Table 2. Functional model of information and communication business. From this model, it can be seen that the information and communication business is
characterized by three main factors: environment, market and functions. The combination of these
factors will help to pursue a single financial and economic policy for the formation of interactive
services.[M.T.Yusupov 2022y]
It is becoming a strategic enterprise in terms of software products, databases and expert
services in terms of electricity, memory and power supply. Our analysis shows that the following
key issues cannot be addressed at the national level without the widespread use of the goods of the
information and communication business:
1. State security. Xozirgi kunda intellektual dasturiy tizimlar bizga ma'lum va ma'lum
bo’lmagan turli qurollardan ko’ra davlatni ximoya qilishning eng takomillashgan vositalaridan
hisoblanadi va uning xavfsizligini ta'minlaydi;
2. Development of economic reforms. Bringing the relations of a market economy to a very
efficient and improved level is necessary without the widespread use of modern computer
3. Joining the world economic community. One of the main challenges of economic growth
is to accelerate investment and expand investment in industry, as attracting foreign capital is a
strategic issue for the development of the national economy;
To date, there is no general scientific approach to the classification of information products
and services. Scientists have made a valuable contribution to solving this problem. However, the
classification systems they propose do not fully take into account the development trends of
information and communication technologies and the role of interactive services. The following
classification system of information products and services is based on the analysis of the activities
of leading interactive services and research.[U.B.Abdusamatovich 2022y]
Access to information resources is one of the key indicators for the formation of the country's
information and communication business.