MERICAN Journal of Public Diplomacy and International Studies www. That is, this norm will further increase the possibility of fair and effective protection of the rights
and freedoms of citizens in case of their violation.
Citizens exercise their rights and freedoms in their daily lives by resorting to the norms
established by the Constitution. For example, according to the provision included in Article 31 of
the Constitution, everyone has the right to privacy, to personal and family secrets and to
protection of one's honor and dignity. When this right is violated, a citizen may have his right
restored as provided by the Constitution.
Thirdly, it can contribute to strengthening the legal culture in society. Because citizens are eager
to learn more about their constitutional rights and freedoms and try to protect them.
The direct application of constitutional norms is a basic characteristic of the rule of law. This
means that constitutional norms have a direct impact on the entire country and are binding on all.
This contributes to the creation of a unified legal space throughout the country and ensures the
protection of civil rights and freedoms.
It should be noted that the system of direct action of the constitution should be aimed at
protecting the direct application of the norms of fundamental law.
We consider it advisable to take the following measures to ensure the direct operation of the
The development and enactment of laws that ensure the spirit of the Constitution in practice.
Creation of mechanisms to protect the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens,
including government and non-governmental organizations that assist citizens in protecting
their rights.
Improving an independent and competent judicial system that allows citizens to go to court
to protect their constitutional rights.
Ensuring the efficiency of justice, including the elimination of bureaucratic barriers and
improving the quality of judicial decisions.
Introducing a system of informing citizens about their rights and freedoms guaranteed by the
Constitution to better protect their rights and legitimate interests.
Creating conditions to ensure free access to information and freedom of speech, allowing
citizens to more effectively exercise their constitutional rights and freedoms.
Creation of a system of public control over the observance of constitutional norms and
guarantees by public authorities and their officials, prevention of abuse of this power, and
protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens.
In general, ensuring the direct operation of the Constitution requires a wide range of measures to
protect and enforce constitutional norms, as well as the development of mechanisms to protect
the rights and freedoms of citizens.
As a result of this rule, when we want to exercise any privilege or right in our daily lives,
excuses from government officials that may “the procedure has not yet been developed” or “we
have not been given instructions or orders from above” do not apply to the standards set forth in
the Constitution.
That is, through this provision inserted into the Constitution, the direct effect of constitutional
norms is achieved, regardless of whether the procedure for their application is contained in
separate legislative acts or not.
In conclusion, every citizen relies on the Constitution in his or her daily life to exercise and
protect his or her rights. By enshrining the direct action of the constitution as a constitutional