Uzbekistan, the "Administrative regulation on the provision of public service on the
state registration of complex business license (franchising) contracts" approved by the decision
of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 346 of June 24, 2022, has become
important. This Regulation regulates the procedure for state registration of the contract in detail.
Also, the procedure for state registration of the contract, which is abstractly expressed in Article
863 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, is specified. In particular, Article 863 of the
Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan stipulates that "a complex business license agreement
must be drawn up in writing and it must be registered by the body that registers a legal entity or
individual entrepreneur acting as a licensor in accordance with the agreement." the issue of
registration in the state body is not clearly defined. In contrast to the Civil Code of the Republic
of Uzbekistan, paragraph 4 of the Regulation states that "if the licensor is registered in a foreign
country as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, the state registration of the franchise
agreement (significant changes, additions, and cancellations) shall make the legal entity or
individual entrepreneur acting as a licensee under the agreement to be carried out by the state
registration body of the Republic of Uzbekistan"