Since ALH has multiple properties that address many
common, underlying causes of non-healing wounds,
it was chosen for use on several wound types to
evaluate its therapeutic effects.
incluSiOn criteria
The dressing was used on two patients with chronic
non-healing wounds of varying etiologies, including rheumatoid
ulceration and a stage IV sacral pressure ulcer. Patients also
had multiple co-morbidities. The presence of one or more
wounds was causing great pain and discomfort for each
treatMent PrOtOcOl
Patients were selected to receive ALH dressings for their
reported wound healing and debriding effects. ALH
dressings were applied, covered with an absorbent cover
dressing, and changed daily, every other day, or more
frequently if needed for strike–through.
Evidence Supporting the Use of MEDIHONEY
Use of ALH on difficult to heal wounds of various etiologies
Nancy Chaiken, ANP-C, CWOCN, Swedish Covenant Hospital, Chicago, IL
Poster presentation 2010, Orlando, FL
In each case significant wound improvement was noted as
demonstrated by decreased slough and increased healing.
ALH dressings were easy to use, economical, effective,
and well tolerated by each patient, subsequently improving
life quality.
Choosing appropriate dressings and treatment modalities for
individuals with chronic, non-healing wounds is challenging
due to many underlying, causative factors. The use of
dressings with ALH simplified the decision process. Patients
in this study, with multiple co-morbidities and various wound
types, saw a reduction in slough, and an increase in healing.
As a result, ALH has become this clinician’s product of
choice when there is a need to address the changing wound
environment and multiple underlying causes of non-healing
wounds. Further studies are indicated.