Article: Health Economics
Estimating the current and future costs of Type 1 and
Type 2 diabetes in the UK, including direct health costs
and indirect societal and productivity costs
N. Hex, C. Bartlett, D. Wright, M. Taylor and D. Varley
York Health Economics Consortium Ltd, University of York, York, UK
Accepted 25 April 2012
To estimate the current and future economic burdens of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes in the UK.
A top-down approach was used to estimate costs for 2010 ⁄ 2011 from aggregated data sets and literature.
Prevalence and population data were used to project costs for 2035 ⁄ 2036. Direct health costs were estimated from data on
diagnosis, lifestyle interventions, ongoing treatment and management, and complications. Indirect costs were estimated from
data on mortality, sickness, presenteeism (potential loss of productivity among people who remain in work) and informal
Diabetes cost approximately £23.7bn in the UK in 2010 ⁄ 2011: £9.8bn in direct costs (£1bn for Type 1 diabetes
and £8.8bn for Type 2 diabetes) and £13.9bn in indirect costs (£0.9bn and £13bn). In real terms, the 2035 ⁄ 2036 cost is
estimated at £39.8bn: £16.9bn in direct costs (£1.8bn for Type 1 diabetes and £15.1bn for Type 2 diabetes) and £22.9bn in
indirect costs (£2.4bn and £20.5bn). Sensitivity analysis applied to the direct costs produced a range of costs: between £7.9bn
and £11.7bn in 2010 ⁄ 2011 and between £13.8bn and £20bn in 2035 ⁄ 2036. Diabetes currently accounts for approximately
10% of the total health resource expenditure and is projected to account for around 17% in 2035 ⁄ 2036.
Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are prominent diseases in the UK and are a significant economic burden. Data
differentiating between the costs of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are sparse. Complications related to the diseases account for
a substantial proportion of the direct health costs. As prevalence increases, the cost of treating complications will grow if
current care regimes are maintained.
Diabet. Med. 29, 855–862 (2012)
diabetes, economics, epidemiology, prevalence, treatment
Diabetes mellitus is amongst the most common chronic
illnesses in the UK. Its prevalence is increasing and it has sig-
nificant economic importance. As well as the direct costs of
treating the illness and its associated complications, diabetes
also has a number of indirect social and productivity costs,
including those related to increased mortality and morbidity
and the need for informal care. Diabetes UK reports that one in
10 people admitted to hospital have diabetes and approxi-
mately 15% of deaths per year are caused by diabetes.
There are two primary forms of diabetes, which are more
often than not implicitly grouped together, but the causes and
costs of which are different. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune
disease that affects 10–15% of those with diabetes [1]. It is
caused by an absence of insulin produced in the body, with
onset mostly before the age of 30 years, the exact cause being
unknown. Type 2 diabetes affects 85–90% of those with
diabetes and is caused by the body not effectively using the
insulin it produces because its cells are resistant to the action of
the insulin [1]. It is often caused by obesity, age and genetic risk
factors, with onset usually after the age of 40 years. These two
main subtypes of diabetes mellitus are rarely distinguished in
the media and even in some academic studies.
A number of studies have put the broad cost burden of
diabetes mellitus to the National Health Service (NHS) at
Correspondence to: Nick Hex, Project Director, York Health Economics
Consortium Ltd, Market Square, University of York, York YO10 5NH, UK.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1464-5491.2012.03698.x
ª 2012 The Authors.
Diabetic Medicine
ª 2012 Diabetes UK
between 5 and 10%, but with no breakdown between Types 1
and 2 [2,3].
The primary method of mapping the economic impact of a
disease is burden-of-illness analysis. The aims of this paper are:
(1) to quantify the current direct costs to the NHS and indirect
costs to society of diabetes mellitus in the UK; (2) to project the
future direct and indirect costs of diabetes to the UK; (3) to
provide a distinction between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes in
each of these analyses in order that they can be considered
The study adopted a top-down approach, estimating the cost
burdens for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes from aggregated data
sets, utilizing secondary research sources. These were identified
through targeted literature searches in MEDLINE, reports from
diabetes organizations and UK national statistics.
A comprehensive map of the factors contributing to the
direct costs of diabetes was established, including: prevalence,
incidence and mortality of those with diabetes; undiagnosed
and newly diagnosed people with diabetes; lifestyle interven-
tions; ongoing treatment and management; and secondary and
tertiary care consultations for complications. The financial year
2010 ⁄ 2011 was taken as the baseline for estimating these costs.
Prevalence data
Prevalence data were sourced from the Association of Public
Health Observatories (APHO) Diabetes Prevalence Model,
identifying the prevalence of diabetes in various age groups
aged 16 years and over [4). Prevalence data for children up to
16 years were sourced from a 2009 UK study [5]. Prevalence
data were applied to Office for National Statistics (ONS)
population data for 2010 to estimate the UK population with
diabetes. Prevalence of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes was esti-
mated on the basis of a split of 15 and 85%, respectively, of the
overall population, or a split of 10 and 90%, respectively, for
the adult population [6]. The Association of Public Health
Observatories has projected diabetes prevalence up to the year
2030. These data were used, along with projected and
extrapolated Office for National Statistics population data, to
give a projected UK diabetes population estimate for the year
2035 [4]. Data relating to England only were adjusted to the
UK level using an appropriate population ratio [7]. Approxi-
mately 150 000 people are diagnosed annually with Type 1 or
Type 2 diabetes in the UK [8]. Approximately 850 000 people
are estimated to have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes but are
undiagnosed; no direct costs were applied to this population
Estimation of treatment costs
Cost data were obtained from either literature or national data
sources such as NHS Reference Costs. Where appropriate,
historic costs were projected forward to 2010 (base year) using
the Hospital and Community Health Services index of inflation
[9]. Costs for 2035 ⁄ 2036 were estimated based on the growth
in prevalence of diabetes, with the effects of cost inflation over
the intervening period being disregarded.
Diabetes treatment costs have been calculated on the basis of
Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data and prevalence data for
Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. The following treatment and
intervention costs were estimated: (1) diagnosis testing; (2)
primary care consultations; (3) prescribing (drugs, consumables
and monitoring devices); (4) non-diabetic prescription drugs
prescribed to people with diabetes with a medical exemption
certificate; (5) insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitor-
ing equipment; (6) structured education courses (diabetes edu-
cation, smoking cessation). This is not an exhaustive list and
there are other interventions for which costs were not obtained,
such as foot care clinics, and the costs of monitoring tests in
primary care. Therefore, treatment costs may be understated.
The economic burden associated with diabetes diagnosis was
calculated by identifying the costs of screening, testing and
primary care. The costs of testing items and the time of clini-
cians were obtained from the British National Formulary
(BNF) and from health and social services unit costs respec-
tively [10.11]. Screening for retinopathy was extracted from the
national screening programme [12].
The excess primary care consultation rate for people with
diabetes was estimated by subtracting the additional factor for
diabetes patients from the national consultation rate [13,14].
This was applied to the costs of general practitioner and clinic
consultations, which were apportioned based on NHS Infor-
mation Centre data on trends in consultation rates [11,13].
Influenza immunization activity was sourced from Quality and
Outcomes Framework data and the cost of the vaccine from
British National Formulary data [10,11,15].
Prescription costs data for 2010 ⁄ 2011 were obtained for
England from the NHS Information Centre and extrapolated
for the UK. Each of the four elements of these data (short-acting
insulins; intermediate and long-acting insulins; anti-diabetic
drugs; diagnostic and monitoring devices, including consum-
ables) was apportioned between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes
based on findings from targeted literature searches [16–19]. The
NHS Information Centre was used to source the average cost
and total number of non-diabetic prescription items claimed by
people with diabetes holding a medical exemption certificate
[20]. It was assumed that non-diabetic prescription items were
only claimed by people with diabetes using their exemption
certificate amongst the working age population, as everyone
above and below that age group qualifies for free prescriptions.
The cost of insulin pumps was calculated as an average of the
range and the lifetime of the pump plus the annual cost of
consumables [21,22]. The audit of insulin pumps by the
National Diabetes Information Service gave estimates of the
percentage of people with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes who use
an insulin pump and this was applied to the respective popu-
lations, along with associated education costs [23].
Estimating current and future costs of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes in the UK
• N. Hex et al.
ª 2012 The Authors.
Diabetic Medicine
ª 2012 Diabetes UK
The costs of treatment for gestational diabetes were calcu-
lated by estimating the prevalence of gestational diabetes in
pregnant women at between 2 and 5% [24], the costs for which
were estimated by the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Net-
work (SIGN) [25–27].
The costs of education courses were estimated by extracting
the number of attendees each year and the cost per course
sourced from Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating (DAFNE)
(course for Type 1 diabetes) and X-PERT (course for Type 2
diabetes) [28–30]. Smoking cessation activity and cost data
were sourced from NHS Stop Smoking services, with the
prevalence of smokers on the course with diabetes assumed to
mirror that of the general population prevalence. Studies have
shown that smoking enhances risk for micro- and macrovas-
cular disease associated with diabetes [31].
Estimation of the costs of diabetes complications
Activity data for the incidence of diabetes-related ischaemic
heart disease, myocardial infarction, heart failure and stroke
were sourced using 2010 ⁄ 2011 Hospital Episode Statistics,
data where diabetes was coded as a primary diagnosis [32].
These data were also used to estimate the number of people
receiving ongoing treatment for diabetes-related complications
that had developed in previous years. Cost data from National
Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guideline
CG66, based on the UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS),
were used to estimate the cost burden of these complications
[23]. Hospital Episode Statistics data were also used to estimate
other diabetes-related episodes of cardiovascular disease, which
were costed based on the findings of a burden-of-illness study
[33]. The costs of renal replacement therapy as a result of renal
failure attributable to diabetes were estimated using incidence
and prevalence data from the UK Renal Registry and NICE
cost data [34]. Other diabetes-related renal costs for microal-
buminuria, overt nephropathy and kidney transplantation were
estimated based on a burden-of-illness study [35].
Hospital Episode Statistics data were used to identify the
incidence of ketoacidosis, hyperglycaemia, hypoglycaemia and
retinopathy during 2010 ⁄ 2011 and NHS Reference Costs were
applied to provide costs estimates for these complications [36].
The split of severe hypoglycaemia between patients with
Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, and the incidence of moderate
hypoglycaemia in patients with Type 1 diabetes, were identified
from an observational study [29]. The cost of moderate hyp-
oglycaemia and its incidence in people with Type 2 diabetes
was extracted from a different study [37]. The cost of emer-
gency services for hypoglycaemia was included based on an
observational study [38].
Neuropathy costs were sourced from a study that also split
the cost between patients with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes
[39]. Foot care costs included the cost of ulcerations and
amputations [23,40]. Incidence and prevalence data were
sourced from studies and Diabetes UK [1,41–43]. The annual
cost of and the number of men affected by erectile dysfunction
was extracted from a study and a percentage of this cost
attributed to men with diabetes [44,45]. The cost of dyslip-
idaemia was estimated by using the number of people in the
UK who take statins and the average cost of annual treatment
and applying diabetes prevalence data [46]. General diabetes
prevalence data were applied to the known direct costs of
depression in the population with diabetes [47]. For all com-
plications, the incidence among the general population has
been discounted from the diabetes cost estimate. The costs of
complications resulting in fatalities have been taken into ac-
According to NHS Diabetes, patients with diabetes admitted
for routine surgery stay on average 2.6 days longer than those
without diabetes [48]. To demonstrate the potential additional
cost of excess inpatient bed days, estimates of the proportion of
‘other medical’ and ‘non-medical’ admissions were calculated,
based on the NHS Diabetes Inpatient Audit [49]. These esti-
mates were costed using the estimate of 2.6 additional days
multiplied by the average NHS bed day price [50]. Outpatient
costs were calculated based on Hospital Episode Statistics data
and NHS Reference Costs.
Non-health service costs (indirect)
The economic costs of diabetes include both social and
productivity costs. There is little literature on the non-health
related costs of diabetes, but targeted literature searching
identified some data that have been used to provide estimates.
Mortality data for diabetes were obtained from the National
Diabetes Audit and these were used to provide an estimate of
the numbers of people who die prematurely from diabetes-
related illnesses and the potential years of life lost [51]. This
was used, along with an estimate of the average salary, to
estimate the productivity cost of mortality from diabetes [52].
An Australian study concluded that approximately 38% of
people with diabetes over the age of 45 years are not in
employment and this was factored into the overall productivity
loss cost [53]. Other productivity losses were estimated for
sickness absence and presenteeism. Data on diabetes-related
sickness absence were obtained from a National Audit Office
report and these were extrapolated for the rest of the UK to
provide an estimate of the productivity loss [54]. Presenteeism
relates to the potential loss of productivity among people who
remain in work and this is a more subjective calculation.
Estimates were calculated for the burden of diabetes-related
presenteeism, based on a US study, although it is acknowledged
that this is an underdeveloped area of research and these esti-
mates may not be reliable [55]. The estimates were based on the
loss of productive time to ill health caused by diabetes among
the working population, the loss being a burden to the indi-
vidual or the employer. In respect of social costs, the economic
burden of additional care for people with diabetes was esti-
mated based on a US study, which identified the additional
number of hours per week older people with diabetes receive
Original article
ª 2012 The Authors.
Diabetic Medicine
ª 2012 Diabetes UK
Sensitivity analysis
Most of the cost estimates in this study were derived by taking
estimates of incidence and prevalence and aggregating them
using unit costs. In some cases, costs have been extracted from
other studies. The two key variables for sensitivity analysis are
incidence ⁄ prevalence and cost. A full sensitivity simulation was
not carried out, but the variables were adjusted to reflect the
underlying uncertainty that exists in the data. For diagnosis and
treatment, sensitivity analysis of Æ 20% was applied to inci-
dence and prevalence. This is on the basis that there is variation
in estimates of diabetes prevalence and incidence and approx-
imately 20% of people with diabetes may be undiagnosed.
Based on the premise that incidence and prevalence may vary
Æ 20%, sensitivity analysis of Æ 10% was applied to the
incidence of complications. This is because an increase in
incidence and prevalence of the disease would not necessarily
equate to a similar increase in complications, which tend to
occur in people who have had diabetes for a number of years.
The costs variable was adjusted by Æ 20% to examine how
sensitive the estimates are to fluctuations in cost.
The prevalence of diabetes in the UK is estimated at approxi-
mately 400 000 people with Type 1 diabetes and 3 400 000
people with Type 2 diabetes [58]. Using Office for National
Statistics projections, and assuming that there is no change in
the way in which diabetes is treated, it is estimated that prev-
alence will rise to approximately 650 000 people with Type 1
diabetes and over 5 600 000 people with Type 2 diabetes by
2035 ⁄ 2036. Diabetes UK estimates that there are 150 000
people diagnosed with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes annually.
The cost estimate for screening and testing shown in Table 2 is
based on the estimate of the numbers annually diagnosed.
The total cost of direct patient care for diabetes in
2010 ⁄ 2011 is estimated at £9.8bn. The indirect costs associated
with diabetes are estimated at £13.9bn (Table 3). The direct
costs of diabetes have been categorized as treatment ⁄ interven-
tion and complications or adverse events. The cost of diagno-
sis ⁄ screening, treatment and interventions was over £2bn. The
cost of complications experienced by those with Type 1 or
Type 2 diabetes was estimated at £7.7bn. Peer-reviewed liter-
ature suggests that a significant proportion of these complica-
tions are caused directly by diabetes, although some may be
caused by co-morbidities such as obesity.
The cost burden of diabetes in 2010 ⁄ 2011 was approxi-
mately 10% of total NHS resource expenditure [59]. If no
changes are made to the way diabetes is treated by 2035 ⁄ 2036,
this will rise to c. 17% of NHS expenditure. By the same
rationale, the indirect costs of diabetes are likely to increase to
over £22bn by 2035 ⁄ 2036.
Approximately 37 000 working years were lost from deaths
from Type 1 diabetes and approximately 288 000 from deaths
from Type 2 diabetes in 2010 ⁄ 2011. The cost of mortality was
estimated at c. £0.6bn for Type 1 diabetes and £4.2bn for
Type 2 diabetes.
An estimated 830 000 sickness days were taken for Type 1
diabetes and more than 7 million sickness days for Type 2
diabetes. The cost of sickness was over £94mn for Type 1
diabetes and over £850mn for Type 2 diabetes. The cost of
presenteeism was over £91mn for Type 1 diabetes and £2.9bn
for Type 2 diabetes.
An estimated 1 160 000 people with diabetes (over the age
of 70 years) required informal care in the UK in 2010 ⁄ 2011
and over 336 million hours were used to care for them. The
estimated cost of this was over £153mn for people with Type 1
diabetes and nearly £5bn for people with Type 2 diabetes. The
cost of informal care is skewed towards Type 2 diabetes more
so than other indirect costs because of the increasing prevalence
of Type 2 diabetes with age.
Sensitivity analysis
The results of the sensitivity analysis (Tables 4 and 5) show
that the cost estimates in this research are sensitive to changes
in variables such as incidence and prevalence, and cost. The
analysis shows a potential range for the overall cost of diabetes
in 2010 ⁄ 2011 to be between £7.9bn and £11.7bn. For
2035 ⁄ 2036 the range was between £13.8bn and £20bn.
A US study has ascribed a cost burden to those people with
undiagnosed diabetes. This study has not attempted to cost
undiagnosed diabetes but, if the same rationale was applied to
the UK, the cost would be approximately £1.5bn. This dem-
onstrates the underlying uncertainty of providing an estimate of
the costs of diabetes [60].
The analysis of the treatment and complications costs for
diabetes demonstrates that the estimate that the cost of
diabetes accounts for approximately one tenth of NHS
expenditure is accurate. This analysis also demonstrates that
less than a quarter of that cost relates to the treatment and
ongoing management of diabetes, with the rest being
accounted for by the costs of treating the complications of
diabetes. These are effectively ‘adverse events’ and are a sig-
nificant area of expenditure for the NHS. The Scottish
Diabetes Survey has shown that c. 38% of patients with
Table 1
Estimated UK prevalence of diabetes 2010 ⁄ 2011 and
2035 ⁄ 2036
2010 ⁄ 2011
2035 ⁄ 2036
Type 1 diabetes: adult
369 818
603 572
Type 1 diabetes: child
29 000
48 630
Type 1 diabetes: total
398 818
652 201
Type 2 diabetes: adult
3 419 142
5 636 924
Type 2 diabetes: child
Type 2 diabetes: total
3 419 727
5 637 724
Estimating current and future costs of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes in the UK
• N. Hex et al.
ª 2012 The Authors.
Diabetic Medicine
ª 2012 Diabetes UK
Type 1 diabetes and nearly 14% of patients with Type 2
diabetes in Scotland have poor glycaemic control. This sug-
gests scope for improvement in the current approach to the
treatment and management of diabetes and the potential for
cost savings to be achieved.
This analysis has also apportioned the costs of diabetes
between Types 1 and 2. One of the main problems in trying to
identify the costs of diabetes is the variable nature of the data
on the numbers of people with diabetes. There are various
sources for estimates, but there is wide variation in those esti-
mates. None of the sources provide an accurate indication of
the numbers of people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, with
the exception of the Scottish Diabetes Survey [57].
Table 2
Estimated UK costs of diabetes 2010 ⁄ 2011 and 2035 ⁄ 2036
Screening and testing
2010 ⁄ 2011
2035 ⁄ 2036
Type 1
diabetes (£)
Type 2
diabetes (£)
Total (£)
Type 1
diabetes (£)
Type 2
diabetes (£)
Total (£)
1 442 501
8 174 172
9 616 673
2 420 086
13 713 821
16 133 907
Retinopathy screening
267 390
2 414 554
2 681 943
376 168
3 396 833
3 773 001
1 709 891
10 588 726
12 298 616
2 796 254
17 110 654
19 906 908
Treatment and management
Type 1
diabetes (£)
Type 2
diabetes (£)
Total (£)
Type 1
diabetes (£)
Type 2
diabetes (£)
Total (£)
Primary care
98 081 332
950 713 826
1 048 795 159
174 078 027
1 517 045 735
1 691 123 762
155 481 614
701 792 008
857 273 623
310 933 710
1 126 628 120
1 437 561 830
Insulin pump
19 940 905
143 452
20 084 357
32 956 690
237 086
33 193 776
Continuous glucose monitoring
570 063
570 063
955 938
955 938
Influenza immunization
5 738 559
49 206 159
54 944 718
9 213 678
82 923 101
92 136 779
Medical exemption
5 334 853
48 013 679
53 348 532
14 567 430
131 106 873
145 674 303
Education programmes
4 034 119
766 333
4 800 453
6 764 813
1 285 064
8 049 877
Smoking cessation
644 265
5 524 345
6 168 610
1 080 367
9 263 773
10 344 139
289 825 710
1 756 159 802
2 045 985 515
550 550 655
2 868 489 752
3 419 040 406
Type 1
diabetes (£)
Type 2
diabetes (£)
Total (£)
Type 1
diabetes (£)
Type 2
diabetes (£)
Total (£)
Hypoglycaemia (moderate)
19 186 916
22 614 644
41 801 561
31 710 560
37 986 266
69 696 826
Hypoglycaemia (severe)
13 942 854
16 433 734
30 376 589
19 155 289
21 462 166
40 617 455
2 746 194
24 715 746
27 461 940
7 591 501
68 323 506
75 915 007
43 004 556
266 628 248
309 632 804
72 114 221
447 108 170
519 222 391
Erectile dysfunction
1 850 053
11 470 329
13 320 382
3 097 539
19 204 739
22 302 278
15 957 160
15 957 160
26 758 556
26 758 556
5 644 425
50 799 826
56 444 251
9 465 134
85 186 209
94 651 343
Ischaemic heart disease
50 965 633
458 690 699
509 656 332
85 028 410
765 255 689
850 284 099
Myocardial infarction
29 272 208
573 797 013
603 069 221
48 619 363
953 042 070
1 001 661 433
Heart failure
30 815 781
277 342 025
308 157 806
51 544 764
463 902 877
515 447 641
13 932 978
273 998 966
287 931 944
23 255 554
457 332 080
480 587 634
Kidney failure
135 061 944
379 004 594
514 066 538
226 416 514
635 359 572
861 776 086
Other renal costs
51 557 273
374 838 822
426 396 095
86 525 184
628 760 182
715 285 366
5 774 184
51 967 658
57 741 842
9 682 727
87 144 546
96 827 274
Foot ulcers and amputations
111 594 920
874 005 362
985 600 282
216 268 111
1 888 596 612
2 104 864 723
3 320 927
29 888 347
33 209 275
4 841 398
43 572 579
48 413 977
Gestational diabetes
4 293 009
4 293 009
6 039 473
6 039 473
Other cardiovascular disease
165 485 511
1 489 369 602
1 654 855 114
284 845 714
2 563 611 422
2 848 457 136
Diabetic medicine outpatients
1 634 073
14 706 658
16 340 731
2 740 177
24 661 589
27 401 766
Excess inpatient days
17 357 369
1 805 472 271
1 822 829 640
29 106 626
3 027 597 751
3 056 704 377
719 104 959
7 000 037 553
7 719 142 516
1 238 767 342
12 224 147 498
13 462 914 840
Overall 2010/2011
Direct costs
Type 1 direct
Type 2 direct
Indirect costs
Type 1 indirect
Type 2 indirect
Breakdown of direct and indirect costs of diabetes in the UK
for 2010 ⁄ 2011.
Original article
ª 2012 The Authors.
Diabetic Medicine
ª 2012 Diabetes UK
The indirect costs of diabetes are considerably higher than
the direct costs and many relate to a cost to the individual with
diabetes or their carers. Cost estimates for productivity and
social costs are often opportunity costs, such as time lost that
could be spent on other activities. Any improvements in the
way that diabetes is treated that lead to better glycaemic con-
trol and fewer complications could have a significant impact on
these costs, but this remains to be assessed.
The categorization of diabetes costs into treatment ⁄ inter-
vention and complications provides a baseline model, which
can be used to examine how changes to the way diabetes is
treated might affect the overall cost burden for diabetes. If
treatment or intervention costs are considered to be ‘inputs’ and
complications are considered to be ‘outcomes’, it is possible to
examine different treatment scenarios and how the cost of
complications may change as a result. The costs estimated
provide a measure of the cost burden associated with the
current treatment model for diabetes and the associated cost of
complications. Further research will be carried out to examine
what the cost impact would be if NICE guidelines were fully
adopted across the UK, including the extent of cost savings that
could potentially accrue from reduced or delayed complica-
tions. This will allow the model to show how investment in
effective treatment could potentially reduce the overall cost
burden of diabetes.
Competing interests
This research was funded by Sanofi. CB is a member of the
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) and Diabetes
1 Diabetes UK. Diabetes in the UK 2011 ⁄ 12: Key Statistics on
Diabetes. London: Diabetes UK, 2011. Available at http://www.
pdf Last accessed 28 February 2012.
2 Yorkshire and Humber Public Health Observatory. Diabetes Key
Facts. York: Yorkshire and Humber Public Health Observatory,
2006. Available at
RID=8872 Last accessed 28 February 2012.
3 Department of Health. Turning the Corner: Improving Diabetes
Care. London: Department of Health, 2006. Available at http://
tionsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_4136141 Last accessed 28 February
4 Yorkshire and Humber Public Health Observatory. APHO
Diabetes Prevalence Model: Key Findings for England. York:
Yorkshire and Humber Public Health Observatory, 2010. Available
at Last
accessed 28 February 2012.
5 Haines L, Kramer Z. Growing up with Diabetes: Children and
Young People with Diabetes in England 2009. London: Royal
College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 2009.
6 Department of Health. National Service Framework for Diabetes.
London: Department of Health, 2001.
7 UK National Statistics. Statistical Bulletin Annual Mid-Year
Population Estimates, 2010. Newport: UK National Statistics,
8 Diabetes UK. Website. 2012. Available at http://www.diabe- Last accessed 28 February 2012.
Table 3
Indirect UK costs of diabetes 2010 ⁄ 2011 and 2035 ⁄ 2036
2010 ⁄ 2011 (£)
2035 ⁄ 2036 (£)
Mortality—Type 1
560 343 917
737 832 017
Mortality—Type 2
4 203 544 262
5 611 608 152
absence—Type 1
94 557 277
141 242 443
absence—Type 2
851 015 494
1 271 181 991
Presenteeism—Type 1
91 045 606
374 734 092
Presenteeism—Type 2
2 943 807 935
3 372 606 827
Informal care—Type 1
153 291 454
1 134 246 562
Informal care—Type 2
4 956 423 686
10 208 219 059
Total—Type 1
899 238 255
2 388 055 114
Total—Type 2
12 954 791 376
20 463 616 029
Grand total
13 854 029 631
22 851 671 143
Table 4
Sensitivity analysis for Type 1 diabetes costs
lower value
upper value
2010 ⁄ 2011
2035 ⁄ 2036
Table 5
Sensitivity analysis for Type 2 diabetes costs
lower value
upper value
2010 ⁄ 11
2035 ⁄ 36
Overall 2035/2036
Direct costs
Type 1 direct
Type 2 direct
Indirect costs
Type 1 indirect
Type 2 indirect
Breakdown of direct and indirect costs of diabetes in the UK
for 2035 ⁄ 2036.
Estimating current and future costs of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes in the UK
• N. Hex et al.
ª 2012 The Authors.
Diabetic Medicine
ª 2012 Diabetes UK
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Estimating current and future costs of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes in the UK
• N. Hex et al.
ª 2012 The Authors.
Diabetic Medicine
ª 2012 Diabetes UK
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