Bottom-up Design This method may be useful for programs that make
use of independent program modules (that is, user-
defined procedures and functions). The bottom-up
approach involves the detailed development of these
program modules early in the overall planning
process. The overall program development is then
based upon the known characteristics of these
individual modules (Owolabi, et al, 2005). The
bottom-up design is the opposite of top-down design.
It involves writing a modular program from specific
to general. That is, modules are built up from the least
level upward until the general solution is obtained.
This is not a very acceptable methodology in modular
programming. However, it is a useful design method
when the task at hand involves just the modification
and updating of an already existing program to obtain
the needed result.
Object Oriented Programming In some time past, language design was often based
on the size of the programs, which were generally
small, however, when programs became very large,
the focus changed. In small programs, the most
common statement is generally the assignment
statement. However, in large programs (over 10,000
lines), the most common statement is typically the
procedure-call to a subprogram. Ensuring parameters
are correctly passed to the correct subprogram
becomes a major issue. The concept of object-
oriented analysis (OOA) is to define all classes (and
the relationships and behaviour associated with them)
that are relevant to the problem to be solved (Biddle,
et al, 1994), (Booch, 1986), (Pressman, 2005), and
(Istatkova, 2001). A number of small programs can
be handled using hierarchical structures. However, in
large programs, the organization is more of network
Although, structuring a program into a hierarchy
might help to clarify some types of software, even for
some special types of large programs, a small change,
such as requesting a user-chosen ripple-effect with
changing multiple subprograms to propagate the new
data into the program’s hierarchy. The object-
oriented approach is allegedly more flexible, by
separating a program into a network of subsystems,
with each controlling their own data, algorithms, or
devices across the entire program, but only accessible
by first specifying named access to the subsystem
object-class, not just by accidentally coding a similar
global variable name. Rather than relying on a
structured-programming hierarchy chart, object-
oriented programming needs a call-reference index to
trace which subsystems or classes are accessed from
other locations (Hubbard, 2000).
The state of an object in an object-oriented language
is primarily internal, or local to the object itself. That
is, the state of an object is represented by local
variables declared as part of the object and
inaccessible to components outside the object.
Secondly, each object includes a set of functions and
procedures through which the local state can be
accessed and changed. These are called methods, but
they are similar to ordinary procedures and functions,
except that they can automatically access the object’s
data (unlike the “outside world”) and therefore can be
viewed as containing an implicit parameter
representing the object itself. Calling a method of an
object is sometimes called sending the object
Objects can be declared by creating a pattern for the
local state and methods. This pattern is called a class,
and it is essentially just like a data type. Indeed, in
many object-oriented languages, a class is a type and
is incorporated into the type system of the language
in more or less standard ways. Objects are then
declared to be of a particular class exactly as
variables are declared to be of a particular type in a
language like C or Pascal. An object is said to be an
instance of a class.
The central concept of object-oriented programming
is the object, which is a kind of module containing
data and subroutine. An object is a kind of self-
sufficient entity that has an internal state (the data it
contains) and that can respond to message (calls to its
subroutines). A student-records object, for example,
has a state consisting of the details of all registered
students. If a message is sent to it telling it to add the
details of a new student, it will respond by modifying
its state to reflect the change. If a message is sent
telling it to print itself, it will respond by printing out
a list of details of all registered students.
The object-oriented programming approach to
software engineering is to begin by identifying the
objects involved in a problem and identifying the
messages that those objects should respond to. The
solution that results is a collection of objects, each
with its own data and its own set of responsibilities.
The objects interact by sending messages to each
other ([Louden, 1993).